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Wikimania 2008/Bids/Atlanta/Meeting 9/5/07

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[19:36] <Mike_H> ==The meeting is now started. It is logged.==
[19:37] <Mike_H> Okay, I usually start out the meetings, but I want someone else to get it rolling tonight.
[19:37] <Mike_H> Who wants to go first?
[19:38] <Mike_H> Craig, what about you?
[19:38] * NotASpy has joined #wikimania-atlanta
[19:38] <CraigSpurrier> trying to find my notes :)
[19:38] * Alkivar has joined #wikimania-atlanta
[19:38] <Mike_H> okay
[19:38] <Mike_H> we will wait
[19:38] <Mike_H> in the meantime
[19:38] <Mike_H> I'll bring up some progress we got
[19:38] <Mike_H> as far as sponsors go.
[19:39] <Mike_H> Chunghwa Telecom, the biggest donor to the Taipei bid, emailed me back and let me know they were still interested in sponsoring another Wikimania, and forwarded my request to their stateside companies/sponsors.
[19:40] <Mike_H> The City of Atlanta contacted me after I sent out an e-mail today, but I didn't get back to him in time. I will probably hear from him tomorrow.
[19:40] <Mike_H> I also sent sponsorship letters to Coca-Cola and Virgin Unite USA. The latter I can expect a response from tomorrow.
[19:41] <Mike_H> I also contacted the marketing people at Turner.
[19:41] <Mike_H> Those were the big inroads I made today with sponsors.
[19:41] <CraigSpurrier> great work :)
[19:42] <CraigSpurrier> two others that were big in 2006 that you may want to contact were Amazon.com and Nokia
[19:42] <Mike_H> I can send those e-mails out tonight or tomorrow morning. I now use a form letter with one personalized paragraph relating to the business.
[19:43] <NotASpy> where would most overseas visitors be coming from ?
[19:43] <CraigSpurrier> if you see sj, he can probably give you the names of the people who they worked with
[19:43] <Mike_H> NotASpy: I'm sorry, I don't understand
[19:43] <Majorly> Europe?
[19:43] <Mike_H> CraigSpurrier: He is working out a way to make it accessible to everyone who is bidding
[19:44] <NotASpy> Britain, France etc, or further afield ?
[19:44] <Mike_H> The vast majority of people will be coming from the 27 countries which do not need visas to get to the US.
[19:44] <Mike_H> Which is basically 
[19:44] <Mike_H> Western Europe
[19:44] <Mike_H> Australia and New Zealand
[19:44] <Mike_H> and Japan.
[19:44] * Greeves has joined #wikimania-atlanta
[19:44] <CraigSpurrier> mostly if 06 was anything to judge by mostly western Europe
[19:45] <CraigSpurrier> though still lots of people from other places
[19:45] <Mike_H> A minority of the entire pie will be coming from other countries.
[19:45] <Majorly> yeah of course
[19:46] <NotASpy> I'm just wondering if we should be looking at trying to get discounted flights from one Western Europe airport, be it London, Paris or Frankfurt and everybody can then get a budget flight into the airport.
[19:46] <Mike_H> NotASpy: I'm inclined to say that's really the responsibility of the people traveling, but maybe Virgin will throw that idea out to me
[19:46] <Mike_H> cheaper flights to Atlanta from London
[19:47] <CraigSpurrier> any one of those works, flights with in Europe are fairly cheap
[19:47] <Mike_H> let me check the air fare chart and I'll tell you the cheapest places
[19:48] <Mike_H> Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London, Paris, Madrid, Prague, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna, Warsaw
[19:48] <Mike_H> just glancing
[19:48] <Mike_H> those are the cities that offer roundtrip flights for less than $1000.
[19:48] <NotASpy> for a lot of French and Belgians, Eurostar into London then the tube out to Heathrow is probably a viable option for something around ツ」70/$140 return. If that's going to save a few quid on the flights, it's possibly a option for people to consider.
[19:48] <Mike_H> and Berlin.
[19:49] <NotASpy> again, the reverse for people in Britain to get to Paris or Brussels is equally possible.
[19:49] <Niayre> It's likely best to have people handle their own airfare arrangements completely. I think MikeH is right on that
[19:49] <Mike_H> I'd be more than willing to help individual people look for cheap flights on my own time
[19:49] <Mike_H> however
[19:50] <Mike_H> It really isn't the bid team's responsibility to make sure the traveler has explored all his flight options.
[19:50] <NotASpy> I'm with Mike, yeah, help for people to find the cheapest way from where they are at into Atlanta.
[19:50] <Mike_H> It gets to the point of, where do you draw the line? I am not going to pick out people's clothes.
[19:51] <CraigSpurrier> at the bid stage everything we find costs too much for someone :) if we get the bid then we can start playing travel agent
[19:51] <Mike_H> This bid has left me crazy busy, though, so it may take time. I helped Heligoland find a good flight price.
[19:51] * Looking up NotASpy user info...
[19:51] <Mike_H> oh
[19:51] <Mike_H> NotASpy is Heligoland
[19:51] <NotASpy> hehehe
[19:51] <Mike_H> You've already been helped :P
[19:52] <CraigSpurrier> finally found my notes :)
[19:52] <Mike_H> okay, shoot
[19:52] <Ceiling_Cat> <CtrlAltDestroy> Here is my impression of Wikipedia.
[19:52] <Ceiling_Cat> <CtrlAltDestroy> "There are five fingers on the human hand [citation needed]"
[19:52] <Ceiling_Cat> doh
[19:52] <Ceiling_Cat> wrong channel
[19:52] <Mike_H> let's hear it for logging
[19:52] * Mike_H golfclaps
[19:53] <NotASpy> Ceiling_Cat: you've only got five fingers. Are you deformed or something ?
[19:53] <CraigSpurrier> do we want to try to provide a bit more information about the people working on the bids, qualifications, experience etc
[19:53] <CraigSpurrier> at least for the seven bid team members if not for everyone
[19:53] <Alkivar> Raul: here's my impression of Wikipedia: "The sky is blue [citation needed]"
[19:53] <Alkivar> and yes that WAS IN AN ARTICLE for 3 MONTHS
[19:53] <Mike_H> I think that's a good idea. Someone draft up a page
[19:53] <Mike_H> [[Wikimania 2008/Bids/Atlanta/Bid team]]
[19:53] <Mike_H> so we know qualifications and experience
[19:53] <Mike_H> like a mini-resume
[19:54] <CraigSpurrier> <nods> exactly
[19:54] <Mike_H> as far as really holding a big event
[19:54] <Mike_H> Jessica and Andrea have the only experience
[19:54] <Mike_H> unless I'm missing someone
[19:54] <Mike_H> I have leadership experience but not coordinating a large-scale event.
[19:54] <Alkivar> mike you forgot the m: in that [[ ]] link
[19:54] <Alkivar> heh
[19:54] <Mike_H> :P
[19:55] <Mike_H> and if at all possible, pictures of the bid members
[19:55] <Mike_H> this may be harder to do
[19:55] <Mike_H> in the end, if we're picked, we're all going to have to meet to do an official picture anyway
[19:55] <Mike_H> so consider it practice :)
[19:55] <CraigSpurrier> basically just something so we can show the jury that we actually do have people who can really run this
[19:56] <CraigSpurrier> I will use one of the photos of me from the last Wikimania they are not great, but they are already on commons :)
[19:56] <Mike_H> My picture is not on commons
[19:56] <Mike_H> Craig, do you mind moving it there?
[19:57] <Mike_H> The one on my user page
[19:57] <CraigSpurrier> sure, np
[19:58] <CraigSpurrier> next thing on my list, do we have a place to set up computers for people to use in a community space?
[19:58] <Majorly> Mike_H: it isn't hard to move stuff to Commons.
[19:58] <Mike_H> Majorly: I just don't want to do it on my own
[19:58] <Mike_H> better? :)
[19:59] <Majorly> lol
[20:01] <Niayre> where are we listing events we've done and putting pictures up?
[20:01] <Mike_H> We wanted to create a new page
[20:01] <Mike_H> [[Wikimania 2008/Bids/Atlanta/Bid team]]
[20:01] <Mike_H> Let me link it to the article now
[20:01] <Mike_H> and it can be started.
[20:01] <CraigSpurrier> Mike_H: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Mike_Halterman_Photo.JPG
[20:02] <Mike_H> I am so pretty
[20:04] <Mike_H> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2008/Bids/Atlanta/Bid_team
[20:04] <Mike_H> okay, go nuts
[20:04] * andicat_ has joined #wikimania-atlanta
[20:05] <Mike_H> Hi Andrea. We are creating a new page describing our strengths and qualifications to the jury.
[20:05] <Mike_H> Write a bit about yourself while you're here.
[20:05] <Mike_H> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2008/Bids/Atlanta/Bid_team
[20:05] <andicat_> hihi!
[20:05] <Mike_H> haha, I had to correct a number on the page
[20:06] <Mike_H> The bid team for Wikimania 2008 in Atlanta consists of seven people, four men and three women. Five of the seven members live in Metro Atlanta and two do not, however they can travel as needed for preparations.
[20:06] <Mike_H> Here is a bit of background on the strengths and qualifications each team member brings to the bid.
[20:06] <andicat_> hehe
[20:06] <andicat_> which of the three weren't people before?
[20:06] <Mike_H> Andrea, we're pushing for a little mini-resume, experience in big events, leadership, stuff
[20:06] <Mike_H> hahaha
[20:06] <andicat_> errr. which three weren't that is
[20:07] <Mike_H> the women :P
[20:07] <andicat_> :P
[20:07] <Mike_H> So yeah, take the time to write that little bit about yourself, your educational background, your job, your experience with Wikimania, as well as your other leadership and event experience
[20:07] <Mike_H> also...
[20:07] <Mike_H> we want to upload a picture of each of us
[20:08] <Mike_H> because in the end we will be photographed together, so people will know what we look like
[20:08] <Majorly> O_O
[20:08] <Mike_H> so upload your best picture to commons
[20:08] <Mike_H> and put it there too.
[20:08] * schiste has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)�)
[20:11] <Mike_H> Should I start one out as an example?
[20:11] <Majorly> yes
[20:12] <Majorly> just do one for yourself
[20:12] <Mike_H> Okay.
[20:14] * LaMenta3 has joined #wikimania-atlanta
[20:15] <Niayre> an example would be great
[20:15] <Mike_H> I'm writing mine up now
[20:16] <LaMenta3> i fell asleep. what's up?
[20:18] <Mike_H> Someone explain it to Hillary please
[20:19] <CraigSpurrier> We are creating short bios of the bid team at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2008/Bids/Atlanta/Bid_team
[20:19] <Mike_H> I'm still writing mine.
[20:19] <CraigSpurrier> this lets us show the jury quickly that we have people who can make Wikimania happen working on it :)
[20:21] <LaMenta3> Wow, Mike. You make me look like a slacker ;)
[20:22] <LaMenta3> I'll get on it at some point...I'm a little bogged down at the moment.
[20:24] <Mike_H> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2008/Bids/Atlanta/Bid_team#Mike_Halterman
[20:24] <Mike_H> done
[20:25] <LaMenta3> I've gotta go do the work thing in a little bit, then tomorrow I'll undoubtably get chewed out by someone for something I either forgot or slept through.
[20:26] <Mike_H> hm
[20:26] <Mike_H> Do you think you can write it tonight?
[20:27] <LaMenta3> it's been that kind of week.
[20:27] <LaMenta3> I can try, but I can't promise anything. If anything I should be able to get it done tomorrow
[20:27] <Mike_H> okay
[20:28] <Mike_H> So that's an example.
[20:28] <Mike_H> Can everyone do that?
[20:30] <CraigSpurrier> sure
[20:30] <CraigSpurrier> the intro sentence is hard :)
[20:30] <Niayre> I can put the information up. It will likely take a few days to find a photo. I hide from most cameras
[20:30] <Mike_H> What intro sentence?
[20:30] <Mike_H> Heh.
[20:30] <Mike_H> That's fine. Just start on what you can now.
[20:30] <CraigSpurrier> to the bio :)
[20:30] <Mike_H> You don't have to model yours after mine exactly
[20:30] <Mike_H> however
[20:31] <Mike_H> that was what I had in my mind.
[20:31] <CraigSpurrier> you set much to nice of an example :P
[20:32] <Mike_H> I know it sounds haughty to do it in third-person, but it is more professional that way
[20:34] * giggety has left #wikimania-atlanta
[20:35] <LaMenta3> heh. giggity.
[20:36] <Mike_H> Okay, who is all working on what to write so I know to pause or move on
[20:36] <CraigSpurrier> me, though I can multi task :)
[20:36] <Mike_H> Okay
[20:37] <Mike_H> Craig, sponsors. What is your status?
[20:37] <Mike_H> Jessica, please give the go-ahead to John Nussear that he can reserve the Student Center for us for the dates of July 30-August 2.
[20:38] <Mike_H> He said he would be able to do that if asked, so I would tell him that we should put that down, if we haven't already (which I thought we did).
[20:38] <CraigSpurrier> e-mailed them waiting to hear back
[20:38] <Mike_H> Okay, update the sponsorship list and say you contacted them
[20:38] <Mike_H> or have you already?
[20:38] * Ceiling_Cat is now known as Xrayvision_Jesus
[20:38] <CraigSpurrier> not yet
[20:39] <Mike_H> and there are other sponsors that need to be claimed for contacts. Not many, like six or so
[20:39] <Mike_H> but they need to be contacted tomorrow because it will be ineffective to try to contact them on Friday.
[20:40] <Mike_H> Delta, Lockheed Martin, Newell Rubbermaid, Suntrust, The Weather Channel, Web.com, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, and all the Atlanta sports teams
[20:40] <Mike_H> in addition to Nokia
[20:40] <Mike_H> all need to be contacted.
[20:41] <Mike_H> Who wants to volunteer for what? It can be done via e-mail and if you like I can share my form letter that I'm using with you. 
[20:42] <Niayre> sorry to hop back to the student center, but i have some questions on that
[20:42] <Mike_H> okay
[20:42] <Niayre> i need to know exactly which rooms yall want
[20:42] <Mike_H> Let me look at the list
[20:42] <Mike_H> Craig, for this year, how many rooms were used?
[20:43] <Niayre> actually -- if yall will tell me how many rooms you want each day
[20:43] <Mike_H> let me look at this year's roster
[20:43] <Niayre> i will put together a proposal for yall that can be a starting point
[20:43] <CraigSpurrier> 6
[20:43] <Niayre> i can have it ready for discussion by tomorrow easily
[20:44] <Niayre> but right now yall only half of my attention because i'm in rehearsal
[20:44] <Mike_H> And how big were the rooms? They seated how many?
[20:44] <CraigSpurrier> though one of those was the lounge (having talks in it was awful)
[20:44] <Mike_H> oh, okay, they sat around 70-80
[20:44] <CraigSpurrier> One big room
[20:44] <Mike_H> the rooms at GT sit 60
[20:44] <Mike_H> so comparable.
[20:45] <CraigSpurrier> more like 50 70 or 80 would be quite a squeeze for some of them :)
[20:45] <Niayre> these rooms squeeze in 60
[20:45] <Mike_H> Jessica, looking at the list...
[20:46] <Mike_H> ask for the ballroom
[20:46] <Mike_H> and rooms #...
[20:46] <Mike_H> 301, 319, 320, 321 and 343.
[20:46] <Mike_H> Craig, should that be sufficient? Each room seats 60 except 343, which is 50.
[20:46] <CraigSpurrier> most days we need 5 rooms of ~50, one bigger one ~100 and a huge one for keynotes
[20:46] <Mike_H> Okay
[20:46] <Mike_H> so the ballroom, the theater
[20:47] <Mike_H> 301, 319, 320, 321 and 343.
[20:47] <CraigSpurrier> also we need a place for the press room
[20:47] <Niayre> and what student organization are we working with?
[20:47] <Mike_H> I thought you were going to work the affiliation out.
[20:47] <Mike_H> Craig, how many press people come?
[20:48] <CraigSpurrier> and a sponsors lounge (tiny) and ideally a place for volunteers to work
[20:48] * Alkivar has left #wikimania-atlanta
[20:48] <Niayre> no. I was suggesting we do it. I don't have any affliation with the computing people really - I've also graduated. A current student will likely have better luck than me.
[20:48] <Mike_H> Okay.
[20:49] <Mike_H> uberpenguin: hello?
[20:49] -> [uberpenguin] PING
[20:49] <Niayre> I can ask the International Affairs Student Organization if yall want
[20:49] <Niayre> this is an international event
[20:49] <Mike_H> That would be good.
[20:49] <Mike_H> Yes, that's great.
[20:49] <LaMenta3> The rooms with numbers and capacities on the list aren't the nicer of the rooms
[20:49] <LaMenta3> Let's try to get the rooms in the Commons FIRST.
[20:49] <Mike_H> Where is that? Is that separate or something?
[20:49] <CraigSpurrier> lots :) the press conference needs to have space for 80+, the press room can be very small it is mostly just a quite place for interviews and them to file their stories
[20:49] <LaMenta3> Then if we need more, go to the ones on the third floor
[20:50] <LaMenta3> It's the same physical building, but the rooms are the ones with the names instead of the numbers
[20:50] <Mike_H> Oh, okay.
[20:50] <LaMenta3> Jessica knows what I'm talking about
[20:50] <LaMenta3> The rooms in the commons are nicer.
[20:50] <CraigSpurrier> 2007 had a poor media showing while 2006 had way more
[20:51] <Mike_H> and the named rooms, they sit the same number of people per room?
[20:51] <Mike_H> 50-70?
[20:51] <LaMenta3> The rooms on the third floor are best suited for auxillary functions
[20:51] <LaMenta3> I think so
[20:51] <LaMenta3> they're about the same size
[20:51] <Mike_H> okay
[20:52] <Mike_H> Then let's take...
[20:52] <LaMenta3> I don't have published capacities for them, but I'm pretty sure they still hold 60-80 depending on the room
[20:52] <Mike_H> The ballroom for the ceremonies and keynotes
[20:52] <Mike_H> The theatre for the press conference and maybe other keynotes?
[20:52] <Mike_H> and the rooms...
[20:52] <LaMenta3> The boardroom on the third floor would be good for interview
[20:52] <LaMenta3> interviews and stuff
[20:52] <Mike_H> Okay, let's take that too
[20:52] <Mike_H> I don't see boardroom on this list
[20:53] <Mike_H> #359 	Student Center 3 	20 	Conference
[20:53] <LaMenta3> it's um...hang on. let me pull up the list
[20:53] <Mike_H> Is that it?
[20:53] <LaMenta3> that one
[20:53] <Mike_H> Okay.
[20:53] <Mike_H> So, let me start over
[20:53] <Mike_H> Ballroom
[20:53] <Mike_H> Theatre
[20:53] <LaMenta3> conference room...board room...whatever.
[20:53] <Mike_H> 359
[20:53] <Mike_H> Piedmont
[20:53] <Mike_H> Juniper
[20:53] <Mike_H> Crescent
[20:53] <Mike_H> Cypress
[20:53] <Mike_H> Spring
[20:53] <Mike_H> Pine.
[20:53] <Mike_H> Is that sufficient?
[20:54] <Niayre> let me look at it and get back to yall
[20:54] <LaMenta3> ok, well I gotta go do the work thing.
[20:54] <LaMenta3> ttfn
[20:56] <Mike_H> Craig, I like your description.
[20:56] <CraigSpurrier> good, I dont :)
[20:59] <Mike_H> Halterman is most active on the English Wikipedia, where he has edited since June 2004, and has been an administrator since September 2004. He is also registered on the Simple English Wikipedia, the French Wikipedia, the Japanese Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, English Wikinews, and Meta-Wikimedia.
[20:59] * Mike_H added that sentence after reading that you added Wiki qualifications
[21:02] <Mike_H> andicat_: hello?
[21:03] <andicat_> yes
[21:04] <andicat_> sorry, have been working
[21:04] <Mike_H> Oh, I wanted to see if at all possible...if you can write that up for the bid tonight.
[21:04] <andicat_> the bio thing? sure
[21:04] <Mike_H> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2008/Bids/Atlanta/Bid_team
[21:04] <Mike_H> Great. And make sure to upload a picture of yourself to Wikimedia Commons
[21:04] <Mike_H> and put it there.
[21:04] <andicat_> i think i might already have a photo on commons, i'll check
[21:04] <Mike_H> Okay.
[21:05] <Niayre> I can do the bid tonight. but it won't be done until midnightish
[21:05] <Mike_H> That's fine.
[21:09] <andicat_> i started... willl find photo, but gotta run for now
[21:09] <Mike_H> wait
[21:09] <Mike_H> you said it might be on commons?
[21:09] <Mike_H> I can look if you want
[21:10] <andicat_> well, it was on the 2006 mania "facebook" page
[21:10] <andicat_> so i don't know if it was uploaded to commons or just the site
[21:10] <Mike_H> oh, okay
[21:10] <Mike_H> let me look
[21:11] <andicat_> got it, it's not on commons
[21:11] <Mike_H> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:WM_2006_MIT_museum_Web1.0_pres_DSCN9123.JPG
[21:11] <Mike_H> oh, you have it?
[21:11] <Mike_H> I found one but it isn't horribly good ^^
[21:11] <andicat_> :)
[21:11] <andicat_> oh?
[21:12] <andicat_> i'm not in that picture you linked to :)
[21:12] <Mike_H> oh, that one girl in the black shirt isn't you?
[21:12] <andicat_> nope
[21:12] <Mike_H> All the more reason for pictures!
[21:12] <andicat_> teehee
[21:12] <Mike_H> but you said you found one?
[21:12] <andicat_> http://wikimania2006.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:AndreaForte.jpg
[21:13] <Mike_H> I can upload it if you want
[21:13] <Mike_H> release it into the GFDL now
[21:14] <Mike_H> Oh, yeah, that's a good picture, I like that
[21:14] * LaMenta3 has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)�)
[21:16] <uberpenguin> oof
[21:17] <Mike_H> okay, done
[21:17] <andicat_> ok, you are faster than i am :)
[21:19] <uberpenguin> sorry not showing up...  I was napping and overslept
[21:19] <Mike_H> that's fine
[21:20] <Mike_H> uberpenguin: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2008/Bids/Atlanta/Bid_team#Matt_Britt
[21:20] <Mike_H> Your turn!
[21:21] <uberpenguin> oof
[21:21] <uberpenguin> I'm only going to write a mini-bio if I can use this picture: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Bunny_suit.jpg
[21:22] <Mike_H> Oh, my Lord
[21:22] <Mike_H> fine
[21:22] <Mike_H> but you need to upload it to commons first
[21:22] <uberpenguin> of course
[21:23] <andicat_> tty'alll
[21:23] <uberpenguin> my bio will contain one sentence: "I wear the bunny suit"
[21:23] <Mike_H> bye :)
[21:23] * andicat_ has left #wikimania-atlanta
[21:23] <Mike_H> It will not.
[21:23] <Mike_H> You are going to fill it out right.
[21:23] <uberpenguin> haha, kidding :P
[21:24] <Mike_H> This meeting has petered out a bit, so if anyone has anything to discuss, we can do it later.
[21:24] <Mike_H> ==Logging over==