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Wikimania 2008/Bids/Atlanta/Meeting 9/17/07

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[21:15] <Mike_H> Okay.
[21:15] <Mike_H> I'm starting the logging now.
[21:15] <Mike_H> So tonight we got a lot of good news on press and scholarship fronts, and I also want to discuss our small business plan and my upcoming trip to Atlanta.
[21:16] * LaMenta3 has joined #wikimania-atlanta
[21:16] <Mike_H> ack, I mean sponsorship
[21:16] <Mike_H> not scholarship
[21:16] <CraigSpurrier> also wikimania-atlanta.org
[21:16] <Mike_H> yeah, that is something I want to discuss too
[21:16] <Mike_H> first off, good news and bad news with press
[21:16] <Mike_H> It looks like The Technique is ignoring me, despite my calling the office and Matthew Winkler's cell.
[21:17] <Mike_H> On the good side, it looks like we may have a printed story this week from the Daily Tar Heel.
[21:17] <Mike_H> Again, UNC is showing us they are more serious about this than Georgia Tech. I'm kind of disappointed, but it might give GT another incentive to work faster.
[21:18] <Mike_H> With sponsorships, I got positive leads with Virgin Unite USA and Turner today.
[21:19] <Mike_H> I have a contact with Selah Abrams, a production engineer at Turner, who has passed the proposal to the New Products Group head, who would be most interested, and I should hear back from him by Wednesday or Thursday.
[21:19] <CraigSpurrier> great!
[21:20] <Mike_H> Leah Hung from Virgin Unite USA contacted me and said the person who will be directly dealing with our proposal will contact me tomorrow.
[21:20] <LaMenta3> Unfortunately, with the Technique there is little recourse (my apologies, I've done all I can within propriety) but ICPA, et. al. are significantly more enthusiastic.
[21:21] <LaMenta3> to that end, I suggest contacting the GT Alumni Association and the AJC to see if they would be interested in providing some immediate coverage
[21:21] <Mike_H> Hillary, as far as I'm concerned, it's the Technique's loss, and I'm all for doing our own grassroots campaign to get people involved, without relying on the Technique. I can play back. Matthew Winkler ain't the end all of my life.
[21:21] <Disavian> Jessica and I are meeting with ICPA tomorrow
[21:22] <Mike_H> Another thing I think we should do
[21:22] <Mike_H> and I may do this tonight on my own
[21:22] <uberpenguin> what time tomorrow?
[21:22] <Mike_H> I want to contact information technology departments at Atlanta area universities and ask if they would like to participate
[21:22] <Mike_H> Emory
[21:22] <Mike_H> Georgia State
[21:22] <Mike_H> etc.
[21:22] <Disavian> 1pm tomrrow
[21:22] <Disavian> tomorrow*
[21:22] <LaMenta3> Having stuff show up in the AJC that really should be covered in the technique has been the ultimate slap in the face to the SP for years
[21:22] <LaMenta3> *SPB
[21:23] <Mike_H> Hillary, I agree. I think the AJC would be the best thing all around, because we'd draw in readers from all around metro Atlanta, not just at GT.
[21:23] <LaMenta3> If you haven't already, spam them with the press release ;)
[21:23] <CraigSpurrier> plus it looks really good for our bid
[21:24] <uberpenguin> hm... I'd offer to join, but I have to train a student and meet some people around that time tomorrow...
[21:24] <Mike_H> Before I do that it needs to be copy-edited and updated. Since I sent out the original release, one team has dropped, another might, and we got backing from pjnet.org and Leonard Witt from Kennesaw.
[21:24] <Disavian> well, I'll be sure to tell them that a lot of us are meeting at Junior's on Friday, maybe you can meet them then
[21:25] <Mike_H> Leonard Witt will meet us at Junior's.
[21:25] <Mike_H> I will invite Selah Abrams tonight.
[21:25] <uberpenguin> the meeting changed to juniors?
[21:25] <Mike_H> Didn't you get the e-mail?
[21:25] <uberpenguin> nyet
[21:25] <Mike_H> I sent it to everyone.
[21:25] * CraigSpurrier has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection�)
[21:25] <uberpenguin> whoops, yeah I did
[21:25] * CraigSpurrier has joined #wikimania-atlanta
[21:25] <uberpenguin> I just missed that part
[21:25] <Mike_H> For all involved
[21:26] <Mike_H> I send mass emails to the bid team at your WM Atlanta address
[21:26] <Mike_H> ex. mike.halterman@wikimania-atlanta.org
[21:26] <LaMenta3> Junior's is more convenient for those of us squeezing this meeting in between UI design and Infosec classes ;)
[21:26] <Mike_H> it forwards to one of your e-mail addresses
[21:26] <Mike_H> for Hillary and Jessica, I asked that it be forwarded to your GT addresses. Apologies in advance if that's not the one you normally check, but we needed e-mail addresses and fast.
[21:26] <uberpenguin> I see your CS and raise you quantum mechanics I and RF engineering :P
[21:26] <CraigSpurrier> if you dislike where it is going, let me know and I will change it
[21:27] <uberpenguin> I'm good
[21:27] <LaMenta3> my GT email is fine.
[21:27] <LaMenta3> I check it compulsively
[21:27] <Mike_H> Jessica checks hers, she should be fine
[21:27] <CraigSpurrier> we also have team@wikimania-atlanta.org that goes to all of us
[21:27] <Mike_H> but for businesses and orgs and press, give out the WM Atlanta address
[21:27] <Mike_H> yeah, or team
[21:28] <Mike_H> In my contacts I've given out mike.halterman, but I share what I get with all of you anyway
[21:28] <LaMenta3> oh, mike...when you get the press release updated I'll CE it for you
[21:28] <Mike_H> Okay.
[21:28] * LaMenta3 is a grammar nazi
[21:29] <uberpenguin> I can copyedit too, if you like
[21:29] <Mike_H> Craig, Leonard Witt requested that we replace the Kennesaw logo with pjnet.org
[21:29] <uberpenguin> I am making of good englishes
[21:29] <Mike_H> since that's his organization and at this point he hasn't really discussed it with Kennesaw
[21:29] <Mike_H> like I had thought.
[21:29] <LaMenta3> I beat people with their extraneous apostrophes
[21:30] <Mike_H> Tonight should be the night we put our bid on the website, and have different sections and such.
[21:30] <uberpenguin> LaMenta3: I translate chinese grad students' papers into halfway-intelligible engrish :3
[21:30] <Mike_H> In my discussion with Selah Abrams today, he overlooked the meta link completely and went for the website, and he was like "The website doesn't have a lot on it."
[21:30] <Mike_H> It can get confusing.
[21:30] <CraigSpurrier> <nods> it needs content
[21:31] <Mike_H> We should update that tonight so it can be public for Virgin Unite and Turner tomorrow.
[21:31] <CraigSpurrier> a lot of the meta stuff is not very good for it though
[21:31] <Mike_H> and the AJC if we're sending a release there tonight.
[21:31] <CraigSpurrier> the meta stuff is very WMF focused where we need a very public focused website
[21:32] <Mike_H> Well, this is the point where I say I have too much on my plate to be able to rewrite it for the public.
[21:32] <Mike_H> Someone else will have to do this for me.
[21:32] <Mike_H> I'm getting close to burnout mode, and I have nineteen things going on. Someone who is not as busy should step up tonight and volunteer, to put SOMETHING there tonight.
[21:33] <LaMenta3> For now, since we need to work on finalizing the bid page (all has to be done by SUNDAY)
[21:33] <LaMenta3> so let's essentially mirror that on the domain for now and get to making it more public friendly later
[21:33] <Mike_H> I'm inclined to agree.
[21:33] <Mike_H> We can leave a note explaining that this is what we presented to the WMF jury.
[21:33] <CraigSpurrier> Mike_H: could you send me a copy of the press release, I can probably borrow from it a bit
[21:33] <Mike_H> Not right now, I have not updated it.
[21:34] <Mike_H> When I do I will cc it to Andrew and Hillary and Matt and you.
[21:34] <CraigSpurrier> ok, when ever :)
[21:34] <Mike_H> But tonight the website is a big goal.
[21:34] <LaMenta3> I figure if we mirror the bid page and include the press release, that'll be hunky for now
[21:34] <Mike_H> Craig, someone else needs to be able to update the webpage. You were very hard to get ahold of this weekend.
[21:35] <CraigSpurrier> <nods> if someone else wants access let me know and I can e-mail you the password
[21:35] <Mike_H> Considering the realm of websites and published stuff, I think Andrew and Hillary would be best suited.
[21:35] <Mike_H> Matt and I can write but we can't really do a lot with web design. He can do very little and I do less than that.
[21:36] <LaMenta3> My design skills are basic, but the designs are also clean. I can muddle through html/css well enough.
[21:36] <LaMenta3> that written by others, I mean
[21:36] <Mike_H> LaMenta3: Yeah, this website doesn't need to be elaborate, but the white background needs to go. Something nicer, I don't know.
[21:37] <LaMenta3> I just ask that if anyone decides to get really fancy, please comment your code!
[21:37] <LaMenta3> A white background is fine once you've got reasonably laid-out content on it
[21:37] * DamianF has left #wikimania-atlanta ("Leaving"�)
[21:38] <Mike_H> Craig, how come the banner stopped working on the website?
[21:38] <uberpenguin> white backgrounds are not web2.0
[21:38] <Mike_H> never mind
[21:38] <Mike_H> it came back
[21:38] <CraigSpurrier> typo, reload the page
[21:38] <Mike_H> Okay, this week we need to finalize all of our plans for the Student Center.
[21:38] <LaMenta3> I don't want to go for any image/texture/color backgrounds with the exception of very light colors because of issues regarding contrast and display
[21:38] <Mike_H> Is that what you're doing tomorrow at 1?
[21:39] <uberpenguin> am I out of time on the wifi thing yet?
[21:39] <Disavian> I think ICPA wants to discuss it more from a PR perspective
[21:39] <Mike_H> No.
[21:39] <uberpenguin> k, good
[21:40] <Mike_H> Try to get a response by the end of the week
[21:40] <Mike_H> if you can't
[21:40] <Mike_H> the fact that you have the contact at all should be sufficient.
[21:40] <LaMenta3> I didn't know you and Jessica were meeting them at 1...you know I'm free then, right?
[21:40] <Disavian> LaMenta3: you can come too.
[21:40] <Mike_H> I can meet with anyone on campus on Friday.
[21:40] <Mike_H> I will not be in town on Thursday probably until 5.
[21:42] <uberpenguin> if I can't find Matt by wednesday I'll send him an email
[21:42] <Mike_H> This week, a priority is meeting with the Student Center and finalizing those dates.
[21:42] <Mike_H> I don't know who wants to take that. Someone needs to.
[21:43] <Mike_H> That's #1 priority as far as I'm concerned. Without finalized plans for the actual venue, we don't have anything.
[21:44] <Mike_H> Jessica contacted them before, tomorrow she needs to make an appointment to meet with them this week and book those days.
[21:44] <Mike_H> As far as hacking days, if we're going to have more than one, we need to have a course of action tonight.
[21:45] <Mike_H> Thoughts?
[21:46] <CraigSpurrier> unless we can get Brion to say ok to it, we need more then one day or it puts our bid at a disadvantage
[21:46] <Mike_H> Then we need another venue for those days 
[21:46] <Mike_H> and we need to contact them now.
[21:46] <Mike_H> I distinctly remember Jessica's contact at the Student Center asking if we need extra space
[21:46] <Mike_H> I say take them up on the offer
[21:47] <Mike_H> and ask for July 29.
[21:47] * kmccoy has joined #wikimania-atlanta
[21:48] <Mike_H> 2.    Will you be reserving your own meeting space in the Student Center,
[21:48] <Mike_H> Klaus and CFA?  If not, do you need me to try and reserve space and if so,
[21:48] <Mike_H> what sort of spaces will you be needing?
[21:49] <Mike_H> Okay, that's from John Nussear
[21:49] <Mike_H> at housing
[21:49] <Mike_H> I say kill two birds with one stone
[21:49] <Mike_H> and meet with him and reserve both.
[21:49] <Mike_H> Jessica and whoever goes with her should be prepared with the documents about housing (which he already read) and what we want for the Student Center, and maybe grab July 29 for Klaus.
[21:49] <uberpenguin> as an aside, if you really want to use a background image of some sort on the site, there are a few possibilities here: http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~gtg774w/wikimania/
[21:50] <uberpenguin> you could potentially wash out/desaturate one of 'em
[21:50] <Mike_H> Andrew, Hillary, please, thoughts?
[21:51] * Alkivar has joined #wikimania-atlanta
[21:52] <LaMenta3> I already thought we were planning on killing two birds with one stone through housing/conf. svcs
[21:52] <LaMenta3> so that's fine by me
[21:52] <Disavian> looking at uberpenguin's pics
[21:52] <Mike_H> Hillary, since things have to be finalized and cemented on Sunday, my point was we need to do this asap
[21:52] <LaMenta3> as for the background image, I'd advise against it as using bg imgs generally doesn't look professional
[21:52] <Mike_H> like tomorrow if at all possible, or Wednesday
[21:53] <Mike_H> If need be I can meet with them on Friday, but let's have Friday as a last resort and not as the original meeting time we should shoot for.
[21:53] <Disavian> yeah, I think white is fine
[21:53] <Disavian> although these are nice images
[21:54] <Mike_H> #
[21:54] <Mike_H> # Find separate Hacking Days venue, so it does not have to be confined to one day.
[21:54] <LaMenta3> Well, Jessica is the one who has been doing all of the contact for that, and she's not here, so the best I can do is pass along the message
[21:54] <Mike_H> I'm crossing that off our to do list.
[21:54] <Mike_H> Pass along to her
[21:54] <Mike_H> Klaus
[21:54] <Mike_H> for the 29th.
[21:54] <Mike_H> on the 30th we can hack from the Student Center.
[21:54] <Mike_H> Is Klaus an okay place for this? Thoughts.
[21:54] <LaMenta3> Andrew: write this down
[21:54] <LaMenta3> Klaus is a really good place for hacking
[21:54] <Disavian> I agree
[21:54] <Mike_H> or should we do Klaus on 29th and 30th
[21:55] <uberpenguin> what?!? background images are one of the triad of fundamental elements required for a winning web page
[21:55] <LaMenta3> advanced computing building...hacking...shiny new building...hacking...
[21:55] <Mike_H> Yes, ask for Klaus on 29th and 30th, and ask for the Student Center rooms we agreed on. I'd rather have too many early on than too few when we need them.
[21:55] <uberpenguin> background image, MIDI song, <blink> tag
[21:55] <Disavian> uberpenguin: you must be new to the internet...
[21:55] <uberpenguin> this is the triad. respect it.
[21:55] <Disavian> uberpenguin: :)
[21:55] <LaMenta3> uberpenguin: lurk more.
[21:55] <uberpenguin> au contraire, I am quite old to the internet
[21:55] <Mike_H> Andrew, so Klaus, on the 29th and 30th
[21:55] <Mike_H> in addition to the Student Center rooms we want
[21:55] <Mike_H> and the 500 rooms for housing
[21:55] <Disavian> Mike_H: okay.
[21:56] <Disavian> uberpenguin: I think I have a midi of the ramblin' wreck song we can use
[21:56] <Mike_H> As soon as we get the go-ahead for that, we can change the banner to say July 29-August 2
[21:56] <Mike_H> instead of July 30-August 3
[21:56] <LaMenta3> BAH!!! NO EFFING MIDIS!!!
[21:56] <LaMenta3> lol
[21:57] <Mike_H> That means for the first time, Wikimania will end on a Saturday and not a Sunday. This is something we can discuss tomorrow, but do think of things we can organize for foreign travelers on Sunday.
[21:57] <uberpenguin> I love that song
[21:57] <LaMenta3> if you're really averse to the white background, we can go for something in a yellow/gold somewhat akin to gatech.edu
[21:58] <LaMenta3> well, we were kind of thinking about a post-conference event as well, ne?
[21:58] <Mike_H> We did, but we hadn't discussed it in a while.
[21:58] <LaMenta3> a "touristy day" or something?
[21:58] <Mike_H> Yes.
[21:58] <Mike_H> A vague outline of it should suffice for the bid.
[21:58] <uberpenguin> I really don't care what background colour you use, to be honest, I was just pimping those pictures in case you have any use for them
[21:58] <Mike_H> Name places, maybe contact a tourist agency
[21:58] <Mike_H> I don't know
[21:59] <Mike_H> # Expand the Wikiworkshop page
[21:59] <Mike_H> # Expand media section
[21:59] <Disavian> uberpenguin: I think a few of them should go on commons
[21:59] <Mike_H> Someone needs to take the Wikiworkshop page.
[21:59] <Mike_H> Considering Craig has actual experience at this event
[21:59] <Mike_H> he should.
[21:59] <CraigSpurrier> I copied a bit more from meta to wikimania-atlanta.org
[21:59] <kmccoy> Mike_H: A tourist agency, or your local visitors information center might have good suggestions for a day of activities.
[22:00] <CraigSpurrier> It is becoming even more clear that I am a programmer and not a designer :)
[22:00] <Mike_H> kmccoy: Yes, I could contact the ACCTB again
[22:00] <uberpenguin> Disavian: feel free to
[22:00] <Disavian> uberpenguin: upload http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~gtg774w/wikimania/dsc_0233.jpg so that I can replace http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/47/GeorgiaTechStudentCenterSidewalk.jpg with your image
[22:01] <Disavian> uberpenguin: on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Tech#East_Campus
[22:01] <CraigSpurrier> I will work a bit more on the Wikiworkshop page tomorrow
[22:01] <Mike_H> Okay.
[22:01] <Mike_H> Craig, we need a bit more on the page
[22:01] <Mike_H> preferably stuff related to the actual bid, the UNC event
[22:01] <Mike_H> and what else should go on there
[22:01] <CraigSpurrier> though no one has any actual experience with it, this will be the first one ever :)
[22:02] <Mike_H> Oh, Craig, do make a separate subpage for "our bid team"
[22:02] <LaMenta3> This is a bit off the conversation, but has anyone else noticed that the other bid pages have very closely followed our format?
[22:02] <Mike_H> Hillary, yes, I have noticed that. I've even seen mailing list discussion in which they specifically link to our pages and then talk about their plans to model it
[22:02] <Mike_H> It's not against the rules or anything. It's the sincerest form of flattery
[22:03] <LaMenta3> I don't know whether to be flattered or ticked that they've swiped my strength/weakness format (as simple as it really is)
[22:03] <uberpenguin> it also means we will win
[22:03] <uberpenguin> :P
[22:03] <Mike_H> LaMenta3: I noticed a lot of bids whitewashed their weaknesses
[22:03] <Mike_H> while we were brutally and candidly honest
[22:03] <Mike_H> and offered advice as to how to best deal
[22:03] <Mike_H> I think that's better than telling a half-truth.
[22:03] <uberpenguin> haha, including a long rant in IRC about the various degrees of hoboing
[22:04] <LaMenta3> mike: as do I
[22:04] <Mike_H> uberpenguin: I think that was in a log that got lost when the computer crashed :(
[22:04] <LaMenta3> lol, yes
[22:05] <LaMenta3> and I don't know if I've still got mIRC set up to auto-log my convos. Proably not
[22:05] <uberpenguin> ah, too bad
[22:05] <CraigSpurrier> Jollyroger's comments are rather rude, Mike handled it well though
[22:05] <LaMenta3> *sigh* nope
[22:05] <uberpenguin> we could've made it into an informal guide to hobo-navigation and circumvention
[22:05] <LaMenta3> I used to always log my IRC activity
[22:06] <Mike_H> The comments were way out of line and it's really pure jealousy that the Italians did not win the bid TWICE IN A ROW.
[22:06] <Mike_H> I don't put up with comments like that in real life and I sure as fuck won't do it here.
[22:06] <Mike_H> and yes that can be logged.
[22:07] <uberpenguin> link?
[22:07] <CraigSpurrier> when they first lost he had some valid complaints, then it became just trolling. It is sad to see how hard some people take losing the bid
[22:07] <uberpenguin> sounds like amusing drama
[22:07] <uberpenguin> and if there's one thing I know in life, it's that italians are good for amusing drama
[22:07] <CraigSpurrier> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wikimania_2008/Bids/Atlanta
[22:07] <uberpenguin> (half my family is sicilian)
[22:08] * LaMenta3 ducks out briefly to read drama
[22:09] <Mike_H> I showed him how a real diva goes for broke.
[22:09] <uberpenguin> haha
[22:09] <LaMenta3> Heh, Mike doled out a little, "You betta check yo'self befo' you wreck yo'self."
[22:09] <Mike_H> He may be a contessa but I'm a princess.
[22:09] <uberpenguin> OSNAP
[22:09] <Disavian> yes, you did
[22:10] * kmccoy nudges the conversation away from picking on other bids. :)
[22:10] <LaMenta3> Wasn't picking on other bids...was just being amused at Mike...it's a regular occurance ;)
[22:10] <Mike_H> kmccoy: It's not even other bids.
[22:11] <Mike_H> These people aren't in a bid this year.
[22:11] <Mike_H> They were from past years and are bitter they didn't win.
[22:11] <uberpenguin> Mike, I hope the weather we had today holds up until Friday
[22:11] <uberpenguin> it was gorgeous
[22:12] <uberpenguin> I dunno where it came from, but I had my office windows open all day
[22:12] <uberpenguin> Disavian: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Georgia_Tech_Skiles_walkway.jpg
[22:12] <Disavian> uberpenguin: thanks
[22:12] <Mike_H> Matt, I checked the weather on Thursday
[22:12] <Mike_H> it should be sunny
[22:12] <Mike_H> highs in the upper 70s
[22:13] <LaMenta3> Though again speaking of other bids, and this isn't picking but rather just a minor point of my own amusement (and slight bemusement)...
[22:13] <LaMenta3> I noticed that in the Toronto strengths they took out the part about the Hot Box Cafe
[22:13] * LaMenta3 shrugs
[22:14] <LaMenta3> I notice weird things.
[22:14] <uberpenguin> has anyone added the vortex to our foods list? I think it would be remiss to omit what is quite possibly the best burger joint in town
[22:15] <Mike_H> Hot Box Cafe?
[22:15] <LaMenta3> uber: add away
[22:15] <LaMenta3> mike: it was in the part about marijuana being de facto legal in canada
[22:16] <Mike_H> That was one of my many concerns with their bid, that advertising "you can smoke out!" was very unprofessional
[22:16] <Mike_H> I'm glad they righted it on their own
[22:17] <LaMenta3> they left in the part about it being de facto legal and the fact that the legal drinking age there is 19
[22:17] <uberpenguin> I find that important, personally :)
[22:17] <Mike_H> I don't see how that has anything to do with anything, but if they want to leave it there, that's their choice.
[22:17] <uberpenguin> but yeah, it's irrelevant
[22:17] <LaMenta3> but meh...personally, I do think that's a strength as much as I think the fact that you can't buy booze in GA on sundays to be a weakness
[22:17] <Mike_H> as in, not that much of one?
[22:18] <LaMenta3> it's minor, but still important enough to mention since it's different for most visitors
[22:18] <Mike_H> How many of our foreign travelers are really going to get their asses down to a Kroger Liquors and get a bottle of Jim Beam?
[22:18] <LaMenta3> foreign travellers, no, but american ones from states w/o sunday liquor laws, maybe
[22:18] <Austin> "Kroger Liquors?"
[22:18] <Austin> Explain
[22:18] <Austin> We have Kroger grocery stores.
[22:19] <LaMenta3> we don't have those here, but I get what he means
[22:19] <Mike_H> I thought Kroger had separate "liquor" stores. We have those for our supermarket brands.
[22:19] <uberpenguin> haha, go down to the luckie street grocery
[22:19] <Mike_H> Albertsons, Winn-Dixie, Wal-Mart, etc
[22:19] <uberpenguin> Mr. Luckie will sell you Colt 45 any day of the week
[22:19] <Alkivar> heh
[22:19] <Austin> Well, I'm guessing it's some kind of Kroger store that only sells liquor.
[22:19] <Alkivar> can you get Bull Ice in a 40oz down there?
[22:19] <Alkivar> if so i'm good
[22:19] <Mike_H> 40s are legal in Georgia.
[22:19] <Mike_H> They aren't in Florida.
[22:19] <LaMenta3> I'm sure you can
[22:19] <LaMenta3> just not on Sundays, except on military bases
[22:20] <Alkivar> bull ice is 9.3% malt liquor
[22:20] <Alkivar> usually sells for 1.39$ for a 40oz
[22:20] <Mike_H> The highest quantity in Florida is 32
[22:20] <Mike_H> for that.
[22:20] <LaMenta3> the south has some bass-ackwards liquor laws...and I include FL in that statement
[22:20] <Alkivar> cheapest drunk 40 on earth
[22:20] <Austin> I've been to those crazy states where you can't buy booze on Sundays.
[22:20] <LaMenta3> why on god's green earth are 40s illegal there?
[22:20] <Alkivar> i might have to pick up some really really cheap bumwine
[22:20] <Austin> Hell, even Dallas's suburbs are sometimes dry.
[22:20] <Ral315> Mike_H, is that some religious blue law, or the legislature trying to say they're "family friendly"?
[22:20] <Mike_H> You can buy booze on Sunday in Florida. We have like seven dry counties, though, in the north of the state.
[22:20] <Alkivar> and get fuuuuucking twisted :P
[22:21] * kmccoy has left #wikimania-atlanta
[22:21] <LaMenta3> ral: yes.
[22:21] <CraigSpurrier> I have to get going, see everyone again tomorrow
[22:21] * CraigSpurrier is now known as CraigSpurrier_aw
[22:21] <Mike_H> Craig, wait
[22:21] <Mike_H> did you email the password to Andrew and Hillary
[22:21] <uberpenguin> Disavian: out of curiosity, did you take this picture at your lens' widest possible angle? http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:West_Yellow_Jacket_Park.jpg
[22:21] -> [CraigSpurrier_aw] PING
[22:21] <Disavian> uberpenguin: I have a point-and-shoot
[22:21] <uberpenguin> but it has an optical zoom, yes?
[22:22] <Disavian> yes.
[22:22] <uberpenguin> and was that zoomed all the way out?
[22:22] -> [CraigSpurrier_aw] PING
[22:22] <Disavian> I believe so...
[22:22] <Mike_H> Andrew, Hillary, did you get the password
[22:22] <uberpenguin> ya... that's probably why you have the chromatic aberration :)
[22:22] <LaMenta3> yes
[22:22] <Mike_H> You did?
[22:22] <CraigSpurrier_aw> Mike_H: sent to Hillary, just about to send to Andrew
[22:22] <Mike_H> okay
[22:23] <Disavian> uberpenguin: so I'm supposed to step back and zoom in a little?
[22:23] <Disavian> uberpenguin: it was really bright that day, btw
[22:23] <LaMenta3> way to get things back on track, mike, penguin :)
[22:23] <Mike_H> Okay, topic!
[22:23] <uberpenguin> Disavian: typically zoom lens defects are most manifest at the extremes
[22:24] <uberpenguin> sorry, sorry
[22:24] <Mike_H> A map of the venue area
[22:24] <Mike_H> PD/GFDL
[22:24] <Mike_H> other bids have maps
[22:24] <Mike_H> we need one.
[22:24] <uberpenguin> you get the best shot with a zoom lens close to its center focal length... just FYI
[22:24] <uberpenguin> lawdy that one's difficult, mike
[22:25] <LaMenta3> Best we can probably do is a zoomed trace over an existing map
[22:25] <Mike_H> would that be free?
[22:25] <uberpenguin> a possibility MIGHT be to head down to the records section of the library and see if they have up-to-date planning maps of the campus
[22:25] <uberpenguin> but if they do, those will be an ordeal to copy and edit, I'm afraid
[22:26] <Disavian> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:UCL_map_london.jpg is fair use
[22:26] <Disavian> FYI
[22:26] <LaMenta3> I mean like, zoom in on an existing map, trace the building outlines and then embellish the rest ourselves
[22:26] <Disavian> "Permission granted by Malcolm Grant, UCL Provost, to modify the map and incorporate it into the bid."
[22:26] <Disavian> I'll ask ICPA if we can borrow their map tomorrow
[22:26] <LaMenta3> that works
[22:26] <LaMenta3> make a note
[22:27] <uberpenguin> LaMenta3: it's still iffy whether that would be free... it's a grey area of US law, and wikipedia folk love to debate those to no end
[22:27] <LaMenta3> I won't rememer all of this
[22:27] <uberpenguin> BUT, I don't see why we can't do fair use
[22:27] <Disavian> uberpenguin: the library and ICPA are already all "if you see something you want to use from us, just use it"
[22:27] <Disavian> with my editing GT History
[22:27] <Disavian> I doubt they'll have a problem giving us a nice map
[22:28] <uberpenguin> what exactly is ICPA? I keep seeing this initialism without an expansion...
[22:28] <Disavian> the campus PR people
[22:28] <uberpenguin> ah
[22:28] <Disavian> http://www.gatech.edu/icpa/
[22:28] <uberpenguin> the alumni association sure has a nice map
[22:28] <Disavian> "Office of Institute Communications and Public Affairs"
[22:28] <LaMenta3> Institute Communications something something
[22:28] <LaMenta3> yeah that
[22:28] <Disavian> uberpenguin: you've seen the new map, right?
[22:29] <uberpenguin> the one using google maps?
[22:29] <Disavian> yeah
[22:30] <uberpenguin> mm hm, very web2.0 chic
[22:30] <uberpenguin> I can tell because it causes my browser to eat half my memory and my system to chug
[22:31] <Disavian> uberpenguin: you wouldn't happen to be using a pentium II, would you?
[22:31] <LaMenta3> ooh...nifty javascript expansions on the website...
[22:31] <LaMenta3> sorry.
[22:31] <uberpenguin> Dothan, actually
[22:31] <uberpenguin> stepping 08 :)
[22:32] <uberpenguin> gecko is just a big pig
[22:32] <uberpenguin> the JS engine with gecko 1.9 is... better, but still... bleh
[22:35] <Mike_H> Okay, let me look at the rest of the to do list
[22:35] <Mike_H> Expand media section
[22:35] <Mike_H> That's something I would normally LOVE to do
[22:36] <Mike_H> but I am so swamped with a million trillion things
[22:36] <Mike_H> I can't do that right now.
[22:36] <Mike_H> and considering what we've doled out
[22:36] <Mike_H> really all of us are going to have a lot of work
[22:36] <Mike_H> except for Andrea.
[22:36] <Mike_H> Andrea needs to do that.
[22:36] <Mike_H> I'll contact her and ask her to add more to it.
[22:37] <Mike_H> and does anyone know if Andrea can come on Friday
[22:37] <Mike_H> Andrew, are you going to give the message to Jessica?
[22:37] <Disavian> haven't talked to her
[22:37] <Mike_H> about the lodging and Student Center and Klaus and what dates?
[22:37] <Disavian> yeah
[22:37] <Mike_H> she asked you email it to her
[22:37] <Mike_H> so go ahead and do that now
[22:38] <uberpenguin> does anyone know whether she exists in the tangible sense, or if she is merely an ethereal poltergeist of the internet?
[22:38] <Mike_H> Andrea is a doctoral candidate and has a husband.
[22:38] <Mike_H> We don't have any of those.
[22:38] <Mike_H> So I'm willing to cut her more slack as far as not being able to attend everything.
[22:38] <uberpenguin> I kid, I kid
[22:38] <Mike_H> But she does have a lot of experience with this specific event 
[22:38] <Mike_H> I do want her to come to Junior's.
[22:39] <Mike_H> If she's not going to miss ANYTHING
[22:39] <Mike_H> she should not miss this.
[22:39] <Mike_H> Right now everyone who will be in Atlanta is a go except for her.
[22:39] <LaMenta3> You know, I think she does work with one of my professors...I'm fairly certain the TA was talking about her the other day
[22:40] <LaMenta3> not that that means I'd be able to get in contact with her, but I just remember being like, "wait...that name sounds familiar"
[22:40] <LaMenta3> small world and all.
[22:40] <Mike_H> The two big things tonight will be work with Andrew and Hillary
[22:40] <Mike_H> on 1) the website
[22:40] <Mike_H> and 2) the press release
[22:40] <Mike_H> The final thing I wanted to discuss this evening is
[22:40] <Mike_H> a small business proposal.
[22:41] <Mike_H> I'm going up there and one of my big things I want to do for real is go to small businesses
[22:41] <Mike_H> and be able to present a case to them and ask for support
[22:41] <Mike_H> in the Georgia Tech/Midtown area.
[22:41] <Mike_H> I e-mailed you all about it on Friday but nobody responded. I need more input on this. I don't know how to proceed.
[22:41] <LaMenta3> sorry, I've been as much up to my neck in stuff as you have, mike
[22:42] <Mike_H> I know, it's been stressful for us all
[22:42] <Mike_H> but we're in the home stretch now, this is the final week for breakneck speed for a while.
[22:42] <LaMenta3> I'm not really sure about the best way to pitch this to small businesses other than they'd be reaching essentially an international audience
[22:43] <Mike_H> that and our theme is unity for Southerners, and I'd imagine a lot of small businesses wouldn't be transplants from the North.
[22:43] <Mike_H> but even then, it's a chance to show off achievement at Georgia Tech
[22:43] <Mike_H> and how that relates to the South
[22:43] <Mike_H> so that can still be tapped
[22:43] <Mike_H> whether the person is Southern or not
[22:44] <LaMenta3> and I don't mean to pick, but if you're going to be approaching businesses, you *do* own some professional-type clothing, right, mike?
[22:44] <Mike_H> I have a pair of jeans if that's what you're asking. It won't be comfortable for me but I can wear it. A professional shirt, no, but I think a Georgia Tech shirt should suffice there.
[22:45] <LaMenta3> Not even, like, a polo shirt?
[22:45] <Mike_H> I don't like them.
[22:45] <LaMenta3> we all have to do things we don't like for money, dear ;)
[22:45] <uberpenguin> like... WORK
[22:45] <Mike_H> Considering it's small businesses, and I won't be walking into AT&T or Coca-Cola like this, I think it'll be okay
[22:45] * uberpenguin shudders
[22:46] <Mike_H> My mother has offered to buy me some nice new professional clothes
[22:46] <Mike_H> but only if we get the bid.
[22:46] <uberpenguin> at least wear a shirt with a collar
[22:46] <Mike_H> I don't own any.
[22:46] <uberpenguin> is it too much to get one?
[22:46] <uberpenguin> t-shirts are no-go
[22:46] <Mike_H> Considering I never have money?
[22:46] <Mike_H> Yeah, a no go
[22:46] <LaMenta3> I'm just saying...imagine me in a monkey suit, hose and heels and you get the idea about what I know about doing things I don't like for money
[22:47] <LaMenta3> ...or even the prospect of money
[22:47] <Mike_H> I think casual will be fine considering we'll be walking to these businesses and talking to them in their own work environment.
[22:47] <LaMenta3> hold this thought for a tick
[22:47] <Mike_H> Now if we were to meet a big corporation
[22:47] <Mike_H> I wouldn't go
[22:48] <LaMenta3> I need to go digging in my black hole of a closet...
[22:48] <Mike_H> Honey, I don't fit into your clothing.
[22:48] <uberpenguin> sure you don't fancy a monkey suit and hose, mike?
[22:48] <Mike_H> oh, and heels
[22:48] <uberpenguin> those are optional
[22:48] <Mike_H> ah
[22:48] <Mike_H> I choose pumps
[22:48] <uberpenguin> only if you really want to glam up
[22:49] <Mike_H> but I will pack the pair of jeans I own, and my actual shoes
[22:49] <Disavian> Hillary says that she thinks that she has something that might fit you, Mike
[22:49] <Mike_H> um
[22:49] <Mike_H> somehow I doubt that
[22:49] <Disavian> no, really
[22:49] <Mike_H> what's the size.
[22:50] <Disavian> well, we don't remember, she's looking for it in the closet at the moment
[22:50] <Disavian> but she says she's pretty sure you can fit three of her into it
[22:52] <Mike_H> To even have the opportunity to present our bid to you shows that this truly is a new day for the New South, more cosmopolitan, more vibrant, and a force to be reckoned with in the 21st century. People of all races, religions, creeds, beliefs and orientations call Atlanta home, and coexist peacefully. Southern charm, business minds, historical relevance, and social zeitgeist. This is the Atlanta of today.
[22:53] <Mike_H> I think that ends the letter rather well.
[22:53] <Mike_H> Yes, I pulled out the $10 words. 
[22:54] <LaMenta3> zeitgeist! one of my favorites!
[22:54] <Disavian> Mike_H: you're good at pimping the south.
[22:54] <Mike_H> What can I say
[22:54] <Mike_H> I'm a Rebel and I'll never ever be any good
[22:54] <Mike_H> ;)
[22:54] <LaMenta3> I report back from the black hole that is under my bed...a crapton of XLs and some 44x32 pants...but so sign of the shirt that I know was larger
[22:55] <uberpenguin> can we make a ZZ Top song our official theme song?
[22:55] <Mike_H> I wear 48x29. 
[22:55] <Mike_H> and I don't wear XL for tops
[22:55] <LaMenta3> damn. so close
[22:55] <Mike_H> I wear XXXL
[22:55] <LaMenta3> know anyone who wears 44x32? they're REALLY nice pants
[22:55] <Mike_H> Brady?
[22:56] <LaMenta3> maybe
[22:56] <LaMenta3> I'll pull them out and launder them as they're covered in cat hair
[22:56] <LaMenta3> blegh
[22:56] <Mike_H> I also reworded the Georgia Tech achievement section
[22:56] <Mike_H> at least for technology
[22:56] <Mike_H> Although the Southern United States might not be widely known for its technological advancements, it is, in fact, extremely active in technological innovation. The hub of that activity is the College of Computing at our host venue, the Georgia Institute of Technology, nicknamed Georgia Tech.
[22:57] <Mike_H> Georgia Tech's Information Security Center is currently active in proposing solutions to beat online security threats; a professor at Georgia Tech has garnered media coverage for his work with video game design and intellectual property issues stemming from copyrights; RoboCup 2007, showcasing the newest innovations in robotics, was held at Georgia Tech this past July; 
[22:57] <Mike_H> and the fledgling Colleges of Computer Science and Interactive Computing were created this year to delve more in-depth into the realms of technological innovation as it relates to computers today. The College of Computing graduate program is ranked #4 in the nation by Communications of the ACM, the monthly journal published by the Association for Computing Machinery.
[22:57] <LaMenta3> I also seem to recall that Georgia is ranked something like 9th in the nation for nanotech development
[22:57] <LaMenta3> just tossing that out there
[22:58] <LaMenta3> excuse me...19th as of Nov. 2006
[22:59] <uberpenguin> I think we're top 5 for EE
[22:59] <Mike_H> and another plus for us
[22:59] <Mike_H> the organizer of RoboCup 2007
[22:59] <Mike_H> Ben Axelrod
[22:59] <Mike_H> is a volunteer on our bid
[22:59] <LaMenta3> According to a briefing I co-wrote: " According
[22:59] <LaMenta3> 3
[22:59] <LaMenta3> to Lux Research , a nanotechnology consultancy,
[22:59] <LaMenta3> Massachusetts, California, and Colorado were the
[22:59] <LaMenta3> leading states for nanotechnology assets. Georgia
[22:59] <LaMenta3> th
[22:59] <LaMenta3> currently places 19 .
[23:00] <Mike_H> 19 out of 50?
[23:00] <LaMenta3> ok...that pasted oddly
[23:00] <Mike_H> best not to include that
[23:00] <Disavian> I'd imagine that GT is most of GA's nanotech effort
[23:00] <LaMenta3> it is
[23:00] <Disavian> so we probably make up that 19th place all by ourselves
[23:00] <Mike_H> I'm sure UGA has something.
[23:00] <LaMenta3> no
[23:00] <LaMenta3> not really
[23:01] <Mike_H> in any case, I say not to put it in
[23:01] <uberpenguin> most? all.
[23:01] <Mike_H> 19th out of 50 does not seem very...
[23:01] <Mike_H> good to me
[23:01] <Mike_H> If we were top five, sure
[23:01] <uberpenguin> I can think of only one or two companies that do nanotech in georgia
[23:01] <Mike_H> but not 19
[23:01] <uberpenguin> and both are associated with gatech
[23:01] <LaMenta3> UGA had proposed something as of last fall, but it wasn't put into practice
[23:01] <Mike_H> maybe if it could be spun in a different way
[23:01] <Mike_H> what is its rank in the Southern states
[23:02] <uberpenguin> behind NC most likely
[23:02] <Mike_H> That's still impressive.
[23:02] <Mike_H> Let me see the list
[23:02] <LaMenta3> let me pull it up
[23:02] <uberpenguin> the research triangle has a lot of semiconductor people
[23:02] <LaMenta3> I'm pulling the figures out of an old briefing
[23:02] <Disavian> from http://www.coe.gatech.edu/headlines/nanoresearch.php : "Georgia Tech ranks third in the nation for the number of nanotechnology researchers that are 塗ighly cited・in peer-reviewed publications, and in the top 10 for the number of first authors publishing in such journals. Tech is also among the nation痴 top 25 institutions for National Science Foundation nanotechnology support."
[23:03] <uberpenguin> as I said, georgia's nanotech assets are pretty much all in gatech
[23:03] <Mike_H> It's really good that we have UNC as an ally in this
[23:03] <Mike_H> considering Georgia Tech and UNC are very prestigious schools in the South.
[23:03] <LaMenta3> Virginia and Maryland are the only southern-ish states above us
[23:03] <uberpenguin> not surprising... we have people like Meindl
[23:03] <LaMenta3> http://www.nanotechwire.com/news.asp?nid=1531&ntid=11
[23:03] <Mike_H> I would include Virginia, nor Maryland
[23:03] <uberpenguin> who is a very famous name in nanoelectronics
[23:03] <Mike_H> *not
[23:04] <Mike_H> Right, so we're #2 in the South
[23:04] <Mike_H> behind Virginia
[23:04] <LaMenta3> well, TX is above us as well, but they're not really southeast
[23:04] <Mike_H> "South" they are
[23:04] <Mike_H> Southeast they're not
[23:04] <LaMenta3> tru
[23:04] <Mike_H> the term we always use is "South"
[23:04] <Mike_H> there are certain times I use "Southeast" but it's usually for business and culture
[23:04] <Mike_H> not for technology
[23:04] <LaMenta3> actually, this list was released 1/2005
[23:05] <LaMenta3> I didn't realize it was that old
[23:05] <uberpenguin> yeah... texas has tons of companies
[23:05] <Mike_H>      42  Alabama, South Carolina (tie)
[23:05] <Mike_H>      44  North Dakota
[23:05] <Mike_H>      45  West Virginia
[23:05] <Mike_H>      46  South Dakota
[23:05] <Mike_H>      47  Alaska, Arkansas, Hawaii, Mississippi (tie)
[23:05] <uberpenguin> I have an interview coming up with one of them
[23:05] <Mike_H> This is why people think the South is not impressive.
[23:05] <Mike_H> Five Southern states take five of the final nine spots
[23:06] <uberpenguin> hey man
[23:06] <uberpenguin> we have trucks with HUGE lifts and gun racks
[23:06] <Disavian> speaking of Meindl, he has an article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_D._Meindl
[23:06] <uberpenguin> we don't need no NANOTUBES
[23:06] <uberpenguin> of course he does
[23:06] <uberpenguin> several of our big names have articles
[23:06] <uberpenguin> I bet McClellan does
[23:06] <Disavian> yeah, I think I made it
[23:06] <Mike_H> So apparently Achille tells me
[23:06] <Mike_H> he never e-mailed Clough
[23:06] <uberpenguin> some of our CoC profs have even created their own articles!
[23:07] <Mike_H> So he has probably not been contacted about this
[23:07] <Mike_H> at all.
[23:07] <Disavian> nope, didn't make McClellan's article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_H._McClellan
[23:08] <Disavian> edited it, tho.
[23:08] <Mike_H> Now me and Andrew and Hillary are going to be working on the website and press release tonight
[23:08] <Mike_H> Matt, can you send an e-mail to Clough and summarize what we're doing and that we would like his input?
[23:08] <uberpenguin> that IP is a gatech range
[23:08] <uberpenguin> yeah, I'll make a note to do it tomorrow
[23:09] <Mike_H> Please do. If at all possible, if it can be sent out tonight, the better.
[23:09] <Mike_H> One less thing to have to worry about later.
[23:09] <uberpenguin> if you have anything in particular you'd like me to get across, speak now
[23:09] <uberpenguin> otherwise your life is in my clumsy hands and rambling prose
[23:09] <Mike_H> Okay, should we ask him if he'd like to give a statement we can put on the website
[23:09] <Mike_H> I say we ask for an endorsement of the event from him
[23:09] <Mike_H> "I support this event," na na na
[23:10] <Mike_H> or interest
[23:10] <Mike_H> or something good
[23:10] <uberpenguin> I'll do it tomorrow; I don't work well at night
[23:10] <Mike_H> I'd personally make a note on how The Technique can't be bothered to cover the event.
[23:10] <Mike_H> It sounds petty but maybe they'll wake up and realize events at their school need to be covered.
[23:10] <uberpenguin> ... let's not start off our correspondance with Clough on a controversial note
[23:10] <Mike_H> Oh, I'm not saying open with that.
[23:10] <Mike_H> I do think it should be mentioned.
[23:11] <Mike_H> "I am disappointed that The Technique has chosen not to cover publicity for the event..."
[23:11] <uberpenguin> if we DO get a statement from Clough, that alone will probably be embarrassing to them
[23:11] <LaMenta3> that, plus if we get the AJC and/or Alumni Assoc. to cover it
[23:11] <Mike_H> I want to make it as black and white as possible. I want the mention about The Technique to go in. But obviously don't start it off and don't make it fraught with negativity.
[23:11] <Mike_H> But Hillary is right
[23:12] <Mike_H> do also mention positives
[23:12] <LaMenta3> being that this is being spearheaded by some young alumni
[23:12] <Mike_H> that we are working with AJC
[23:12] <Mike_H> and the alumni
[23:12] <Disavian> eh, there's no need to get Clough all uppity over teh 'nique's coverage.
[23:12] <uberpenguin> agreed
[23:12] <Mike_H> Personally, I feel it needs to be said so much that I'll personally write him about it if nobody else will.
[23:12] <uberpenguin> he has nothing at all to do with the paper
[23:12] <LaMenta3> don't mention the thing about the technique to clough
[23:12] <LaMenta3> there's nothing he can do about it, and I doubt he cares
[23:12] <uberpenguin> I think it would come across as a pety complaint to him
[23:12] <Disavian> there's not a direct line of control, and I agree, he won't care
[23:13] <uberpenguin> if we can get him involved in any capacity, that's very good for us
[23:13] <uberpenguin> the technique be damned
[23:13] <Mike_H> My experience with working with Georgia Tech, from a Tampa standpoint, has been very depressing.
[23:13] <uberpenguin> (no offense, you guys)
[23:13] <Mike_H> The wheels at Georgia Tech only turn faster when UNC expresses interest that Georgia Tech passes on.
[23:13] <uberpenguin> ah, don't let the uppity paper editor get you down
[23:13] <LaMenta3> Mike: if you REALLY want to make the technique look bad, submit slivers about how they won't cover us
[23:13] <Mike_H> "Oh, UNC wants to help, now it's time to get moving!"
[23:13] <uberpenguin> you just managed to hit on a more enthusiastic personality at UNC
[23:14] <LaMenta3> they'll go in the paper provided: 1) you don't use profanity
[23:14] <LaMenta3> 2)you don't use full names
[23:14] <LaMenta3> and 3) you don't put in web addresses/other contact info
[23:14] <LaMenta3> this I can promise with 95% certainty
[23:16] <Mike_H> I am just so surprised at the attitudes from a lot of people I've dealt with at Georgia Tech. They don't seem to care a rival university sees their lack of initiative and is using that to their advantage.
[23:16] <uberpenguin> it's all about finding the right people, Mike
[23:16] <uberpenguin> there are some total dud personalities at gatech
[23:16] <Mike_H> If I were truly spiteful, I'd write to the Red and Black
[23:16] <Mike_H> and give them a tipoff
[23:17] <uberpenguin> mm... amusing, but probably not a good idea from a PR standpoint
[23:17] <Mike_H> Probably not, no.
[23:18] <LaMenta3> crap...digging in that box full of cat fur-covered clothes was NOT a good idea
[23:19] * LaMenta3 sneezes
[23:19] <Disavian> I heard that from in here
[23:20] <LaMenta3> bleeping allergies
[23:22] <Mike_H> Okay, anything else for tonight's meeting? 
[23:23] * Alkivar has left #wikimania-atlanta
[23:23] <uberpenguin> nyet
[23:23] <Mike_H> Okay, logging over.