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This page is part of the Proceedings of Wikimania 2005, Frankfurt, Germany.




Editing notes:

  • Will this be a full paper?

Unified Timeline of Human History

  • Author(s): Erik Zachte
  • License: {{{license}}}
  • Language: English
  • Slides: {{{slides}}}
  • Video: {{{video}}}
  • Note: Presentation

About the author(s): Erik Zachte has been part of the Wikimedia community for almost three years. He developed several perl scripts that supplement mediawiki functionality. EasyTimeline is one those. He works as a software engineer for Dutch airline KLM.

Abstract: {{{abstract}}}



This will not be an in depth tutorial. Rather an overview of what has been accomplished with EasyTimeline so far, and a vision for a very ambitious follow-up.

One year ago EasyTimeline was introduced on Mediawiki. Approx. 300 graphical timelines have been created since, and some 200 were translated for other wikipedias.

I will

  • Show some remarkable examples of existing timelines.
  • Then very briefly talk about the Easytimeline syntax and show how a timeline is made step by step (don't worry, just three sheets)
  • Announce the long awaited and now soon to be expected support for unicode and for external fonts.
  • Promote a new project 'Grand Unified Timeline of Human History' (ambition level: high / target date: beyond soon)

Online files


The presentation is online as two PDF files, sheets and speaker notes.