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Imagine a world where anyone can look back any number of days, years or centuries, across an ever-increasing number of human generations and observe the events, experiences and observations of any individual- as a science, as a hobby, a study tool or an art; certainly a new genre of human literature, no matter what the purpose is to be served this would be a written tool. An ambitious endeavor, the implications are endless. I propose that if we the people are diligent, and make it a permanent habit to create daily records of our own lives and amalgamate them into a worldwide collection, then it will provide us with unparalleled insights and remarkable opportunities from now on into the foreseeable future.

As a wiki, this project is of course available for any individual to edit. However, contributions to the Wikiworldjournal/Wikidiurnal project are made by means other than those used to edit other wiki. Due to the nature of the Wikiworldjournals project, an individual wishing to make a contribution is assigned a specific identity that is accessible only to that individual. This identity is based on the verified birth records of that person and therefore it will always remain the same. It is agreed by W.W.J. and persons receiving their identity on W.W.J. that this identity can also never be deleted from the database.

The intent of WWJ is to encourage every individual on Earth to begin developing a habit of making a personal daily record of their own experiences, observations, feelings, attitudes, and events. Diligence and consistency are highly stressed to achieve the success of what this project hopes to accomplish. Some individuals are showcased on the site in respect to their diligence in acquiring the habit of contributing to the WWJ.
An individual receives with their identity: web space upon which create their daily records. This includes space for pictures, audio, video and other assorted files. A publicly viewable profile for identification by others is provided, but its use is optional. The confidentiality of the records of individuals is a crucial prerogative so that they create them with faith they can be truthful. Just as important, is that when they are deceased the records become part of the public access WikiWorldJournals/Wikidiurnals and thus is added an entire lifetime of perspective.

Naturally, because of this extra praise and benefits are provided for those individuals who include certain criteria into their records, which are designed by various entities and organizations. The National Institutes of Health, for instance, may choose to encourage that certain areas receive attention in the records. This highlights only a single aspect of what the project will bring with it's successful proliferation, in that with every person's personal journals they have provided unprecedented beneficial insight for innumerable sources. Patterns will be noticed, trends will be seen, mistakes will be learned from, and a global view will be provided where systems of the world and humanity will be visible that we have never seen before.

New sciences will evolve. Human dynamics will evolve better understanding and more efficiency. Once and for all, the world will begin the end of the Age of Speculation. New taboos will arise, old ones will cease, realizations will occur and widespread destructive patterns will be eliminated. Diligence will produce results, and virtues will prosper. The past will cease to repeat redundantly, and history itself will evolve. I believe a gift is available to the world, through this tool of writing. An ambitious endeavor, indeed. But energy fuels ambitious goals and passiveness drags in the dust. Albert Einstein said that reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. Ambition to change reality has been the cause of this change in the past. Socrates believed that we create the reality we inhabit. It is our thoughts and our ambitions and our goals that set us for a path of redirection or hold us in our preset grips and vices.
A collection of daily records created by the individuals of our planet, dating back days, years or centuries, where the world observes the events, experiences and observations of any and all individuals who have lived before us- as a science, as a hobby, a study tool or an art; certainly a new genre of human literature, no matter what the purpose is to be served this would be a written tool. An ambitious endeavor, whose full potential will not be realized, virtually not even touched, for generations. But even now the results will empower us beyond measure. I propose we fight against our epidemic passiveness, lethargic listlessness and insist on diligence. Demand diligence in a project that we ambitious intellectuals and scientists and experts know has the potential to succeed in changing the reality of the world as we know it. Fight to make it a permanent habit to create daily records of our own lives and amalgamate them into a worldwide collection. Fight because it will provide us with unparalleled insights and remarkable opportunities from now into the foreseeable future. Adopt this project because we don't deserve passiveness.

I have compiled material supporting my view on what the impact of such measures would be. If you're interested in being a part of this project, look for research that would benefit from such journals, and find problems in all fields, of any degree or size that would be better understood if W.W.J. was available to our people already. Encourage it. Start your own, most importantly. Practice what you preach. Research recent statistics in online journal keeping, and find practical applications for system-wide views. Find practical connections in the news from a worldwide perspective. You will notice patterns and systems that haven't been seen before, if you are diligent! Start this project, take it on, and help it grow. Do not accept the possibility that this idea will not succeed to reach all of these ends. I am not.

I was planning to address the benefit of WikiWorldJournals/Wikidiurnals, but given what I've written, I don't feel there needs to be more said to specifically outline the benefits to Wikimedia or any other entity or organization.