Wikidata/Berlin summit 2012/user story
presented by Tobias Gritschacher:
Link to slides:
- Userstory: entering a specific kind of data
- properties can have various data types
- Example: number with a certain unit
- There are different ways to enter the same number
- predefeined properties retrieved from an auto-completion box, specify accuracy, specify value and specify unit, show the system's interpretation of the entered value
- comment Brandon: Machine should be able to do most of the work, should be able to just type into some text box, use regular expression => would be easier for the user
- localization of regular expression will be a pain in the ass; could also give guidelines
- comment: Daniel K.: immidiate feedback, maybe there should be an option to have drop down based form (for entering occasionally)
- maybe just offer an input field at first and react on user input, like "I do not understand what you said - fill this out" (Brandon)
- comment: Erik: Problem with very different numbering systems
- comment - starting a open source javascript library for data input (numer input and normalization, accuracy, units, etc)
- feedback Brandon: fast prototypes, get comments/feedback on that