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Wikiclub Tech/Impact

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WikiClub Tech Impact


The Road to Wiki initiative has seen remarkable participation from students across various universities, marking a significant milestone in building the next generation of open-source contributors. From kick-off calls to hands-on assignments, this program has successfully bridged the gap between aspiring developers and the powerful ecosystem of Wiki technologies

The Developer Playbook serves as a comprehensive guide for contributors to get started with the WikiClub Tech ecosystem. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this playbook provides a clear roadmap for collaboration, development, and impact Download Dev playbook

Media wiki installation:


A major accomplishment of the program thus far is the successful installation of MediaWiki by more than 50+ students.This task, which involves downloading and configuring MediaWiki software, serves as a fundamental step towards engaging with Wikimedia platforms. Students reported their experiences through feedback forms, providing valuable insights into the installation process.

Session Recordings:


Catch up on all our live streams and recorded sessions. These videos cover a wide range of topics, from beginner-friendly tutorials to advanced technical discussions. Learn more

Detailed Reports


1. [ March to June Report}

2. [June to August Report]

3. [August to October Report]

Mentor based Learning

Tasks Task link Patch Contributor
Fixing Capitalization in Karakalpak Wikipedia T335175 Patch Ravitej Neeli
Improving Finnish Translation Consistency T331193 Patch Agamya Samuel[mentor], Ravitej Neeli, Harshit Malik, Lalit Kumar Yadav
UX Improvement for Universal Language Selector T379828 Patch Hridyesh Gupta[mentor], Vanshaj Gupta, Shivanshu
Fetching API Data & Converting to MediaWiki Format T167762 Drive Report Avarti Rastogi [mentor], Sanskar Dubey
Improving Grammar Rule Testing T115218 Patch Sarthak Singh & Gauri Gupta [mentor], Shivaansh Singh, Shivam Mahajan, Vanshika
Browser-Specific Cache Clearing Instructions T195229 Patch Aditya Kumar [mentor] Anirudh Kumar, Ansh Mittal, Kundan Tamsoy, Dev Jadiya, Utsav Singh, Vishal Maurya