Wikicamp Nepal 2018/Participation/सरोज कुमार ढकाल
[edit]- newiki
- Resource Person and Organizing team member
[edit]- Organized Workshop on Wikipedia Education Program and helped community members get acquanted with the concept of Wikipedia belongs to Education
- Organized a panel discussion on how to write a better articles in Wikipedias (newiki, maiwiki and dtywiki) with the perspective of language grammars and article quality.
[edit]- What worked well?
- It was a first ever gathering in Nepal as such to gather almost all active wiki[m/p]edians
- Started the culture of public auditing of the expenses.
- It was an amazing team work
- There were discussions on how to take the movement forward and seen the excitements on all the community members."
- What didn't work well?
- There were some strikes on the way to venue, but obviously that was out of the control of the organizers
- What do you think could have been done better?
- Everything went smooth. We could have tried to bring in initiator wiki[m/p]edians Eukesh Ranjit,Indiver Badal and Rajesh Pandey