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Wiki loves Sustainable Development Goals/Basic list

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1Sustainable Development Goals (2012–2030)set of United Nations-defined global development goals and climate change77Q7649586242
2Sustainable Development Goal 1End poverty in all its forms everywhere18Q50214636101
3Sustainable Development Goal 2Zero Hunger17Q5021592691
4Sustainable Development Goal 3Good Health and Well-Being14Q5021683891
5Sustainable Development Goal 4Quality Education17Q5358120991
6Sustainable Development Goal 5Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls17Q5358121081
7Sustainable Development Goal 6global goal to achieve clean water and sanitation for all people by 203016Q4874112991
8Sustainable Development Goal 7Affordable and Clean Energy14Q5358121391
9Sustainable Development Goal 8Decent Work and Economic Growth14Q5358121781
10Sustainable Development Goal 9Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure13Q5358121981
11Sustainable Development Goal 10Reduce Inequality13Q5358122281
12Sustainable Development Goal 11Sustainable Cities and Communities14Q5358122881
13Sustainable Development Goal 12Responsible Consumption and Production13Q5358123281
14Sustainable Development Goal 13Climate Action12Q5358123691
15Sustainable Development Goal 14Life Below Water16Q5358123991
16Sustainable Development Goal 15Life on Land13Q5358124581
17Sustainable Development Goal 16Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions14Q5358124881
18Sustainable Development Goal 17Partnerships for the Goals13Q5358125471
Σautolist gallery18111181111317111211181185111811171111115417111111118181118121111111418181112111111111633111325avg.:  2 \ 18
(11 %)