Wiki labels

Wiki labels是用于“Wiki labels”维基专题的人工计算系统。为了完成困难的分析(衡量新来者质量随时间的变化[1])、培养智能的维基工具例如ORES(如监测破坏[2][3][4]、条目质量评级[5][6][7]),我们需要已標記的数据(又稱"hand coding"),并完成许多其他工作。该人工计算系统正是为了简单快捷的合作编码。该系统由Mediawiki小工具/服务器完成,采用JavaScript、CSS和Python/Flask/Postgres。
安装工具的编者会发现, wiki labels“主”界面会以 单页应用程序 形式,在en:Wikipedia:Labels(或按本地设定)载入。编者可在该页面查看活跃的活动、工作集表请求、label版本,以及其他“任务”。
系统通过 mw:Extension:OAuth 整合到编辑的 MediaWiki 账户。在wiki label系统执行的操作,会关联到用户的中央账户。
不需要安裝,只需要前往 並從列表選擇你的wiki。
Interface translations
Wiki labels is registered at Please see translatewiki:Translating:Revision_scoring to contribute translations.
Behind the gadget, a server manages "campaigns", "tasks", "worksets" and "labels". This server provides a Restful interface for accessing this data. There are 4 basic modules: auth
, users
, campaigns
and forms
. The server also provides some user-facing services for designing new forms and access to a stand-alone gadget.
Form builder
A form builder interface is provided for the development and testing of forms to support new labeling tasks. Forms fields are configured using a YAML format that reflects OOjs UI. Forms can be submitted for review.
Stand-alone gadget
In order to ease development and testing, we also provide access to the gadget via a single page app. If for some reason the on-wiki version of the gadget is malfunctioning, users can work from this interface.
Machine-readable paths
/campaigns/ - Lists wikis with available campaigns.
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/users/ - Provides access to data from the point of view of a user
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/auth/ - Provides support for authentication of users.
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/forms/ - Provides access to form configuration and internationalization
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These forms can be loaded by the labels gadget.
See also
- ↑ Halfaker, A., Geiger, R. S., Morgan, J. T., & Riedl, J. (2012). The rise and decline of an open collaboration system: How Wikipedia’s reaction to popularity is causing its decline. American Behavioral Scientist, 0002764212469365.
- ↑ West, A. G., Kannan, S., & Lee, I. (2010, April). Detecting Wikipedia vandalism via spatio-temporal analysis of revision metadata?. In Proceedings of the Third European Workshop on System Security (pp. 22-28). ACM.
- ↑ Smets, K., Goethals, B., & Verdonk, B. (2008, July). Automatic vandalism detection in Wikipedia: Towards a machine learning approach. In AAAI workshop on Wikipedia and artificial intelligence: An Evolving Synergy (pp. 43-48).
- ↑ Adler, B. T., De Alfaro, L., Mola-Velasco, S. M., Rosso, P., & West, A. G. (2011). Wikipedia vandalism detection: Combining natural language, metadata, and reputation features. In Computational linguistics and intelligent text processing (pp. 277-288). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- ↑ Hu, M., Lim, E. P., Sun, A., Lauw, H. W., & Vuong, B. Q. (2007, November). Measuring article quality in wikipedia: models and evaluation. In Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM conference on Conference on information and knowledge management (pp. 243-252). ACM.
- ↑ Stvilia, B., Twidale, M. B., Smith, L. C., & Gasser, L. (2008). Information quality work organization in Wikipedia. Journal of the American society for information science and technology, 59(6), 983-1001.
- ↑ Warncke-Wang, M., Cosley, D., & Riedl, J. (2013, August). Tell me more: An actionable quality model for wikipedia. In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (p. 8). ACM.