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Wiki for Minorities/Minori-Ties Programme/Fula Project 1.0

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Wiki for Minorities Fula Project (1.0) is the first Wiki for Minorities (Wfmin) physical engagement in Northern Nigeria which will bring contributors together to provide a common platform to learn more about Minority in Northern Nigeria. The physical engagement will happen quarter of October 2024 in Jigawa State, Nigeria.

Theme of Wiki for Minorities fula Project (1.0)


Wiki_For_Minority_(3) Empowering knowledge together among the minoritized language for sustainable development in Nigeria


  1. To promote content, Edit-a-thons and Hackathons about minorities in Nigeria
  2. To document and preserves content about minorities in line with the free knowledge
  3. Organizing photo-tour within Jigawa State to showcase the rich minority heritage that tells a story about Fulfulde language.
  4. To promote, develop, strengthen, and support for collaboration between Wikimedia user groups, affiliate, organization that are interested in working with minorities at local and international level.


  1. Engagement with stakeholder (National Association of Fulfulde Students and National Association of people with Disabilities Jigawa Branch) - 5th October to 7th October 2024
  2. Photo-tour in some historical location of Jigawa to document some cultural heritage related to minority 10th October to 12th October 2024
  3. First and second physical training -15th October to 17th October 2024
  4. First online session 20th October 21st 2024
  5. Contest and wining prize for the top 3 editors with the highest number of certified articles, the competition begin in 25th of October to 25th of November 2024
  6. Last online session and unveil the winners of the competition for the top 3 editors 26th of November 2024

Location and Event dates

  1. Venue- Rock Country Hotel, Dutse
  2. Date- 5th October to 26th of November 2024


  1. Abdulkadir Abdulkadir User-multi error: package.lua:80: module 'Module:InterwikiTable' not found.
  2. Jose Ignacio User-multi error: package.lua:80: module 'Module:InterwikiTable' not found.
  3. Adamu Muhammed User-multi error: package.lua:80: module 'Module:InterwikiTable' not found.
  4. Bembety