2 ステップ目: ファイルを入手する After identifying the language, language variety or dialect the movement organisations and groups are interested for working on, it is necessary to link to the project and provide information about the way which the files will be acquired (adapting of existing files, liberation of existing files, producing of new files or any combination of these) and the institutions (if any) that will be reached out to.
3 ステップ目: パターン化する In case the movement organisations and groups are willing to produce files, it is recommended to follow the tips on qualities that the audio and video files should have. Because of the educational purpose of the recorded files and the need to make the exposure to the language more comprehensive, a general rule is to make short recordings on informative topics presented by native speakers.
4 ステップ目: ファイルをアップロード The acquired files, either adapted, liberated or produced, should be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons under free licences, tagged with the template Wiki Speaks Your Language and categorised in "Category:Wiki Speaks YOUR LANGUAGE" (e.g. "Category:Wiki Speaks English" for files in English, "Category:Wiki Speaks French" for files in French etc.). Once the files are uploaded, the table of languages should be updated with links to the files category on Wikimedia Commons.
Step 6: 短いまとめを書く The last step of the whole process is to tell the story. It is expected the organisations and groups who have successfully completed projects as part of the WikiSYL to provide report that can be used as a case study for improving the process.