Il y a plusieurs façons de contribuer à la mission de l'initiative WikiSYL.
Adapter des fichiers audio et vidéo. Les fichiers audio et vidéos peuvent être créés en identifiant les fichiers de documentaire audio et vidéo existant dans différentes langues sur Wikimedia Commons et les retravailler pour les rendre utilisable dans les articles (voir lesastuces sur les qualités des fichiers audio et vidéo). De tels fichiers de documentaire audio et vidéo sont disponible principalement via les projets de Wikipédia parlée. Ces fichiers audio et vidéo peuvent être adaptés pour l'utilisation comme des exemples parlés dans l'article.
Liberating audio and video files. The liberation of audio and video files can be done by reaching out to and collaborating with GLAM and educational institutions that have repositories of audio and video files documenting spoken examples of languages. Such institutions usually include language institutes, educational institutions, academic libraries, national archives and museums. The projects carried out by the Wikimedia organisations and groups should focus on releasing audio and video files from the repository of the partnering institution and uploading them to Wikimedia Commons under free licences.
Producing audio and video files. The production of audio and video files can be done by using the capacities of the Wikimedia organisations and groups or by collaborating with GLAM and educational institutions. In the case of producing audio and video files through partnerships, Wikipedians in Residence may have important role in the process.
Adding audio and video files to articles. The adding of the acquired audio and video files to articles can be done through the conduct of various community-oriented activities (e.g. edit-a-thons, writing contests, etc.).
Generating content. The generating of content on topics in linguistics can be done through the conduct of both educational and community-oriented activities (e.g. educational workshops, edit-a-thons, writing contests, etc.)