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Wiki Society of the Philippines/Projects/Microgrants 2011

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Legal name of chapter
Wikimedia Philippines Inc.
Grant contact name
Joseph Ballesteros
Grant contact user-name or e-mail
Jojit_fb / jojit(_AT_)wikimedia.org.ph
Grant contact title (position)
Project lead name
Roel Balingit
Project lead user-name or e-mail
Scorpion_prinz / roel.balingit@wikimedia.org.ph
Project lead title (position), if any
Full project name
Microgrants 2011-2012
Amount requested (in USD)
2,860 (120,000)
Provisional target start date
October 1, 2011
Provisional completion date
October 1, 2012

Budget breakdown[edit]

Category Allotment (PHP) Amount in USD
($1 ≈ ₱42)
Total 120,000 2,860

Project scope[edit]

Microgrants shall be a ready source of fund for the use of Philippine Wikipedia Communities that will be established across the country and perhaps if feasible to include overseas Filipinos as well. These communities shall be under the guidance of the chapter or whosoever the Board may designate to ensure that they are properly supervised and to be ascertained that they continually share the chapter's objectives and goals. Wikipedia communities shall be enjoined to implement projects aligned with the chapter's thrust, but nevertheless these communities shall be given a freehand in determining what will be the most appropriate project to implement in their community, trusting their ability to determine the viability of Wikimedia related projects in their communities with their understanding and knowledge of the available infrastructure and facilities in their community.

Project goal[edit]

To provide financial assistance for activities of Wikipedia communities that will result in the continuous and active promotion of Wikimedia projects, to entice active contribution and development of Wikimedia projects.

Manner of funding[edit]

Projects proposed by the Wikipedia communities shall be assessed depending on their merits and viability of their acceptance in their communities. The Board, through the Project Management Committee shall give an assessment, and with their endorsement the Treasurer shall provide the needed funding for the Community's project.

Fit to strategy[edit]

It will be very efficient and economical for the chapter to tap people who are physically situated or who have the expertise to implement activities for their communities. The chapter believes in the capability of their members to spearhead projects that will be beneficial to Wikimedia and the chapter as well. Should these communities be physically located outside of Manila's periphery where the Chapter's office is situated, it will be cost-efficient as it would not require a lot of transportation expenses to have people from the chapter's office supervise the preparation and execution of projects.

Other benefits[edit]

This has the potential to create simultaneous activities for the chapter in different locations and fields of interest that could very well generate attention to what the chapter and the Foundation is doing in the country, thus creating mileage and greater coverage in the chapter's efforts for a wider acceptance of Wikimedia projects.

Measures of success[edit]

The execution of proposed projects to meet its targeted goals shall be the primary measure of success. An efficient monitoring of the funds their timely disbursement, proper utilization and prompt reporting within the given time frame as set in the chapter's expense policy shall also determine the success of the project. The creation of awareness about not just being end-users of Wikimedia projects (especially Wikipedia) that will lead targeted communities to entice membership into the chapter or also enhance the value of their Wikimedia experience by turning them into active contributors will also be indications of its success.