Wiki Project Med/Collaboration
Collaboration with 'Sigma Social Welfare Society (India)'

Sigma Social Welfare Society is an NGO based in Bhopal, India (Redg. under Govt. of Madhya Pradesh- India), working in the field of de-addiction and rehabilitation. The discussion for this collaboration was started by User Suyash Dwivedi with the Chair of the NGO, Mr. Rajeev Tiwari after Wikimania 2019 in Sweden. They have shown interest to host IIAB device on premises at Shudhdhi De-addiction and Rehabilitation Center (In Hindi: Shuddhi Nasha Mukti Evam Punarvas Kendra) In Bhopal so that the visitors, workshop participants, and society can get benefited from free and open knowledge, other possibilities like making awareness videos about medical and social impacts of drugs and alcohol addictions were also discussed. A demonstration of how IIAB devise works were presented in the month of February 2020 with their team.