Wiki Loves Women Focus Group/SheSaid Nigeria virtual event 1
[edit]The second event was held online via Google Meet Sunday 31st October, 2021 from 5-7p.m (WAT) From this event, we had an agreement that anyone who adds up to 5 quotes or more would stand a chance to receive a Wiki Loves women branded throw-pillow, water bottle or T-shirt. So far, we've gifted two persons who reached this benchmark and are also in the process of gifting the rest.
[edit]- Introductions
- Wiki Loves Women and Focus Group
- Wikimedia and You
- How to edit Wikiquote
- Add your quotes
- Feedback
- Everyone bring someone to the next event
- Prizes. We have Wiki Loves Women branded souvenirs which would be given to Participants who add 5 quotes and above.
kindly note that we can only ship prizes to participants in Nigeria only
Important Note
[edit]We'll be working together to make sure each one adds a quote. Data reimbursement is available for participants.
[edit]The online event was more benefiting to participants who were not in Abuja or do not live in Abuja. We also had over 9 persons while some couldn't stay due to the network challenge
- Tochiprecious
- Blossom Ozurumba
- Gift Oluoha
- Akwugo
- Oby Ezeilo
- Jabin Ekene
- Ibuchi Amateze
- Jacy-Judy
- Chika Glory
- Chinwendu Anyanwu