Wiki Loves Living Heritage es una iniciativa wiki que rinde homenaje al 20 aniversario de la Convención de 2003 de la UNESCO para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial. Invitamos a las comunidades patrimoniales, los voluntarios de Wikimedia, las organizaciones de salvaguardia y las autoridades de todo el mundo a documentar y compartir juntos el Patrimonio Vivo.
13 dic 2024 2024 UNESCO inscriptions added to Wikidata
The convention inscribed 2 elements on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, 61 elements on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (three of them were transferred from the Urgent Safeguarding List to the Representative List) and three programmes were included in the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices.
This year’s 2024 inscriptions observe the first-ever inscriptions for Brunei Darussalam, Ghana, Myanmar, Rwanda and Somalia. UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists now feature 788 elements corresponding to 150 countries.
The event period of 2023 is over and we wish the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage a wonderful 20th Anniversary! Wiki Loves Living Heritage continues the work to bring living heritage inventories to Wikimedia projects, inspire activities, and bring focal points, Wikimedia and heritage communities together on the local level.
virtual exchange on the culture of burial and mourning as well as the design, care and preservation of graves, tombs, cemeteries and other places of remembrance
public photo competition on Wikimedia Commons, that invites everyone from Singapore to participate in sharing the tangible and intangible heritage of Singapore on Wikimedia Commons under a free Creative Commons license
activity that aims to collect tales, narratives and legends from different dialects of the Albanian language through sound recordings on Wikimedia Commons
Project initiated by the European network of focal points for the UNESCO 2003 Convention (ENFP) and AvoinGLAM and created by organizers around the world.