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Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Ethical sharing cards

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Tactics & Practices
Which data publications in our collection require obtaining prior and informed consent from data subjects or their descendants, and why is this permission needed or not?
Consent for Sharing
Learning & Understanding
Consultation & Collaboration
Policy & Strategy
We partner and collaborate with community members and experts on IP rights, privacy, and ethical sharing to achieve our open sharing objectives.
Organisational Culture
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Consultation & Collaboration
Tactics & Practices
Have we identified the living communities whose cultural heritage we are helping to safeguard by preserving and sharing with our open data strategy?
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Consultation & Collaboration
Policy & Strategy
What societal goals have been taken into account when materials are being either made openly accessible or not?
Transparency of Choices
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Policy & Strategy
Our open sharing strategies are well-understood and supported by both our staff and stakeholders.
Organisational Culture
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Policy & Strategy
We determine priorities for open sharing to achieve our goals, while also identifying areas for future improvements.
Organisational Culture
Tactics & Practices
We use the most effective communication methods to share data openly with both data providers and users in relevant communities.
Organisational Culture
Consultation & Collaboration
Policy & Strategy
What skills do our staff need to develop to implement ethical open sharing practices in our organization? How can we acquire these competencies?
Organisational Culture
Learning & Understanding
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Tactics & Practices
How does our organisation balance between complying with laws, promoting open sharing to the fullest extent possible, taking calculated risks, and addressing concerns about sensitive information related to individuals and communities?
Organisational Culture
Intellectual Property Rights
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Tactics & Practices
What are the primary impacts of digital transformation that we need to consider in our open sharing practices?
Learning & Understanding
Organisational Culture
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Policy & Strategy
Do we have a clear and common understanding of the condition under which digital access can be provided? Do we regularly review our policies?
Learning & Understanding
Intellectual Property Rights
Risk, Harm, and Safety
Tactics & Practices
Are we adequately engaging with the relevant communities, groups and individuals in our domain when developing activities or care related to this living heritage?
Learning & Understanding
Consultation & Collaboration
Tactics & Practices
Are the labels, terms of use, and other language we use clear and transparent to both our end users as well as the originating communities, groups and individuals?
Intellectual Property Rights
Tactics & Practices
Do we have clear procedures in case rightsholders, data subjects or living heritage communities contact us with a concern regarding what we share online?
Repair, Return, and Revise
Transparency of Choices
Tactics & Practices
How thoroughly do we acknowledge the origin and background of our collections and online content, including metadata?
Bias or Noise by People
Tactics & Practices
Is it possible to determine the sources of the information that our organization has made publicly available, such as through research, communities, or AI?
Bias or Noise by People
Algorithmic Bias or Noise
Policy & Strategy
We consider and make accessible the range of diverse interpretations and perspectives related to our content.
Transparency of Choices
Bias or Noise by People
Tactics & Practices
Are we proactively addressing historical biases and inaccuracies in our collection data due to colonialism, racism, political repression, or biases related to gender, sexual preference, religion, and other factors?
Repair, Return, and Revise
Bias or Noise by People
Protection of Sensitive Information
Policy & Strategy
What are the criteria for honoring requests to opt out of releasing certain data, and what are examples of borderline cases where such requests may not be honored?
Repair, Return, and Revise
Protection of Sensitive Information
Policy & Strategy
In which ways do the values we stand for as an organisation affect our open sharing practices?
Organisational Culture
Policy & Strategy
We are transparent and communicate openly about what we collect and disseminate, and our policies for these areas are freely accessible.
Organisational Culture
Risk, Harm, and Safety
Transparency of Choices
Tactics & Practices
Are we aware of the carbon footprint of our open data sharing activities? Do we have a plan to reduce it?
Organisational Culture
Repair, Return, and Revise
Tactics & Practices
How do we incorporate the Sustainable Development Goals into our open and ethical sharing practices?
Organisational Culture
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Tactics & Practices
Which ethical considerations play a role in our choice of partners, software products, or services related to sharing data?
Learning & Understanding
Transparency of Choices
Protection of Sensitive Information
Tactics & Practices
How should we respond or take action when the stakeholders, such as the data subjects, communities, staff, or data/collection reusers, have differing views about open sharing?
Risk, Harm, and Safety
Consent for Sharing
Policy & Strategy
Have we established procedures for determining how and if we can openly share data concerning minors, minorities, activists, and similar groups?
Consent for Sharing
Protection of Sensitive Information
Tactics & Practices
Which aspects should be taken into consideration before openly sharing content, even when it is not or no longer protected by copyright?
Intellectual Property Rights
Protection of Sensitive Information
Risk, Harm, and Safety
Tactics & Practices
We provide clear guidelines for reuse when we publish data online. Where possible we use standardised and machine-readable labels to indicate reuse conditions (copyright licenses, rights statements, traditional knowledge labels,...).
Intellectual Property Rights
Consent for Sharing
Policy & Strategy
What are the criteria for using (semi-)automated metadata creation techniques, such as HTR, OCR, image recognition, speech-to-text, or NLP, for our collection in an ethical and effective manner?
Algorithmic Bias or Noise
Learning & Understanding
Tactics & Practices
Should all decisions made by algorithms to produce metadata about our collections be validated by humans?
Bias or Noise by People
Algorithmic Bias or Noise
Transparency of Choices
Tactics & Practices
How do we appropriately record consent from data subjects or communities when it is deemed needed?
Consent for Sharing
Risk, Harm, and Safety
Policy & Strategy
We carefully think about using the most appropriate platforms to share our data.
Risk, Harm, and Safety
Protection of Sensitive Information
Policy & Strategy
What should be done differently when metadata is generated by algorithms in addition to being added by human staff?
Bias or Noise by People
Algorithmic Bias or Noise
Protection of Sensitive Information
Policy & Strategy
Do we consider the ethical implications of the tools we use in our open sharing workflows, including their impact on the environment, algorithmic transparency, or business model (e.g. Open Source)
Risk, Harm, and Safety
Learning & Understanding
Policy & Strategy
Do we have a policy to address unlawfully obtained collection items, such as those acquired through colonialism, theft, or looting during political conflicts? Does it provide sufficient reparations to affected individuals or communities?
Repair, Return, and Revise
Policy & Strategy
We are vocal advocates of ethical data sharing with our peers and contribute to policy creation with governments.
Organisational Culture
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion