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Mendonno description
Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties of Japan
Mehreganreligious celebration tied to the autumn harvest in Tajikistan and Iran
handmade glass productioncraft of making glass objects using various techniques
meddahTurkish storyteller
pysankaegg decorating tradition in Slavic countries
National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ukraine
Mongolian calligraphycalligraphy technique of the Classical Mongolian script – inscribed in the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2013
Mbende-Jerusarematraditional dance of the Zezuru Shona people
UNESCO intangible cultural heritage in Hungary
El Güegüensesatirical drama
MartenitsaBulgarian tradition
크러마traditional headwrap of Cambodia
Puppetry in Slovakia and CzechiaPopular form of traditional entertainment but also a way of conveying a vision of the world, and an educational tool with messages on moral values
piñaananas or pineapple fiber
ftirasmall sourdough bread integral to Maltese culture
Makishi masqueradeno description
jamdanitraditional weaving art of Bengal
선지paper used in Chinese calligraphy
이슬람 서예artistic practice of calligraphy in the Islamic world
paghjellasecular and liturgical oral tradition of Corsica, France – inscribed in the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2009
Xhubletafolk skirt worn by Albanian women
timber raftingcraft of rafting involving the transport of wood by waterway
Lipizzanerhorse breed and breeding traditions as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
licitarrichly decorated gingerbread cookies traditional for Central and South-Eastern Europe
carnival cultureset of practices and experiences around carnivals
Inventory of intangible cultural heritage in Brussels
Lefkara lacelacemaking tradition and intagible cultural heritage of Cyprus
아랍 서예calligraphy using the Arabic script, for religious or non-religious expression
National List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Iraq
Processional giants and dragons in Belgium and FranceFolkloric manifestations and UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage
라트비아의 노래와 춤의 축전music festival
Fiesta de la Candelariacultural manifestation in Puno, Peru
Peña de BernalMexican monolith
Quinchamalí and Santa Cruz de Cuca potterymestizo cultural tradition in central Chile
cantos de arreo y ordeñoa capella vocal communication on the themes of herding and milking in Colombia – inscribed in the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2017
Aubusson tapestryintangible cultural heritage of tapestry making in Aubusson and the Creuse region of France
유르트portable, round tent covered with skins or felt and used by nomadic groups in Central Asia
마나스heroic epic of the Kirgiz people
list of Representative Items of National Intangible Cultural Heritage
크므즈말젖을 발효시켜 만든 알코올 발효 유제품
쿰브 멜라Hindu pilgrimage and festival celebrated in India
kulintangIndonesian traditional instrument
SurvaInternational festival of masquerade games. Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in Bulgaria, inscribed in 2015
Kujirabune Festivalno description
Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties of Japan
Krakelingen and Tonnekensbrand GeraardsbergenAnnual end of winter festivity in the Flemish town of Geraardsbergen
괴로글리 서사시epic poem and legend of Turkic peoples
탈춤한국의 각 지방에서 전해지는, 탈을 쓰고 벌이는 전통적인 가면극
판소리줄거리가 있는 이야기를 노래로 표현한 한국의 전통 음악
KochariArmenian folk dance
Book of Dede Korkutbook: national epic of Turks, Azerbaijani and Turkmen
kheneMouth Organ from Laos
khachkarcarved, memorial stele bearing a cross, Armenian symbol
Arba'een Pilgrimagepilgrimage to Imam Hussein shrine
Kawagoe Hikawa FestivalJapanese traditional dance
Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties of Japan
Kanuma lmamiya Shrine Festivalno description
Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties of Japan
정크type of vessel typically of Southeast Asian or East Asian origin
Kamezaki Shiohi Festivalno description
Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties of Japan
Lusonadrawings and geometric figures on sand of the Lunda Cokwe and neighbouring peoples in eastern Angola
KallawayaBolivian traditional healers
Kalbeliatribe from Rajasthan, India
Koodiyattamtraditional performing art form in Kerala, India
Kakunodate FestivalJapanese festival
Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties of Japan
가구라신토에서 볼 수 있는 춤과 연주 및 노래
냉면삶은 국수를 찬 육수에 넣고 양념과 고명을 얹은 음식
End of auto-generated list.
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