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Tererétraditional beverage from Paraguay
heritage asset listed by IPHAN
cantu a tenorestyle of polyphonic folk singing characteristic of Sardinia, particularly the region of Barbagia
Space of Gong Culture in the Central Highlands of Vietnamno description
피니시a type of sailing rig from Indonesia
탱고Argentinian-Uruguayan partner dance
Knowledge and skills of the water measurers of the foggaras or water bailiffs of Touat and Tidikelttradition of the water measurers of the foggaras of the ksour communities of Touat and Tidikelt – inscribed in the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2018
Black and White Carnivalcarnival in Colombia
taishandwoven traditional textile in Timor-Leste – inscribed in the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2021
tamborradaconcentration of people playing drum
Kraków szopkanativity scene from Kraków
코다이 교수법approach to music education
Alençon laceFrench lace with architecturally arranged swags and flowers on a mesh ground
마조중국 민간신앙과 도교에 등장하는 바다의 여신
elechekKyrgyz traditional headwear with cap and turban-like white fabric adorned with embroidery, ribbons, and jewelry, integral to marriage ceremonies
Yallytraditional group dance of Nakhchivan – inscribed in the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2018
Yūki-tsumugiJapanese silk fabric production tradition and intangible cultural heritage
soup joumouHaitian soup made from Caribbean pumpkin
Longquan celadonHistorical Chinese ceramic type
sombrero pintaotype of hat from Panama
양잠업process of silk production
슬라바Orthodox Christian celebration of a family's patron saint day in Serbia.
Annual fair of Houtemannual winterfair and livestock market in the Flemish municipality of Sint-Lievens-Houtem, Belgium
simsimiyyaSudanese-Egyptian stringed musical instrument
maloyamusic genre of Réunion
Asturian ciderapple-based alcoholic beverage, typical of Asturias
The Song of the Sibylmedieval liturgical songs in Catalan
shyrdakCentral Asian felt floor- or wall-covering
Shinjō MatsuriJapanese festival
Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties of Japan
Traditional art of Shital Pati weaving of Sylhetno description
Khmer shadow theatreCambodian form of shadow play
Wooden toys of Hrvatsko Zagorjetraditional wooden toys made in the region of Hrvatsko Zagorje in Croatia
플라멩코genre of Spanish music and dance
엠비라African musical instrument of the lamellophone family
Manipuri Sankirtanais a Meitei cultural form of performing art involving ritual singing, drumming and dancing performed in the temples and domestic spaces in Manipur in India.
sand drawingartistic and ritual tradition and practice of Vanuatu
bolerogenre of Latin music, Cuban origin
Samantradition of the Gayo people of Aceh province in Sumatra – inscribed in the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2011
Patum de BergaFestival in Berga, UNESCO intangible cultural heritage
Heritage Festivity of National Interest
사데Iranian festival of the appearance of fire
rubablute-like musical instrument
크메르 전통댄스Cambodian dance company
Wardh Taifirose characteristic to the Taif region and its cultural heritage and identity
Bayard Steed Parade and the Parade of the three GiantsThe procession of Dendermonde and the Bayard steed saga
Rite of the Kalyady Tsarsritual and festive event celebrated in the village of Semezhava in the Minsk region of Belarus – inscribed in the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2009
rickshaw artthree-wheeled decorated passenger vehicle pulled by one person featured in Dhaka and Bangladesh
gastronomic meal of the Frenchno description
RebetikoGreek music genre
Procession of the Holy Blood in BrugesAnnual procession in Bruges in honour of the Precious Blood
Rammanreligious festival of Garhwal region, India
Ramlilamulti-day drama-dance performance art festival based on the Hindu Ramayana or Ramcharitmanas
오지야 치지미Hemp woven in Niigata, Japan
Ojiya-chijimi and Echigo-jofuno description
Qoyllur Rit'ireligious festival in Peru
Charfiatraditional know-how in Tunisia
Festivity of Saint Blaise, the patron of Dubrovnikday that is dedicated to Dubrovnik's patron saint, Saint Blaise
Xtaxkgakget Makgkaxtlawanacenter for Indigenous Arts of the Totonac people
Chovgantraditional Karabakh horse-riding game in the Republic of Azerbaijan – inscribed in the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2013
Holy Week processions in Mendrisiono description
Pottery skills of the women of Sejnanetraditional know-how in Tunisia
End of auto-generated list.
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