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Singing to the accompaniment of the Gusle – a simple string instrument – is an ancient art of performing primarily heroic epics practised for centuries as a form of historical memory and an expression of cultural identity.
corn-veneration ritual celebrated in San Pedro Sacatepéquez in Guatemala – inscribed in the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2013
oral tradition of Koogere of the Basongora, Banyabindi and Batooro communities in Kasese, Uganda – inscribed in the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2015
Regional Centres for Craftsmanship: a strategy for safeguarding the cultural heritage of traditional handicraft
strategy of three Austrian centers for safeguarding the cultural heritage of traditional handicraft – Unesco ICH Good Safeguarding Practice inscribed in 2016
Strategy for training coming generations of Fujian puppetry practitioners
program to safeguard the transmission of Fujian Puppetry in the Fujian Province in south-eastern China – Unesco ICH Good Safeguarding Practice inscribed in 2012
Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage of Aymara communities in Bolivia, Chile and Peru
project to safeguard oral expressions, music, textile art and agricultural technologies of the Aymara communities of Bolivia, Chile and Peru – Unesco ICH Good Safeguarding Practice inscribed in 2009
coaxing ritual performed by Mongol herders to encourage a female camel to accept a new-born calf or to adopt an orphan – inscribed in the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2015
Mapoyo oral tradition and its symbolic reference points within their ancestral territory
oral tradition of the Mapoyo community along the Orinoco River in Venezuelan Guayana – inscribed in the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2014
Isukuti dance of Isukha and Idakho communities of Western Kenya
traditional celebratory performance among the Isukha and Idakho communities of Western Kenya – inscribed in the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2014
Male-child cleansing ceremony of the Lango of central northern Uganda
healing ritual of the Lango of central northern Uganda for a male child believed to have lost his manhood – inscribed in the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2014
Bagpipes belonging to traditional instruments, as well as entire bagpipe culture comprising expressions and knowledge associated with bagpipes and their use, represent a long continual music tradition of peasants and shepherds who lived in Slovakia.