Wiki For Senior Citizens Network/Events
Inaugural Event
[edit]The Network had its first meet-up in Nigeria on the 5th of August 2022 where Wikimedia Foundation and the sister projects was introduced to members. The meeting/training discussed the benefits of volunteering for Wikimedia as an excellent way to spend retirement life. The training was designed to enable proper assimilation of seniors and to awaken and sustain their interest in contributing to the wiki projects. After the training on the basic norms of Wikipedia, there was an introduction of Wikipedia projects including English Wikipedia, Wikidata, and Wiki commons. After each training, there was an edit a thon, and a competition that concentrated on edits to improve content on the project trained on and not to create new content. Throughout this process, the participants were guided by experienced editors. After the series of edit a thons and competitions, members were encouraged to continue editing and to participate in other programs, contexts etc
Wikidata 10th Birthday Anniversary 2022
[edit]The Network celebrated Wikidata 10th birthday anniversary with an edit a thon in Wikidata and a birthday song. During the edit a thon, senior citizens were able to grasp a better understanding of how Wikidata works. Topics discussed also include how to improve the digital and Literacy skills of members.
WikiLovesAfrica Local Meetup 2023 (Climate and Weather changes in Nigeria)
Wiki Loves Africa is an annual contest where anyone across Africa can contribute media related to that year's theme to Wikimedia Commons for use on Wikipedia and other WIkimedia projects. Wiki Loves Africa 2023 Senior Citizens Network encouraged members to contribute media (photographs, video and audio) that illustrate the specific theme for that year. Each year the theme changes. Each year's theme is chosen by the community to be a universal, visually-rich and culturally-specific topics (for example, markets, rites of passage, festivals, public art, cuisine, natural history, urbanity, daily life, notable persons, etc).. Everybody can participate.
The Network participated and members submitted photos about Climate and Weather in Nigeria between 15th March and 30 April 2023. The Network also participated in the competition which showed the climate beauty of Nigeria with the rest of the world to enjoy.
- The dashboard is event dashboard.
Event page
Highlights of Wiki For Senior Citizens Network Environment Edith-a-ton & Training.webm Highlights of Wiki For Senior Citizens Network Environment Edith-a-ton & Training
Senior Citizens Shares their Environment Edith-a-ton & Training Experience.webm Senior Citizens Shares their Environment Edith-a-ton & Training Experience
Winning Photos
A side view of Zuma Rock.jpg Highest Uploader (Akum20)
Rain with cloudy weather showing signs of flooding.jpg Quality/Theme based (Chiemezie Atama)
A photo of preserved environment from Climate change.jpg Clear Description (Okpashira)
DRYING WATER WAY.jpg Relevant Perspective (Obihoja)
Evening rain fall.jpg Honourable Mention (Crown2022)
Erosion area in lokoja.jpg Theme based image (Uttazi Violet)
A cloudy weather indicating rain.jpg Overall Best Quality Winner (Chiemezie Atama)
Wiki for Senior Citizen Environment Edit-a-Thon/Training 2023

The Network organised 2 edit a thon sessions. In these sessions, there were discussions on environmental issues. There was also editing/improving information on Wikidata and Wikipedia about Nigerian climate activists and environmental experts including local women involved in climate change. Most importantly, the sessions was used to encourage and identify seniors who would wish to dedicate their effort and champion national efforts on climate change issues and who wish to continue to contributions in WMF in this regard. This camapign was supported by Africa Environment Microfunding as part of its Africa Environment WikiFocus activities to Celebrates Wangari Maathai Day.
Event Page
She said Campaign 2023
Event Page
Wiki for Senior Citizens Network picnic photos, Abuja
A group photo at the picnic.jpg A group photo at the picnic
Picnic organiser.jpg Picnic organiser
Picnic in Millennium Park,Abuja.jpg Picnic in Millennium Park,Abuja
Seating at the senior citizens picnic.jpg Seating at the senior citizens picnic
Senior citizens (picnic).jpg Senior citizens (picnic)
Senior citizens at the picnic.jpg Senior citizens at the picnic
Senior citizens show logo (picnic).jpg Senior citizens show logo (picnic)
Senior picnic.jpg Senior picnic
Volunteer (picnic).jpg Volunteer (picnic)
Wiki for Senior Citizens Network organiser.jpg Wiki for Senior Citizens Network organiser
Wiki picnic, Abuja.jpg Wiki picnic, Abuja