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WikiXRay research db layout

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
-- Core of the wiki: each page has an entry here which identifies
-- it by title and contains some essential metadata.
CREATE TABLE /*$wgDBprefix*/page (
  -- Unique identifier number. The page_id will be preserved across
  -- edits and rename operations, but not deletions and recreations.
  page_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  -- A page name is broken into a namespace and a title.
  -- The namespace keys are UI-language-independent constants,
  -- defined in includes/Defines.php
  page_namespace int NOT NULL,
  -- The rest of the title, as text.
  -- Spaces are transformed into underscores in title storage.
  page_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL,
  -- Handy key to revision.rev_id of the current revision.
  -- This may be 0 during page creation, but that shouldn't
  -- happen outside of a transaction... hopefully.
  page_latest int unsigned NOT NULL,
  -- Uncompressed length in bytes of the page's current source text.
  page_len int unsigned NOT NULL,
  -- 1 indicates the article is a redirect.
  page_is_redirect tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  -- 1 indicates the article is a stub.
  page_is_stub tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  -- Random value between 0 and 1, used for Special:Randompage
  page_random real unsigned NOT NULL,
  -- 1 indicates this is a new entry, with only one edit.
  -- Not all pages with one edit are new pages.
  page_is_new tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  -- Comma-separated set of permission keys indicating who
  -- can move or edit the page.
  page_restrictions tinyblob NOT NULL default '',

  PRIMARY KEY page_id (page_id)
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;

-- Every edit of a page creates also a revision row.
-- This stores metadata about the revision, and a reference
-- to the text storage backend.
CREATE TABLE /*$wgDBprefix*/revision (
  rev_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  -- Key to page_id. This should _never_ be invalid.
  rev_page int unsigned NOT NULL,
  -- Key to user.user_id of the user who made this edit.
  -- Stores 0 for anonymous edits and for some mass imports.
  rev_user int unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  -- Text username or IP address of the editor.
  rev_user_text varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
  -- Timestamp
  rev_timestamp binary(14) NOT NULL default '',
  -- Uncompressed length in bytes of the revision's current source text.
  rev_len int unsigned NOT NULL,
  -- Number of letters of the revision's current source text.
  rev_letters int unsigned NOT NULL,
  -- Number of words of the revision's current source text.
  rev_words int unsigned NOT NULL,
  -- Key to revision.rev_id
  -- This field is used to add support for a tree structure (The Adjacency List Model)
  rev_parent_id int unsigned default NULL,
  -- Records whether this revision is a redirect
  rev_is_redirect tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  -- Records wheter this revision is a stub
  rev_is_stub tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  -- Records whether the user marked the 'minor edit' checkbox.
  -- Many automated edits are marked as minor.
  rev_minor_edit tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  -- Text comment summarizing the change.
  -- This text is shown in the history and other changes lists,
  -- rendered in a subset of wiki markup by Linker::formatComment()
  rev_comment tinyblob NOT NULL default '',

  PRIMARY KEY rev_page_id (rev_page, rev_id),
  UNIQUE INDEX rev_id (rev_id)
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/ MAX_ROWS=10000000 AVG_ROW_LENGTH=1024;

--Special table storing info about namespaces

CREATE TABLE namespaces (
  name varchar(30),
  code int(3),
  PRIMARY KEY name (name)