- The Chapter
Wikimédia France has one woman on its Board, Florence Devouard, one of the first community Board members and formerly Chair of the Wikimedia Foundation. Out of four current employees, two are women: Adrienne Alix, Program Director, was president of Wikimédia France for 2 years and Carol Ann O'Hare is in charge of Research and Education. The former employee was a man. At least eight women are active members of the chapter and are involved in as diverse elements as Wiki Loves Monuments organisation, workshops for students (from highschool to PhD candidates), curators or general audience, GLAM, local events, foundrasing, funding small projects, and lobbying. Of the eleven members from Wikimédia France who went to Wikimania in 2011, three were women (Florence, Adrienne and Carol Ann).
- Wikipedia
In December 2011, there were 16,120 women of all ages from France who were interested in Wikipedia on Facebook.[1] In December 2011, according to Alexa, Wikipedia was ranked the 7th most popular site in the country.[2] In the period between November 2010 and October 2011, 6.7% of the traffic to Kabyle Wikipedia was from this country.[3] In the period between November 2010 and October 2011, 72.1% of the traffic to French Wikipedia was from this country.[4] In the period between November 2010 and October 2011, 4.0% of all Wikipedia traffic was from this country.[5] On French Wikipedia, 227 women transclude the Woman Wikipedia user template on their user page.[6] (30/01/2011 : 225 women, 1947 men - 10.4%/89.6%).
On English Wikipedia, there are articles about French women that have been assessed as good articles, including the article about footballer Louisa Nécib.
On Spanish Wikipedia, there are 22 articles about models from this country. On Turkish Wikipedia, there are 2 categories and 2 articles about women from this country.[7] On Aragonese Wikipedia, there are 1 category and 21 articles about female actors from this country (total: 22 articles including subcategories. Male actors: 22 articles). On Slovak Wikipedia, there are 8 articles about female actors from this country.[8]. (See also this category: total: 10 women, 17 men).
- Wikinews, Wikiversity, Wikisource, Wikibooks, Commons
In December 2011, according to Alexa, Wikinews was ranked the 30,852th most popular site in the country.[9] A December 2011 search on English Wikinews for Women France found 132 articles that mentioned both words.[10] A December 2011 search on Spanish Wikinews for Francia mujeres found 32 articles that mentioned both words.[11]
In December 2011, Wikiversity was ranked the 10,695th most popular site in the country.[12] There are no women from this country involved in leadership roles on English or German Wikiversity. Their participation is minimal to non-existent.
In December 2011, according to Alexa, Wikibooks was ranked the 2,760th most popular site in the country.[13]
On Commons 16.46% users indicated they're female. The most popular interface language after English is Spanish with 108166 users. With a large gap, French is 2nd with 46961 users and German 3rd with 35982 users. The large population of Spanish users on Commons is probably the result of local uploads on Spanish Wikipedia being disabled. There are 4 categories and 9 pictures of women's association football and 0 pictures of the women's national cricket team.
- Other projects
There are two French women active on the language incubator. One has made 252 edits, and the other has made 12. There is at least two male bureaucrats from France on MediaWiki.Org. There does not appear to be a French female who holds a similar position.[14]
- The Foundation
During the December 2011 fundraising appeal, no French people, men or women, were featured are part of the appeal. Wikimedia France did specific appeals with French people: 4 men, 1 woman and 1 couple (1 man and 1 woman).
During the 2011 Summer of Research, the WMF hired eight research fellows. Of these, only one was female, and she was from the United States. There were four males from American universities, The other researchers included men from a Japanese university, a Swiss university and a Canadian university. There were no research fellows, male or female, from this country.