WikiLinguila/Mois de la contribution en langues maternelles
An online meeting was held on January 20, 2024 between different African communities leaders and WikiLinguila of the DRC, to explore any possibility of collaboration for the mother-tongue contribution month.

A presentation of the month of contribution to the mother tongue was made, and the project was well received by the majority of African communities present at the online meeting with positive reviews and support, especially since Rwanda, Burundi, Congo-Brazzaville and the Central African Republic are ready to accompany this event in February 2025. Other communities have also expressed their interest in taking part, but promise to come back with their final decision at the next meeting on schedule.
The WikiLinguila community has set the tone, and is starting to edit pages from this year’s start to be able to publish the results in February 2024, with a strong impact on the event’s metrics. The WikiLinguila community has set the tone, and is starting to edit pages from this year's start to be able to publish the results in February 2024, with a strong impact on the event's metrics.
And with a solid plan to get these activities off to a good start, and even to launch language versions of Wikipedia from the project incubator, our contributions must first collect information on the countries of the world and their leaders, capitals, provinces, water surfaces (oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, even the islands of the world), hills, mountains, numbers, letters of the alphabet, days making up the calendar, etc. We dare to believe that we'll get one or two others projects off the ground from the incubator.
This competition is part of the International Mother Tongue Day promulgated by UNESCO since the year 2000 and which is consistent with some points of the strategies of the Wikimedia movement by 2030 (Increasing the sustainability of our Movement, Provide for safety and inclusion, Ensuring equity in decision-making, Coordinate Across Stakeholders, Manage our internal knowledge) in order to carry out our next activities which align with one of their missions which aims to draw the world's attention to the critical loss of indigenous languages and the urgent need to preserve and revitalize them, as clarified on December 14, 2022 during the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022 -2032).
[edit]Supporting each other to hold the mother-tongue contribution month notes