WikiJournal User Group/Meetings/2023-07-26
WikiJournal User Group
Open access • Publication charge free • Public peer review • Wikipedia-integrated
Dates and locations:
- July 26, 2023 11:00 AM UTC
- July 26, 2023 10:00 PM UTC
[edit]First Meeting
[edit]Second Meeting
[edit]Apologies: Gwinyai Masukume
[edit]- Status update on in-progress articles from each journal
- Inactivity policy Update
- Ways to Engage Board members
- Conference updates
- Workmarket update (primarily second meeting)
- August Monthly Meeting
Meeting Notes
[edit]Notes (First Meeting)
[edit]Status update on in-progress articles from each journal
- I will send round a final version of my tracking document for the long overdue pre-prints; frankly we have reached rock-bottom with some of these in terms of either encouraging handling editors to find reviewers or authors to respond to reviewers. Two articles need handling editors. Instead, I will do all tracking on and here I have entered an updated (and dated) note for each article and will check this regularly and use this to chase up outstanding pre-prints. At the moment we have 13 pre-prints here; one is in its final stages for review and two (Q115703463 & Q115704296) require handling editors. I would encourage colleagues to check this regularly too.
- May have to decline articles if the authors are not respond - try again and if no response decline
Inactivity policy Update
- Half of current responses are resigning and half are wanting to know how to get more involved
Ways to Engage Board members
- Create a document on how to get involved - Thomas and Ellen Work together
Workmarket update (primarily second meeting) Conference Updates
- Poster Update - Draft poster location
- Global Diamond Open Access Summit - in October in Mexico
- If interest can look in budget - email Thomas or Ellen (
August Monthly Meeting Social media
- Engage more in twitter and other social media
- Many journals seem to move away from twitter
- One pager
- Engage those academics who are WikiCurious
- Updatable academic papers - not used much yet
Linking Key words (main topics) to reviewers in Wikidata
- Thomas to follow up with Kevin
Partner Papers
- Could we allow partner papers
- Harder with the types of articles
Notes (Second Meeting)
[edit]Status update on in-progress articles from each journal
- WikiJournal of Science
- July 2020 Manuscript got the second review is done
- Have to decline submission due to author graduation
- Bioclogging review coordinator wants email set-up
- July 2020 Manuscript got the second review is done
- WikiJournal of Humanities
- New Board member applied - Andrew recruited
- Future of Journal - handover?
- Pause submissions? Maybe to a specific date ie Jan 2024
- Meeting with Key Humanities people
- Outreach for editors
- Circular
- 200-300 stickers for Wikimania and WikiConference North America
Inactivity policy Update Ways to Engage Board members Conference updates
- Spoke to Wikimedia Ukraine virtually at the educator conference
- Poster for Wikimania - Due on the 30th of July
- Wikimania Singapore
- 3 representatives
- Targetted recruitment for WJH and WJS editors
- Check GDPR compliance
- Global diamond-access open access journals in Mexico in October
- WikiConference North America - Toronto
- Scholarship open - 1st batch deadline: July 31st, 2nd batch deadline is end of August
- Only open for people based in North America
- Scholarship open - 1st batch deadline: July 31st, 2nd batch deadline is end of August
August Monthly Meeting - August 8th
- tuesday
Engaging more participants
- Don't need Wiki Skills
- Maybe make the applications not only in wiki to make it easier for people to engage
- Need to stress that wiki experience is not required
Workmarket update (primarily second meeting)
- Technical side is sorted - bot & sandbox tested
- Ellen will be sending out email soon regarding the change to workmarket
- Tech editors will need to sign up to work market
- Send in final invoices before change *date TBD
- Auto-Accept vs manual accept
- Uneven distribution
- 6 month trial to manual accepting
- Set up biweekly accepting of tasks
Open Journal System automated processing
- Thomas to follow-up with the programmer
- Need approval for an extension that allows Google Scholar to scrape WikiJournal contents
- Google Scholar can write a specific ingester for XML, but it will miss some contents and the XML format has to remain the same for the ingester to work (or notify the Google Scholar team in advance so that it won’t break)
No easy way to contact associate editors Reviewers signup list has been used, but doesn’t contain contact details of faculty webpages, so difficult to contact members