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WikiJournal User Group/Meetings/2023-05-03

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WikiJournal User Group
Open access • Publication charge free • Public peer review • Wikipedia-integrated

WikiJournal User Group is a publishing group of open-access, free-to-publish, Wikipedia-integrated academic journals. <seo title=" WJM, WikiJMed, Wiki.J.Med., WikiJMed, Wikiversity Journal User Group, WikiJournal WikiMed, Free to publish, Open access, Open-access, Non-profit, online journal, Public peer review "/>

Dates and locations:

  • May 3, 2023 12:00 PM UTC
  • May 3, 2023 10:00 PM UTC



First Meeting


Second Meeting



  • Status update on in-progress articles from each journal
  • Timely decisions on editorial board applications
    • WikiJMed: 3
    • WikiJSci: 2
  • WikiJSci Editor in Chief role handover
  • WikiConference North America 2023
  • Any additional people wishing to attend Wikimania?
  • Web_of_Science application

Meeting Notes


Notes (First Meeting)


Role changes

  • Thomas is stepping down as WJS editor in chief position to pursue the executive director
  • Andrew will be taking over the role. He will be handing over the managing editor role to another individual in the future


  • # of outstanding articles are down and making progress
  • Those that are outstanding tend to be slow due to reviewer situation


  • Trained Alex on how to recruit peer reviewers
  • Nature uses “peer review support” which is similar to technical editor
  • Will need to start assigning outstanding articles to editors


  • There is some movement on the article (Orhan Gazi, the first statesman)
  • Two reviews were submitted despite having no official handling editor according to Wikidata

Editorial board applications

  • A few have been in the voting phase for months, even though bylaw calls for a voting period of 7 days
  • Some of them appear to be drive-by applications. They signed up an account and submitted their applications, but never returned to answer follow-up questions.
  • Thomas to remind editorial board about open applications. Will send reminder emails to applicants to check the page and answer follow-up questions (only this time). Want to keep the voting period to 7 days
  • Application statements tend to be shorter than what we would have liked
    • The application instruction should be revised to encourage longer statement

WikiConference North America 2023

  • Will be in Toronto (Hybrid in person + virtual)
  • Nov 10-13, 2023
  • 200-300 attendee expectations
  • Theme: Recent Changes
  • Depending on the leftover budget, we can send more editorial board members to attend closer to time
  • Added after by Mikael Haggstrom: No extra budget currently for conference attendees outside of planned activities. Please ask Sarah about all budgetary requests as she is currently handling all finances and expenses


  • 16–19 August 2023 Singapore (Hybrid in person + virtual)
  • Added after by Mikael Haggstrom: Have budget for maximum 2 board member attendees with limited expenditures to attend. Possibly will be with a grant style application for attendance. Neither Sarah nor I will not be attending.

At conferences aimed outside wiki community

  • Need to streamline the existing PowerPoint presentations to be more focused on targeting higher-ed audience at EduWiki Conference
  • Andrew Neil is refreshing all powerpoints. Please reach out to him with any questions.
  • Try to attract more editorial board members
  • Clarify that boards are looking to expand without being too aggressive to clearly avoid the appearance of predatory open access journals

Web of Science application

  • They will look at the article content and editorial board composition
  • Guidelines pretty vague

Notes (Second Meeting)


Wikiconference North America

  • In toronto (in person and online - hybrid)
  • Nov 10-13
  • Theme “Recent changes”
  • Potential $20 registration fee (not open currently)
  • Presentation submissions at the end of june (likely)

Presentation overhaul

  • Create one-pager
  • EduWiki Conference in 3 weeks
    • 25 mins - presentation format (+/- Q and A)
    • Target for University Professor
    • Andrew to send an email to Andrew N. for ideas on what to include in this specialized powerpoint presentation
    • Existing ppt slides that could be adapted in google drive folder “Presentation slides”
    • Create one pager about us i.e. with QR code about WikiJournal
      • Collaborate Andrew and Andrew N. & Ellen
      • May be able to get metrics as well to see engagement

Comment about quality of figures generated in Word

  • Potentially update the word document template or move away from word (word decreases quality of images with .svg files)
  • Make sure to check image quality before publishing (both figures and logos)