WikiIndaba conference 2022/fa

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WikiIndaba Conference is the regional conference for Africans both within and in the diaspora. The first edition was held in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2014 by Wikimedia ZA, the 2017 edition was held in Accra, Ghana by Open Foundation West Africa, the 2018 edition was held in Tunis, Tunisia by Wikimedia TN Usergroup, the 2019 edition was held in Abuja, FCT, Nigeria by the Wikimedia UG Nigeria. The 2020 edition of the conference was supposed to be held in Kampala, Uganda but was postponed and was instead be held in 2021 as a virtual event hosted by the Wikimedia Community User Group Uganda. The 2022 edition will be held in Kigali, Rwanda hosted by The Wikimedia Community User Group Rwanda. به روزرسانیها
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