WikiIndaba conference 2021/Benjaminokeyoh1/Report
[edit]Okeyoh Benjamin(Benjaminokeyoh1)
Sessions attended
[edit]Wiki heritage in Africa. Exploring wikivoyage to improve travel information about the African continent. Leverage on youth factor for accountability. Building a wiki community in African educational institution.
Connections made
[edit]I was in potion to connect with several fellow Wikipedians from other countries like Tanzania Uganda and other countries like Sam Oyele, Samuel Guebo, Geoffrey Kateregga and Micheal Kaluba.
Learning points
[edit]I have learned that I didn't know what is Wikipedia and its mission, though it's a big project full of skilled people and whom are ready to disseminate this knowledge to the upcoming generation. committed to contribute my effort and skills in teaching young people how to explore and benefit from Wikipedia through learning and sharing content.
Research is a trust worth way to accurate information that we share with the world on Wikipedia. Learning that partnering and team working with other colleagues in each project lead to success. I was in position to learn the benefits of working together as a team.
[edit]Committed to be a global Wikimedia n's, promoting African culture through creating accurate content. I was i position to learn about some of the on going Wikimedia movements in my country. i was able to understand the benefits of working in as a team