WikiIndaba 2024/Report/Suzeen Simon
Report on the Participation of Suzeen Simon at WikiIndaba 2024 in Johannesburg, South Africa
[edit]It was my pleasure attending WikiIndaba conference for the very first time. It was indeed a great conference which met my expectations and granted me with many experiences. The atmosphere at the conference was so welcoming and I got a chance to interact with people from different countries.

As a new attendee, I didn't participate much or I would rather say I didn't contribute much to the conference, I was just too focused and paying attention to everything that was happening. However, I participated as a volunteer and I was dedicated to take notes on the second day of the conference in Umkhosi Room.
[edit]During my participation of taking notes I would say all the sessions that took place in that room contributed significantly to my learning as I have acquired a lot from different editors who shared their experiences and information on how to improve your editing. The group of Librarians meetup and discussed on how a library contribute to the society have just inspired me in a way that I would one day want to become a Librarian, now that I have came across Librarians doing the most in contributing to Wikipedia and to the society, I am inspired more.
During my days of looking forward to this conference and before I was not even granted this opportunity to attend this conference, I had edited as much as I can and participated in many projects. Through my impacts and of other editors in our user group, we managed to register our user group (Wikimedia Community User Group Namibia) and we attended the conference as a registered group.
This conference expanded my willingness to contribute more on editing and to share what I have learned with others within our user Group.
Anything else?
[edit]Thank you to the entire organizing team for WikiIndaba 2024 and to WikimediaZA for granting me this opportunity to attend such a significant gathering.