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WikiIndaba 2023/Submissions/suggestions help to expand article which do not have images and sufficient content

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Indaba 2023 Logo ID : Suggestions - Help to expand articles that do not have images and sufficient content.
Author(s): Santosh Shingare Username(s): cherishsantosh Type of submission: lecture
Affiliation: Wikimedians of India technical user group Theme(s):

When expanding an article that lacks images and sufficient content, here are some suggestions to improve it:

Research and gather more information: Look for additional sources such as books, academic papers, reputable websites, or interviews related to the topic. This will help you gather more content and enhance the article's depth and accuracy.

Add relevant images: Images can greatly enhance an article by making it more visually appealing and providing visual context to the information being discussed. Look for copyright-free images, illustrations, diagrams, or infographics related to the subject matter. Websites like Unsplash or Wikimedia Commons offer a wide range of free images that can be used with proper attribution.

Include subheadings and sections: Organize the article into clear sections and subheadings to make it easier for readers to navigate and understand. Divide the content into logical segments, each focusing on a specific aspect or subtopic related to the main subject. This improves readability and helps structure the information effectively.

Provide examples and case studies: Supporting your content with examples and case studies can make it more engaging and relatable to the readers. Look for real-life examples, success stories, or specific instances that illustrate the concepts discussed in the article. This can help readers better grasp the subject matter and its practical applications.

Include quotes and expert opinions: Adding quotes from experts or notable individuals in the field can lend credibility to the article and provide different perspectives on the topic. Research and incorporate relevant quotes that add value and depth to the content.

Use data and statistics: Whenever possible, include relevant data and statistics to support the claims or statements made in the article. This can help reinforce the information provided and make it more persuasive. Ensure that the data is from reliable sources and properly cited.

Include related topics and links: Expand the article by linking to other related articles or topics within the same website or platform. This helps readers explore more information on the subject and encourages them to stay engaged with the content.

Incorporate multimedia elements: Apart from images, consider adding other multimedia elements like videos, audio clips, or interactive elements if they are relevant to the topic. These can enhance the article's overall presentation and provide a richer experience for the readers.

Seek feedback and collaboration: Share the article with others, such as colleagues, friends, or online communities, and ask for their input. Their feedback and suggestions can help identify areas for improvement and provide fresh perspectives that can be incorporated into the article.

Revise and proofread: Once you have expanded the article, go through it carefully to check for grammar, spelling, and factual errors. Editing and proofreading are essential to ensure the article is accurate, coherent, and well-presented.

Remember, quality is more important than quantity. It's better to have a concise, well-researched article with relevant images and engaging content than a lengthy article that lacks substance.

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