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WikiIndaba 2023/Submissions/Protocol practices and Protocol Issues at the Inauguration and in the Exploitation of New Health Structures in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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Indaba 2023 Logo ID : Protocol practices and Protocol Issues at the Inauguration and in the Exploitation of New Health Structures in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Author(s): Ngoyi K. Zacharie Bukonda, David Mukabe Kalala Username(s): Ngoyi K. Zacharie Bukonda Type of submission: lightning talk
Affiliation: Universite Pedagogique Nationale, Faculte des Sciences de la Sante Theme(s): Protocol practices, protocol issues, public realtions, health care management,

As a developing country with a growing population, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is embarked in programs aimed at creating and launching social infrastructures in the various sectors such as education, agriculture, transport, etc.... Whenever one such infrastructure is created and launched, the sponsors, funders, government officials, state officers, traditional authorities and notabilities are invited to the inaugural meeting and this confluence of actors creates great challenges for the organizers. There are no well-established protocols to guide those involved in the planning and operation of these meetings. Based on data from the interview of some key players in some of these initiatives, this presentation seeks to uncover a new multidisciplinary field where several disciplines connect and play out (public relations protocol, health care management, traditions and local customs, etc...). It will highlight some of the practices that have been observed and it will unveil some of the challenges faced by the organizers. Finally, it will propose a set of guidelines to enable the organizers of these meetings to navigate their roles and to achieve greater harmony for everybody involved.

Level of advancement: medium.
Special requirements: None
Extra information: Please add if you have extra information about your presentation.
How will this session be beneficial for the communities in the region?

After attending this presentation, the attendees will discover a new multidisciplinary field where several disciplines connect and play out (public relations protocol, health care management, traditions and local customs, etc...). They will be able to list some of the practices that have been observed; and they will list and explain some of the challenges faced by the organizers. They will know a set of guidelines to enable the organizers of these meetings to navigate their roles and to achieve greater harmony for everybody involved at the launch and in the operation of health care organizations.

Interested participants[edit]

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