Author(s): Tesleemah Taye Abdulkareem, Alaafiabami Oladipupo, Isaac Oloruntimilehin
Username(s): Tesleemah, Haylad, Timmylegend
Type of submission: workshop
Affiliation: Free Knowledge Africa
Theme(s): Culture,Diversity,Heritage
Wikipedia is a platform where anyone can access information and learn about various topics. By documenting African sports , we empower African athletes by providing them with a platform to showcase their talents, accomplishments, and the impact they have made on their respective sports. This recognition can inspire future generations of African athletes and help them realize their potential.
In conclusion, documenting African sports on Wikipedia is a crucial step towards promoting cultural preservation, global awareness, and empowering African athletes
Level of advancement: Advanced
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How will this session be beneficial for the communities in the region?
This session aims to achieve several outcomes, mainly but not limited to providing an understanding of how sport can be documented on Wikipedia platforms as well as provide tools for translating articles about african athletes. Translating the articles help to bridge language barriers