WikiGap/Photo exhibition
For the third edition of WikiGap in March 2020, a photo exhibition is planned. The exhibition will feature women or non-binaries whose articles have been written or greatly improved via a WikiGap event, and where there is a good photo.
To create the exhibition, we need however your help! Please provide with examples below. Keep the text to a maximum of 500 letters. It might be the introduction to the article, or a summary of its content.
List of articles
[edit]Name of woman or non-binary | Language of article | Link to article | Summary of article in local language | Summary of article in English | Photo | WikiGap event | Your name |
Elisabeth Isaksson | Swedish | Elisabeth Isaksson | Elisabeth Isaksson är en svensk glaciolog och geolog som har studerat polarisk klimathistoria. Hon har deltagit i prisbelönta europeiska projekt om klimatförändringar i Antarktis och har varit en framstående glaciolog i 25 år. Under 2000-talet har hon bidragit till ett antal artiklar om klimatförändringar under de senaste 800 åren, baserat på forskning utförd på Lomonsovfonna, Svalbard. | Elisabeth Isaksson is a Swedish glaciologist and geologist, focused on the history of the polar climate. She has participated in award-winning European projects on Antarctic climate change, and been a prominent glaciologist for over 25 years. During the 21st century, she has produced several articles on climate changes during the last 800 years, based on research conducted on Lomonsovfonna, Svalbard. | WikiGap Stockholm 2019 | Eric Luth (WMSE) | |
ريبكا ماكينون | Arabic | ريبكا ماكينون | ريبكا ماكينون (ولدت في 16 سبتمبر1969) هي مؤلفة وباحثة مدافعة عن حرية الإنترنت، شاركت في تأسيس الأصوات العالمية، شبكة إعلام المواطن، تشتهر بكونها صحفية سابقة في شبكة سي ان ان، ترأست مكاتب سي إن إن في بكين ثم لاحقا في طوكيو. وهي عضو في مجلس إدارة لجنة حماية الصحفيين، وعضو مؤسس في مجلس إدارة مبادرة الشبكة العالمية، وهي حاليا مدير مشروع الحقوق الرقمية للتصنيف في معهد التكنولوجيا المفتوحة التابع لمؤسسة نيو أمريكا. | Rebecca MacKinnon (born September 16, 1969) is an author, researcher, Internet freedom advocate, and co-founder of the citizen media network Global Voices. She is notable as a former CNN journalist who headed the CNN bureaus in Beijing and later in Tokyo. She is on the Board of Directors of the Committee to Protect Journalists, a founding board member of the Global Network Initiative and is currently director of the Ranking Digital Rights project at the New America Foundation's Open Technology Institute. | WikiGap Cairo 2018 | Reem Al-Kashif | |
يوتا روديجر | Arabic | يوتا روديجر | يوتا روديجر هي طبيبة نفسية ألمانية ولدت في الرابع عشر من شهر يونيو (حزيران) لعام 1910 وتُوفيت في الثالث عشر من شهر مارس (آذار) لعام 2001 . ومن عام 1937 حتى عام 1945 كانت رئيسة إتحاد الفتيات الألمانيات وهي منظمة شبابية خاصة بالمرأة تابعة للحزب النازي. | Dr Jutta Rüdiger (14 June 1910 – 13 March 2001), German psychologist, was head of the Nazi Party's female youth organisation, the League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel, BDM) from 1937 to 1945. | WikiGap Cairo 2018 | Reem Al-Kashif | |
منية بناني الشرايبي | Arabic | منية بناني الشرايبي | منية بناني الشرايبي باحثة في علم اجتماع الحركات الاجتماعية بجامعة لوزان وهي مغربية من مواليد سنة 1965 ولها عدة مؤلفات حول التعبئة الاجتماعية والحركات الشبابية والحزبية. | Mounia Bennani-Chraïbi is a Moroccan political scientist, author and professor at the University of Lausanne. She published several works on activism, social media, youth issues and elections. | [1] | WikiGap Marrakesh 2019 | Anass Sedrati |
Jean Taylor | English | Jean Taylor | Jean Taylor è un matematica statunitense, professore emerita alla Rutgers University e visiting alla facoltà del Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences della New York University. | Jean Taylor is an American mathematician who is a professor emerita at Rutgers University[3] and visiting faculty at Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences of New York University. | Gender gap in science (WikiGap Trieste 2019) | Camelia.boban | |
Igle Gledhill | English | Igle Gledhill | Igle Gledhill è una fisica sudafricana dell'Università di Witwatersrand, Facoltà di ingegneria meccanica, industriale e aeronautica, a Johannesburg | Igle Gledhill is a South African physicist at the University of Witwatersrand, School of Mechanical, Industrial & Aeronautical Engineering, in Johannesburg | Gender gap in science (WikiGap Trieste 2019) | Camelia.boban | |
Nasima Akhter | Bangla | নাসিমা আক্তার |
নাসিমা আক্তার (জন্ম ১৯৭০) হচ্ছেন একজন বাংলাদেশী বিজ্ঞানী যিনি নিউক্লিয়ার মেডিসিন বিশেষজ্ঞ। ২০১০-এ, তিনি নিউক্লিয়ার কার্ডিওলজির গবেষনা এবং ভ্রূণীয় অনিয়মের নুচাল ট্রান্সসুয়েন্সীর গবেষণার জন্য বিএএস-টিডব্লিউএএস তরুন বিজ্ঞানী পুরস্কার লাভ করেন। ২০১৩-এ, নিউক্লিয়ার মেডিসিন ও আল্ট্রাসনোগ্রাফি-এ তার কাজের জন্য তিনি এলসেভিয়ার ফাউন্ডেশন অ্যাওয়ার্ড-এ সম্মানিত হন। |
Nasima Akhter (born 1970) is a Bangladeshi scientist who specializes in nuclear medicine. In 2010, she won the BAS-TWAS Young Scientists Prize for her research involving nuchal translucency for fetal anomalies and research into nuclear cardiology. In 2013, she was honoured with the Elsevier Foundation Award for her work on nuclear medicine and ultrasonography. |
WikiGap edit-a-thon 2019, Bangladesh | Afifa Afrin | |
Lily Chakraborty | Bangla | লিলি চক্রবর্তী |
লিলি চক্রবর্তী (জন্ম ১৫ জানুয়ারি, ১৯৭২) একজন ভারতীয় গজল গায়িকা, বাঙ্গালী কবি এবং সুরকার।[১] তার রচনাগুলির মধ্যে রয়েছে ছোট গল্প গুচছ (২০০৯) এবং কবি একাকীত্ব (২০০৯) এবং ছন্দে কাব্য (২০১০)। ২০০৯ সালে, তার অ্যালবাম, জানলে-এ-দিল, ভারতের প্রথম ডিজিটাল ভাবে প্রকাশ হওয়া অ্যালবাম। |
Lily Chakraborty (born 15 January 1972) is an Indian Ghazal singer, Bengali poet and composer.[1] Her works include the short story Galpo Gucco (2009) and the poetry anthologies Akakitto (2009) and Chandey Kabo (2010). Chakraborty's 2009 album, Janele-Aye-Dil, is the first digitally recorded release in India. |
WikiGap 2019 Kolkata India | Rajeeb | |
Mariam Kereselidze | Georgian | მარიამ კერესელიძე | მარიამ კერესელიძე ქართველი სამხედრო და პოლიტიკური მოღვაწის, ეროვნულ-განმათავისუფლებელი მოძრაობის ერთ–ერთი ლიდერის, გენერალ ლეო კერესელიძის ქალიშვილი, ვერმახტის ქართული ლეგიონის ერთ-ერთი მეთაური. | Mariam Kereselidze daughter of a Georgian military and political figure, one of the leaders of the National Liberation Movement, General Leo Kereselidze. Mariam herself was an activist who led anti-Soviet propaganda and was one of the leading figures of the Georgian intelligentsia in Europe. | on Georgian Wiki | WikiGap 2018 in Tbilisi | Mehman |
Mariam Kereselidze | Georgian | ბაბილინა ხოსიტაშვილი | ბაბილინა ხოსიტაშვილი ქართველი ფემინისტი მწერალი, მკვლევარი და მუშათა და ქალთა უფლებებისთვის მებრძოლი. | Babilina Khositashvili Georgian feminist writer, researcher, and fighter for workers' and women's rights. She is famous for her works on sexuality, prostitution and other issues that are taboo in Georgian society. | on Georgian Wiki | WikiGap 2018 in Tbilisi | Mehman |
Kheria Al-Kukhun | Arabic | خيرية الكخن | خيرية حامد فايز الكخن باحثة أردنية في الآثار والتنقيب والترميم. | WikiGap 2018 in Amman/Jordan | Mervat | ||
若宮 正子 | Japanese | 若宮正子 | 若宮 正子(わかみや まさこ、1935年4月19日 - )は、ITエヴァンジェリスト。電子掲示板「メロウ倶楽部」副会長。2017年に81歳でiPhoneアプリ「hinadan」を開発した世界最高齢のプログラマーである。ハンドルネームは「マーチャン」。 | Masako Wakamiya ( Masako Wakamiya , April 19, 1935 -) is an IT evangelist and vice chairman of the electronic bulletin board "Mello Club" . 2017 at the age of 81 to the iPhone is the programmer of the world's oldest that developed the app "hinadan" . Handle name is "Merchant" . | WikiGap 2019 in Tokyo, Japan | ||
Olena Kulchytska | Italian | Olena Kulchytska | Olena Kulchytska (in ucraino: Олена Львівна Кульчицька?; Berežany, 15 settembre 1877 – Leopoli, 8 marzo 1967) è stata un'artista, insegnante e attivista ucraina. | Olena Kulchytska (in Ukrainian : Олена Львівна Кульчицька ? ; Berežany , 15 September 1877 - Lviv , 8 March 1967 ) was an artist , teacher and Ukrainian activist. | WikiGap 2019 in Kyiv, Ukraine | ||
Ruzena Bajcsy | Italian | Ruzena Bajcsy | Ruzena Bajcsy (Bratislava, 28 maggio 1933) è un'ingegnera e informatica cecoslovacca naturalizzata statunitense, ricercatrice pionieristica nella robotica e nell'intelligenza artificiale. È docente di ingegneria elettrica e informatica all'Università della California, Berkeley, direttrice emerita di CITRIS (il Centro per la ricerca sulle tecnologie dell'informazione nell'interesse della società). Ha fondato il Laboratorio di robotica generale e percezione sensoriale attiva (GRASP) dell'Università della Pennsylvania - dove ha insegnato per 28 anni - ed è stata la prima direttrice. Fa parte del Neurosciences Institute in the School of Medicine ed è a capo del Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate della National Science Foundation, con autorità su un budget di 500 milioni di dollari. | Ruzena Bajcsy ( Bratislava , 28 May 1933 ) is an American naturalized Czechoslovak engineer and computer scientist , a pioneering researcher in robotics and artificial intelligence . She is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, emeritus director of CITRIS (the Center for Information Technology Research in the interest of society). She founded the Laboratory of General Robotics and Active Sensory Perception (GRASP) of the University of Pennsylvania - where she taught for 28 years - and was the first director. She is a member of the Neurosciences Institute in the School of Medicine and heads the Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate of the National Science Foundation, with authority over a $ 500 million budget. | WikiGap 2019 in Trieste, Italy | ||
Shkolla e parë e vajzave, Korçë | Albanian | Shkolla e parë e vajzave, Korçë | Shkolla e parë e vajzave, Korçë apo Shkolla shqipe e vashave në Korçë ishte një shkollë për vajza që u hap më 23 tetor 1891 në Korçë. Me hapjen e konviktit në 1900, u krijua mundësia që shumë vajza nga krahina të tjera të studionin aty. | The first girls' school, Korça or the Albanian Girls' School in Korça was a girls' school that opened on 23 October 1891 in Korça . With the opening of the dormitory in 1900, it was possible for many girls from other provinces to study there. | WikiGap 2019 in Prishtina, Kosovo | ||
Marie Schmolková | Czech | Marie Schmolková | Marie Schmolková (Schmolka, rozená Eisnerová 23. červen 1893 Praha – 27. března 1940 Londýn) byla československá humanitární pracovnice, bojovnice za ženská práva a sionistka, předsedkyně Národního koordinačního výboru pro uprchlíky v Československu. Ve 30. letech zachránila tisíce uprchlíků před nacistickou perzekucí. K jejím spolupracovníkům patřili Milena Jesenská, Max Brod a Nicholas Winton. Jako jediná delegátka Československa se zúčastnila konference v Évianu o židovských uprchlících v červenci 1938. | Marie Schmolková ( Schmolka , née Eisnerová June 23, 1893 Prague - March 27, 1940 London ) was a Czechoslovak humanitarian worker, a women's fighter and a Zionist , chairman of the National Coordination Committee for Refugees in Czechoslovakia. In the 1930s, it saved thousands of refugees from Nazi persecution. Her collaborators included Milena Jesenská , Max Brod and Nicholas Winton . She was the only delegate of Czechoslovakia to attend the Évian Conference on Jewish Refugees in July 1938. | WikiGap 2019 in Prague, Czechia | ||
Інна Валеріївна Шевченко | Ukrainian | Інна Валеріївна Шевченко | Інна Валеріївна Шевченко — феміністка, активістка і лідерка міжнародного жіночого руху FEMEN, які часто з'являються топлес на своїх протестах проти вираження патріархату, особливо диктатури, релігії та секс-індустрії. Шевченко має більш високий профіль, ніж інші члени групи. Вона була лідером групи з трьох активісток FEMEN, котрих, як вважають, викрало і погрожувало КДБ Білорусі у 2011 році. Вона звернула на себе увагу в Україні, коли порізала бензопилою і повалила чотириметровий хрест в центрі Києва в 2012 році.
У 2013 році Шевченко отримала притулок у Франції, а зараз продовжує активізувати свою діяльність, очолюючи FEMEN France з навчальної бази, яку вона створила в Парижі. У липні 2013 року французький художник Олів'є Чаппа[en], який разом з Девідом Кавені розробив новий французький штамп з зображенням Маріанни, заявив у Твіттері, що Шевченко стала головним натхненням для створення зображення. |
Inna Shevchenko is a feminist , activist and leader of the international women's movement FEMEN , who often appear topless in their protests against the expression of patriarchy , especially dictatorship , religionand the sex industry . Shevchenko has a higher profile than other members of the group. She was the leader of a group of three FEMEN activists believed to have abducted and threatened the KGB in 2011. She drew attention to herself in Ukraine when she cut her chainsawand knocked down a four-meter cross in the center of Kiev in 2012.
In 2013, Shevchenko was granted asylum in France , and is now continuing to step up her activities, leading FEMEN France from a training base she created in Paris . In July 2013 the French artist Olivier Chappa [en] , who along with David Kaven developed a new French stamp depicting Marianne , said on Twitter that Shevchenko was the main inspiration for the picture. |
WikiGap 2019 in Lviv, Ukraine | ||
이홍금 | Korean | 이홍금 | 이홍금은 한국 극지연구소(KOPRI) 사무 총장으로 일하면서 가장 잘 알려진 남극 연구원이다. 이홍금은 2007년 한국 로레알 여성생명과학상을 수상했다 2015년 대한민국 미래창조과학부가 수여하는 올해의 여성 과학자 상을 수상했다. 2016년 대통령이 과학 기술 훈장을 수여했다. | Lee Hong- geum is the best-known Antarctic researcher, working as secretary general of the Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI). Lee Hong-geum won the Korea L'Oreal Women's Life Sciences Award in 2007. In 2015, she won the Women's Scientist of the Year Award from the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning. In 2016, the President awarded her a science and technology medal. | WikiGap 2019 in Seoul, Korea | ||
ميخال روزين | Arabic | ميخال روزين | ميخال روزين (بالعبرية: מיכל רוזין، من مواليد 25 يونيو 1969) سياسية إسرائيلية تشغل حاليا منصب عضو في الكنيست عن حزب ميرتس. وتشغل روزين منصب رئيسة اللوبي للتعددية والمساواة المدنية، اللوبي لمجتمع مثليي الجنس، اللوبي للنهوض بأبناء الشبيبة، اللوبي من أجل خريجي مؤسسات التربية الحريدية واللوبي من أجل المساواة في العمل. | Michal Rosen ( Hebrew : מיכל רוזין, born June 25, 1969 ) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset on the Meretz party. Rosen is President of the Group for Pluralism and Civic Equality, Group for the Gay Community, Group for the Advancement of Young People, Group for Graduates of Civic Education Institutions and Group for Equality at Work. | WikiGap 2019 in Tel Aviv, Israel | ||
Zeinab Badawi | Dutch | Zeinab Badawi | Zeinab Badawi (geboren op 24 november 1959) is een Soedanees-Britse televisie- en radiojournaliste. Ze was de eerste presentatrice van het ITV Morning News (later bekend als ITV News at 5:30), en presenteerde Channel 4 News samen met Jon Snow van 1989 tot 1998, voordat zij bij BBC News kwam. Badawi presenteerde World News Today, uitgezonden op zowel BBC Four als BBC World News, en Reporters, een wekelijks overzicht van BBC-nieuwsberichten. | Zeinab Badawi (born November 24, 1959) is a Sudanese-British television and radio journalist . She was the first presenter of ITV Morning News (later known as ITV News at 5:30 am ), and presented Channel 4 News with Jon Snow from 1989 to 1998, before joining BBC News . Badawi presented World News Today , broadcast on both BBC Four and BBC World News , and Reporters , a weekly overview of BBC news items. | WikiGap 2019 in Maastricht, Netherlands | ||
Lois Auta | Igbo | Lois Auta | Lois Auta (a mụrụ 29 April 1980) bụ onye guzobere na onyeisi ndị isi nke Cedar Seed Foundation. Ọ natara onyinye maka ọrụ ya n'ịkwalite ọrụ nkwarụ zuru ụwa ọnụ na United States . Ọ bụ onye isi ala nke Naijiria president Mohammadu Buhari kwadoro ya maka nkà na ụzụ dị iche iche na mmepụta ihe. | Lois Auta was born on 29 April 1980. She hails from Kaduna State, Nigeria. Lois Auta is the founder and chief executive officer of Cedar Seed Foundation. She has received awards for her role in promoting disabled sport globally in the U.S. She was hosted among 30 Nigerians by President Mohammadu Buhari for technology innovation and creativity. | WikiGap 2019 in Abuja, Nigeria | ||
Uche Ekwunife | Igbo | Uche Ekwunife | Uche Ekwunife (onye a mụrụ n'afọ 1970) bụ onye ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị Naijiria na otu onye isi nke Nigerian Senate nke asatọ. A họpụtara ya ka ọ bụrụ onye nnọchiteanya ndi Anambra na 2015. E nwere Senatọ karịrị 100 na National Assembly nke 8 , mana naanị isii n'ime ndị a bụ ụmụ nwanyị. Ndị ọzọ bụ Rose Okoji Oko , Stella Oduah , Fatimat Raji Rasaki , Oluremi Tinubu na Binta Garba . | Uche Ekwunife (born 1970) is a Nigerian politician and a member of the Eighth Nigerian Senate. He was elected to the Anambra Congress in 2015. There were over 100 Senators in the 8th National Assembly, but only six of these were women. The others wee Rose Okoji Oko, Stella Oduah, Fatimat Raji Rasaki , Oluremi Tinubu and Binta Garba. | WikiGap 2019 in Abuja, Nigeria | ||
Luísa Diogo | Portuguese | Luísa Diogo | Luísa Dias Diogo (11 de abril de 1958) é uma economista moçambicana. Foi Ministra do Plano e Finanças entre 1999 e 2005 do Governo de Moçambique, a partir de fevereiro de 2004, com a demissão do então Primeiro Ministro Pascoal Mucumbi, acumulou aquela pasta com a de Primeira Ministra. Foi exonerada, junto com todo o Governo em Janeiro de 2005, na sequência das eleições gerais de Dezembro de 2004. Em Fevereiro de 2005, foi nomeada de novo Primeira Ministra pelo recém-empossado Presidente Armando Guebuza. Foi exonerada em Janeiro de 2010 pelo reeleito Presidente Guebuza e substituída por Aires Ali. | Luísa Dias Diogo ( April 11 , 1958 ) is a Mozambican economist. She was Minister of Planning and Finance between 1999 and 2005 of the Government of Mozambique, and from February 2004, with the resignation of then Prime Minister Pascoal Mucumbi, she accumulated that portfolio with that of Prime Minister. She was exonerated, along with the entire Government in January 2005, following the December 2004 general elections. In February 2005, she was appointed again Prime Minister by the newly installed President Armando Guebuza. She was exonerated in January 2010 by the re-elected President Guebuza and replaced by Aires Ali. | WikiGap 2019 in Maputo, Mozambique | ||
Astrid Lindgren | Macedonian | Астрид Линдгрен | Астрид Ана Емилија Линдгрен (14 ноември 1907 година - 28 јануари 2002 година) била шведска писателка на фантастика и сценарија. Таа е најпозната по неколкуте серии на книги за деца, во кои се претставени Пипи Долгата Чорапа, Емил и Ленеберга, Карлсон-на-покривот и Шесте деца на Булбери (деца на Бучно село во САД), и за детските фантастични романи Мио, Мојот Син, Рона ќерката на крадецот и браќата Лионхарт. Линдгрен работела на Уредувачкиот одбор за Детската литература во издавачката куќа Rabén & Sjögren во Стокхолм и напишала повеќе од 30 книги за деца. Во јануари 2017 година, таа беше пресметана како 18-тата најпреведувана авторка во светот, и четврта најпреведувана писателка за деца по Енид Блитон, Ханс Кристијан Андерсен и Браќата Грим. Линдгрен досега има продадено околу 165 милиони книги ширум светот. | Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren (November 14, 1907 - January 28, 2002) was a Swedish writer of fiction. She is best known for several series of books for children, such as Pippi Långstrump, Emil i Lönneberga, Karlsson på taket and Barnen i Bullerbyn, and also and children's fantasy novels such as Mio, min Mio, Ronja Rövardotter och Bröderna Lejonhjärta. Lindgren worked on the Children's Literature Editor's board at Rabén & Sjögren Publishing House in Stockholm and wrote more than 30 children's books. In January 2017, she was listed as the 18th most translated author in the world, and the fourth most translated children's writer by Enid Blyton, Hans Christian Andersen and the Grimm Brothers . Lindgren has sold about 165 million books worldwide so far. | WikiGap 2019 in Skopje, North Macedonia | ||
Maite Alberdi Soto | Spanish | Maite Alberdi Soto | Maite Alberdi Soto (Santiago, 29 de marzo de 1983) es una directora audiovisual, realizadora, guionista y crítica de cine chilena.
Es reconocida a nivel internacional por sus documentales La once (2014) y Los niños (2016), por los cuales obtuvo el premio a la mejor dirección femenina documental en el Festival de Cine Documental de Ámsterdam (IDFA), el más importante del mundo en su género. Directora audiovisual de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, es también licenciada en estética y en comunicación social de la misma casa de estudios. Ha ejercido además como montajista, sonidista, productora ejecutiva y directora de fotografía en diversas películas y documentales nacionales. |
Maite Alberdi Soto (Santiago, 29 of March of 1983 ) is a Chilean film director, producer, screenwriter and critic. She is internationally recognized for her documentaries ONCE (2014) and Children (2016), for which she won the award for best female director at the Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA), the most important in the world of its kind. She has a degree in aesthetics and social communication from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She has also worked as an editor, sound engineer, executive producer and director of photography in various national films and documentaries. | WikiGap 2018 in Santiago, Chile | ||
Sara Seager | Spanish | Sara Seager | Sara Seager (Toronto, 21 de julio de 1971) es una astrónoma americano-canadiense y científica planetaria. Es profesora en el Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts y es conocida por sus trabajos sobre planetas extrasolares y sus atmósferas. Es autora de dos libros de texto en estas materias, y ha sido reconocida por su investigación por Popular Science, Discover Magazine, Nature, y TIME Magazine. Seager recibió una beca MacArthur en 2013 por sus trabajos teóricos en la detección de señales químicas en atmósferas de exoplanetas y desarrollo de observatorios de bajo coste para la observación de tránsitos planetarios. | Sara Seager (Toronto, 21 July 1971) is a Canadian-American astronomer and planetary scientist. She is a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is known for her work on extrasolar planets and their atmospheres. She is the author of two textbooks on these topics, and has been recognized for her research by Popular Science, Discover Magazine, Nature, and TIME Magazine. Seager was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship in 2013 citing her theoretical work on detecting chemical signatures on exoplanet atmospheres and developing low-cost space observatories to observe planetary transits. | WikiGap 2019 in Madrid, Spain | ||
Musine Kokalari | Albanian | Musine Kokalari | Musine Kokalari (Adanë, 10 shkurt 1917 - Rrëshen, 13 gusht 1983) ka qenë një veprimtare politike e kulturore dhe shkrimtare shqiptare e shekullit të XX. Së bashku me Selfixhe Ciun dhe Jolanda Kodrën ka qenë ndër shkrimtaret e para në Shqipëri. | Musine Kokalari (February 10, 1917 – August 14, 1983) was an Albanian prose writer and politician in Albania's pre-communist period. She was the founder of the Social-Democratic Party of Albania in 1943.[1] Kokalari was the first female writer of Albania.[2] After a short involvement in politics during World War II, she was persecuted by the communist regime in Albania, and not allowed to write anymore. She died in poverty and complete isolation. | WikiGap 2019 in Tirana, Albania | ||
Luiza Gega | Albanian | Luiza Gega | Luiza Gega (lindi më 5 nëntor 1988) është atlete shqiptare. Ajo mban rekordin në vrapimin 800, 1500 dhe 3000 metra.
Arritjet: Kampionati Europian Paris 2011 në 800 metra ka rezultatin 2:08:34 sekonda; Kampionati Botëror Koreja 2011 në 800 m, vendi 20 me rezultatin 2:03”11 sekonda; Kampionati Ballkanik (Indoor) Stamboll, në 1500 m, vendi parë, medalje ari, me rezultatin 4:10:75 sekonda |
Luiza Gega (born 5 November 1988) is an Albanian athlete specializing in middle-distance running.[1] She is the Albanian record holder in the 800, 1500, and 3000 metres, as well as 3000 metres steeplechase. | frameless | WikiGap 2019 in Tirana, Albania | |
Marie Kraja | Albanian | Marie Kraja | Marie Kraja lindi më 24 shtator 1911 ne Zarë të Dalmacisë dhe vdiq në Tiranë më 21 nëntor 1999. Marie është këngëtare lirike shqiptare. | Marie Kraja or Marie Paluca (24 September 1911 – 21 November 1999) was an Albanian opera singer, who is particularly known for her delivery of Albanian folk songs. | WikiGap 2019 in Tirana, Albania |