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This page is a translated version of the page WikiForMotherTongue and the translation is 26% complete.

母語をテーマとする「ウィキ4母語」(母語のためのウィキ)のキャンペーン趣旨は、誰もが母国語でアクセスできるようにすることであり、中立的で事実に基づいた最新の情報はウィキメディアの国・地域別協会や利用者グループ、ローカル言語版ウィキペディアのボランティアの皆さんが世界各地で組織されています。このプロジェクト #WikiForMotherTongue は毎年恒例のコンテストで、誰もが母国語で貢献できます。(「ウィキ4母語」=母語のためのウィキ)

For 2025, we are encouraging Wikimedia communities to expand topics important to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the International Mother Tongue Day declared by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) in 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism, we invite Wikimedia communities to create knowledge on Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wiktionnary and Wikiquote.

The campaign focuses on regional writing contests and community events that will highlight the issues that matter most in their local context.


You can organize a number of events around the mother tongue campaign to identify more speakers of your mother tongue. These activities can include:

  • An edit-a-thon or editing workshop in your mother tongue
  • Organizing a localized mini editing contest in your mother tongue
  • Hosting a webinar explaining the role of Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikiquote, Wikidata, IncubatorWiki and TranslateWiki in your mother tongue
  • Try something else?

Regional Support for Organizers

Are you a country or community organizer rallying your community to participate in the campaign? we have experienced movement organizers working in your region to support you with the right information that is accessible in your language? Do you need help identifying the right kind of community activities to organize, a deep understanding of the campaign theme to align to your local context, the right tools to build your article list?


Wiki4MotherTongue project is a competition which takes place every February of the year.
Duration:February 1 – February 29


Wiki4MotherTongue project is run at the world level. However, every year, specific actions (training, communication etc.) can be held in some countries with national organisers.
