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Wiki pour les Droits humains/Organisation

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page WikiForHumanRights/Organize and the translation is 59% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Pour les recommandations d'organisation de 2021, voir ce lien

Header for Wiki for Human Rights 2024 Meta Page: Right to a Healthy Environment GIF
Header for Wiki for Human Rights 2024 Meta Page: Right to a Healthy Environment GIF
#WikiForHumanRights 2024:Knowledge for a Sustainable Future


Vous pouvez organiser un certain nombre d'événements autour du thème de la campagne droit à un environnement sain, en vous concentrant sur l'une des 3 crises environnementales de haut niveau: Changement climatique, Pollution et Biodiversité. Ces activités peuvent inclure:

  • Organiser un edit-a-thon ou un atelier d'édition dans votre pays/communauté
  • Organiser un mini-concours de rédaction localisé dans votre pays/communauté
  • Organiser un webinaire expliquant le rôle de Wikipédia dans le droit à un environnement sain
  • Essayer autre chose?

Regional Support for Organizers

Are you a country or community organizer rallying your community to participate in the campaign? we have experienced movement organizers working in your region to support you with the right information that is accessible in your language? Do you need help identifying the right kind of community activities to organize, a deep understanding of the campaign theme to align to your local context, the right tools to build your article list or submitting a rapid grant application? The regional coordinators are happy to lend you support in all the following ways and more.

Meet and connect with your regional coordinator to access this support where you need them:

Please feel free to reach out to the regional coordinator in your region if you need their support.

Empowering Campaign Organizers

Are you an organizer supporting the work of the campaign in your country or region? We want to empower you with the needed skills through our capacity building sessions in collaboration with Let's Connect Program.

Join the capacity building sessions on:

Community storytelling

The community is also organizing community storytelling through the WikiForHumanRights podcast. Are you a regional coordinator mobilizing your region to organize or an organizer supporting the work of the campaign in your country or region? Bring the story of your community or region along to the podcast to share how you are inspired to organize with the international wikimedia community and the world at large.

Ressources pour les organisateurs

Pour plus d’informations, voir Resources subpage.

Organizing Tools

Création de votre tableau de bord

Autres outils de suivi

Inscription à l’évènement

  • Use the latest version of the event registration tool for your event! Organizers can now create an on-wiki registration for their events. Once registration is enabled, participants can register for the event by simply clicking the “Register” button. Then, the organizers will be able to collect the list of registered event participants. Visit the project page and user guide to learn more about this tool.

Liste des sujets

Voici les listes de sujets et liens rouges suggérés pour commencer.

Avez-vous besoin d'aide pour concevoir une nouvelle liste de sujets? Voici quelques outils pour vous aider à réfléchir à cette approche:


Ressources pour les nouveaux rédacteurs

Liens vers des publications de recherche