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WikiForHumanRight2023 Campaign Tamazight

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
  • All meetings reports are published on the specified Meta page.
  • note: you want to do an activity contact before by Email if you want: wikimediatamazight(_AT_)gmail(_DOT_)com
  • Please contact our membership team by email if you want at Talk page if you have any further questions about becoming a member of Wikimedians of Tamazight User Group.
  • Mailing list: wikimedia-tamazight(_AT_)lists.wikimedia.org

See Before : Code of Conduct

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Header for Wiki for Human Rights 2022 Meta Page: Right to a Healthy Environment GIF
#WikiForHumanRights 2023: Right to a healthy environment

WikiForHumanRights2023 Campaign Tamazight


Participate discussion 25 February 2023:

  1. Ahmed Houamel 20 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Presentation changement climatique en Afrique 22 April 2023 on Zoom traduction Anass Sedrati
  • Presentation Projects 25 April 2023 Tamazight-French -arabic- English
  • Hashtag dialoguebox Wiki: #WikiForHumanRights2023 #Wiki_Izerfan_n_Wemdan2023 #Wiki_Ameḍran_n_Weflu2023

- Hashtag communication Social Media #WikiChangementClimatique2023 #WikiAsmeskelAnezway2023 #ⵡⵉⴽⵉ_ⵉ_ⵉⵣⵔⴼⴰⵏ_ⵏ_ⵓⴼⴳⴰⵏ_2023 #WikiForHumanRights2023 #Wiki_Izerfan_n_Wemdan2023

Event Africa francophone 17 april 2023 Wibinaire

  • Partenariat: Association Zerfa Canada. UN Human Rights- UNICEF- WikiHumanRighstMaghreb2023-WikiHumanRights2023
  • Date: April-may-june-july-



Appel à la Diaspora et Imazighen et à tout le monde Save languages and words and cultures Tamazight in danger of extinction.

Il manque beaucoup d'informations sur le changement climatique et les droits humains dans les projets Wikimedia , langues locales en Afrique.

Proposition d'activité: organiser des ateliers de formation et des Edit a thon , wikipedia, Wikidata, téléviser des photos des régions rurales dans Wikimedia Commons, ajouter des citations dans Wikiquote et rajouter dru contenu dans tous les projets Wikimedia pour ajouter de l'information en votre langue locale, on a 22 langues locales ou régionales en Afrique dans le Wiktionnaire. Ajoutez des mots techniques dans le changement climatique dans le Wiktionnaire chaouis ou créer des projets Wiktionnaire langue locale dans les incubateurs ( avoir une communauté linguistique d'un minimum de 3 personnes par mois ayant plus de 11 contributions pour chaque membre) , prononciation des mots dans lingualibre et Wikimedia Commons. créer des sections dont le titre est changement climatique dans les articles liés aux villes et ajoutez du contenu avec des références s'il y en a. , traduction vers le Kabyle et le Tcahlehit, ainsi que les projets dans les incubateurs , en respectant le code graphique approuvée du projet. Voir notre projet exemple le Wiktionnaire chaoui Tacawit Wiktionary – the first language community to found itself on a project other than Wikipedia There is a lack of information on climate change and human rights in the Wikimedia projects, local languages in Africa.

Activity proposal: organize training workshops and Edit a thon , wikipedia, Wikidata, upload images of rural areas in Wikimedia Commons, add quotes in Wikiquote and add more content in all Wikimedia projects, add information in your local language, we have 22 local languages in Africa in the Wiktionary. Add technical words in climate change in the shayiwa language Wiktionary or create local language Wiktionary projects in the incubators (have a language community of a minimum of 3 people per month with more than 11 contributions for each member in month), add pronunciation of words in lingualibre and Wikimedia Commons. Create sections with the title climate change in Wikipedias articles related to cities and add content with references if available Wikipedia, translation to Kabyle and Tcahlehit, as well as projects in the incubators, respecting the approved graphic code of the project. See also Tacawit Wiktionary – the first language community to found itself on a project other than Wikipedia

Communities Languages


We Have mission to manage projects for development languages , Moore 70 variants. We have tree officially Wikimedia projects lunched. Some languages are * Incubator category page for Tamazight-language test projects

Article share of Berber languages
28.538 %
23.202 %
Active user share of Berber languages
26.437 %
27.586 %
kab:Kabyle (Taqbaylit)6,89423
shi:Shilha (Taclḥit)5,60524

Total: 24,157 articles, 87 active accounts.

A set of multilingual pages on Meta are dedicated to Wiktionary and supported by the Tremendous Wiktionary User Group.

  • The information concerning the languages, dictionary : title: Dictionary Tamazight by Arav Benyounès , Edition Entre-Parenthèse and byeEdition

Add your username and your language if you are interested about projects or activities or translations or training on section participate Ajoutez votre username et la langue du projet qui vous intéresse pour des activities ou des traductions ou des formations dans la section participer

  • Algeria:

𝐓amzabit, Tacawit (Wiktionary officially launched ), Tacenwit, Tamazight standard Algeria, Taggragrent, Tagengusit, Tahaggart, Tamachaqt negh Tamaceqt, Tatargit, , Tasahit, Tawsint, Tasmrusit, Taqbaylit (Wikipedia officially launched).

  • Morocco:

Standard Moroccan Amazigh ISO 639-3 zgh, Tacelhit (Wikipedia launched), Tarifit, Tasanhayit, Senhhyi, Cilh, Tawaraynit, Baâmrani, Allisan al-gharbi à Tamsna

  • Mauritania:

Azennaga, Azennaklem, Sanhafya, Tasawaqt, Tatargit.

  • Tunisia:

Matmati, Tatargit, Zarzasi, djerbi,

  • Libya:

Awjili, Ghadamsi, Jemmari, Jilan n awilen, Nefusi, Sukni, Tatargit, Jebayli, Tatjenhut, Tatjenhnut, Talibut

  • Mali:

Tadhaq, Adagifughas, Tamacheqt negh tamacheght, Taneslant, Tatargit

  • Niger:

Tatargit, Tayart, Tawellemet, Tabarught, Tihit, Tamajaq, Tamesaghlalt, Chinsar, Tamesgarest, tetserret

  • The Canary Islands, Spain:

Taknarit, Taguncit

  • Egypt:

Tasiwant, Tatjenhut, Tatjenhnut, Talibut

  • Nigeria :


  • Sub-Saharan Africa and Sahel:

Ingelchi, Sanghay, Zarma, Tamaceqt negh Tamacheght, Tatargit, Tabaruct, Tadaksahak, Hawsa, …

  • Senegal :


  • Burkina Faso


  • Diasporas



Completer le formulaire pour avoir une formation si vous voulez Training Formation Inscription if you want complete the form

  1. Username /language /Project
  2. user:Great11 formateur -shy-fr/wkt
  3. user:Idhurar/shy/wkt-lingualibre
  4. user:Lhoussine AIT TAYFST Formateur shi/wp
  5. user:BAAZIZ05/shy/ shy- lingualibre-wkt

See also

  • Suggestion d'articles Suggestion d'articles
  • Links for people interested in creating new wiktionary if you want complete the form

creating new wiktionary