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WikiCred/2022 CFP/The creation of a reliable and credible information ecosystem targeting marginalized women in particular

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The creation of a reliable and credible information ecosystem targeting marginalized women in particular
A WikiCred 2022 Grant Proposal
Project TypeOther
AuthorEvelyne PIERRE-LOUIS
Requested amount$ 9.500 USD
Award amountUnknown
What is your idea?

Promote and securely disseminate trusted products of accurate and relevant information and fill information gaps to counter misinformation and disinformation about the electoral process and reproductive health rights. Democracy depends on citizens having access to reliable information to participate and have their voices heard. This situation of misinformation undermines the inalienable rights of marginalized groups, particularly women, and therefore this project specifically targets women.

Why is it important?

Targeting women in particular not only advances their democratic inclusion but also unlocks the potential for women's participation in decision making and in claiming their rights to have their reproductive health effectively taken into account by the relevant bodies

Link(s) to your resume or anything else (CV, GitHub, etc.) that may be relevant

Is your project already in progress?

no it is not

How is this project relevant to credibility and Wikipedia?

From this project we will provide the marginalized population with tools that can help them target and identify the real from the fake. In front of erroneous links presented by pseudo journalists we work so that professional multimedia journalists animated by a sense of ethics can have an open window to better verify the information intended to be put online following the example of the work that Wilkymedia does in the field of objective, impartial and credible information.

What is the ultimate impact of this project?

Produce and disseminate content on the electoral process and reproductive health gaps, online and multimedia, specifically tailored to priority audiences, especially marginalized women. Implement direct communication mechanisms (SMS Blast, Robot-Call) specifically for the marginalized population, especially women.

Develop special surveys to understand the concerns of marginalized populations regarding the electoral process and the consideration of reproductive health in order to understand their concerns and amplify their voices

Expand the partnership with marginalized women's networks (vulnerable, rural...) to target more women through the networks.

Can your project scale?

Can your project scale? It is with this in mind that the Fondation Citoyennete et developpement (CIDEV) has subscribed to this project

Why are you the people to do it?

Because we have expertise in the field, we have already worked on an online campaign called Kanpay Madan Kolo for aspiring female candidates for decision-making positions

What is the impact of your idea on diversity and inclusiveness of the Wikimedia movement?

Our idea echoes that of Wikimedia, as we are a space of reflection, education and democratization of knowledge that contributes to the respect and protection of sexual and reproductive rights and citizen participation in a healthy environment. We are a non-profit feminist entity committed to accompanying women and girls in the implementation of knowledge and promotion of attitudes, behaviors and education for the construction of an egalitarian world that respects their rights.

What are the challenges associated with this project and how you will overcome them?

The major challenge lies in the availability of a high speed internet service from the four (4) operators serving the country and a national coverage reaching the most remote areas. To remedy this situation we opt for SMS/Blast and Robot-Call services to reach both high-end and low-end phones in the most inaccessible corners.

How will you spend your funds?

1- We intend to use the service of the two (2) most popular companies of the country Natcom and Digicel for the contracts of Robot-calls and SMS-Blast. 2- Organization of seminars for the bridgeheads of women's networks (40) 3- Survey on the electoral process and the difficulties faced 4- Survey on the consideration of reproductive health through the marginalized population 5- Internet subscription for broadcasting via social networks and communication

How long will your project take?

From the implementation period to the closing of the project it will be spread over a period of four (4) months

Have you worked on projects for previous grants before?

Yes, we are used to it but for Wilky it's our first time