WikiConference India 2023/Friendly Space Policy

28 – 30 April, 2023
Hyderabad, India
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[edit]Keep in mind that WikiConference India should be a safe space for all participants, be it online or onsite. We want to provide a welcoming experience for everyone, regardless of personal background, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, appearance, religion, caste, race, or political inclination. As we interact both virtually and onsite, it is our hope that each one of us will be mindful of the welfare of others and refrain from any form of harm.
The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) applies to WikiConference India. If you experience or notice any breaches of this UCoC, feel free to contact Please read the UCoC carefully and act accordingly during all parts of the conference. We ask you to be especially aware of the following:
Expected Behaviour
[edit]- Every Wikimedian, whether they are a new or experienced editor, a community functionary, an affiliate or Wikimedia Foundation board member or employee, is responsible for their own behaviour.
- In all Wikimedia projects, spaces, and events, behaviour will be founded in respect, civility, collegiality, solidarity and good citizenship. This applies to all contributors and participants in their interaction with all contributors and participants, without expectations based on age, mental or physical disabilities, physical appearance, national, religious, ethnic and cultural background, caste, social class, language fluency, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex or career field. Nor will we make exceptions based on standing, skills, or accomplishments in the Wikimedia projects or movement.
- No smoking at the event except in dedicated spaces for smoking. Participants should not be under the influence of alcohol during the event (excluding associated parties).
- Respecting Names and pronoun preferences as mentioned on the participant's ID card.
- Respecting the preference of participants for not to be hugged or touched.
- Data and Media sharing policy:
- Respecting the preference of participants for not to be photographed (Indicated by red lanyard)
- Take the due permission of participants before sharing any audio-visual media in which they are present on social media platforms.
- To all the participants: Giving permission for taking your photograph automatically gives permission to share your images on Wikimedia Commons - CC/SA 4.0. So wherever we are clicking photos or taking videos and you do not want to be a part of it, you can opt-out or ask the person not to include you in the frame. On the other hand, while clicking, if you notice somebody with a red lanyard in the frame, you can politely inform the person about his/her presence in the frame. Then it’s up to them if they want to be included or not.
- Free to share the happenings during the event publicly if speakers are on-stage except one of the speakers has a red lanyard, however, share after asking for consent if the speaker is off-stage. Okay to share the details of any happening without mentioning the name of the speaker
Unacceptable Behaviour
[edit]The Universal Code of Conduct aims to help community members identify situations of bad behaviour. The following behaviours are considered unacceptable within the Wikimedia movement:
- Harassment: This includes any behaviour intended primarily to intimidate, outrage or upset a person, or any behaviour where this would reasonably be considered the most likely main outcome. Behaviour can be considered harassment if it is beyond what a reasonable person would be expected to tolerate in a global, intercultural environment. Harassment often takes the form of emotional abuse, especially towards people who are in a vulnerable position, and may include contacting workplaces or friends and family members in an effort to intimidate or embarrass. In some cases, behaviour that would not rise to the level of harassment in a single case can become harassment through repetition. Harassment includes but is not limited to:
- Insults: This includes name calling, using slurs or stereotypes, and any attacks based on personal characteristics. Insults may refer to perceived characteristics like intelligence, appearance, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), caste, race, culture, sexual orientation, gender, sex, disability, age, nationality, political affiliation, or other characteristics. In some cases, repeated mockery, sarcasm, or aggression constitute insults collectively, even if individual statements would not.
- Sexual harassment: Sexual attention or advances of any kind towards others where the person knows or reasonably should know that the attention is unwelcome or in situations where consent cannot be communicated.
- Threats: Explicitly or implicitly suggesting the possibility of physical violence, unfair embarrassment, unfair and unjustified reputational harm, or intimidation by suggesting gratuitous legal action to win an argument or force someone to behave the way you want.
- Disclosure of personal data (Doxing): sharing other contributors' private information, such as name, place of employment, physical or email address, etc. without their explicit consent either on the Wikimedia projects or elsewhere, or sharing information concerning their Wikimedia activity outside the projects.
- Trolling: Deliberately disrupting conversations or posting in bad-faith to intentionally provoke. Heckling a speaker will also be considered within the ambit of trolling, during the course of this Conference.
- Abuse of power, privilege, or influence: Abuse occurs when someone in a real or perceived position of power, privilege, or influence engages in disrespectful, cruel, and/or violent behaviour towards other people. In Wikimedia environments, it may take the form of verbal or psychological abuse and may overlap with harassment.