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WikiConference India 2016/Submissions/Exploring the current Issues of Ozone Layer

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Title of the submission

Exploring the current Issues of Ozone Layer

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Akshay Kumar Rathee

AkshayKumarRathee123 [[User:Akshay Kumar Rathee
Type of presentation

30 Minutes talk

Abstract (in about 300 words)

Among the nine planets of the solar system, Earth is the only one where life exists and is favorable for a huge diversity of organisms to exist; it is because of an essential gift of nature- The Ozone, which protects the life on earth from the harmful radiations of the sun. Ozone gas is a pale blue poisonous gas which is a molecule made up of 3 atoms of oxygen, on one side where oxygen is very important for all anaerobically respiring organisms, ozone is very fatal. The ozone layer is a region of high concentration of ozone in the stratosphere. The amount of ozone is lower in the polar regions but higher in the tropics. Although ozone constitutes only about one millionth of the atmospheric gases, it absorbs most Ultraviolet radiations. Ozone is formed by these radiations, when an O3 molecule is struck by UV radiations, it is broken apart and free oxygen is formed which after combining with another oxygen (O2) atom forms more ozone. This helps in the absorption of most UV rays, thus, creating a cycle which is a key supporting feature for life on our blue planet. Interference in any biogeochemical cycle has adverse effects and it is the same case with the cycle of Ozone. Many harmful substances and chemicals mainly CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons) interfere with this continuous life-supporting cycle and deplete the Ozone Layer. Hence, posing threat to life on Earth. The amount of ozone in the atmosphere began to drop sharply in the 1980s. The falling ozone levels have caused a thinning of the ozone layer over Antarctica, known as the Ozone hole. It increased dramatically in size in the 1980s and 1990s but is stabilized in recent years. In 1979 its size did not overshadow the continent itself but 20 years later, spectrometer and analysis by satellite showed that the hole had grown by 10.5 million square miles. A smaller hole over the Arctic is now developing. The concentration of ozone is highest over the United States in the spring (April and May) and decreases during the course of the summer and is lowest in October but again increases during winter. The Montreal Protocol bans the production of CFCs and halons due to Ozone depletion being an issue of global concern. The United States of America, Canada and Norway imposed bans on the aerosol sprays containing CFCs in 1978. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) launched in 1987 successfully forged an agreement to stop CFC production at 1986 levels. A report called HIPERION was published by Ecuadorian Space agency in October 2008 which is a study of data of last 28 years from 10 satellites and many instruments. The depletion of ozone may lead to the magnification of all effects of UV on human health both positive (including Vitamin D) and negative (including skin burns, skin cancers and cataracts); increased UV concentration may also lead to the formation of Tropospheric ozone which being near the surface of earth is a big threat to life. Ultraviolet radiation also kills cyanobacteria which are very important for plants like Rice for taking nitrogen from the roots, thus, affecting crop production. From the above conclusion An important point to be noted is that the ozone hole develops every winter; therefore a reason for the thin ozone layer over Polar Regions might be that it may not have developed there like in other areas and the human impact would have fueled the process of depletion leading to the thinning in these areas only. Whatever is the reason it is very important issue and a solution needs to be found to save humanity and other life from this increasing problem.


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