WikiConference India 2011/Submissions/Wikuizzing
This is an open submission for WikiConference India 2011. |
- Timestamp
- 17:27, 30 August 2011 (UTC)
- Title of the submission
Wikuizzing - How Wikipedia has changed the face of quizzing in the last decade
- Type of submission (workshop, tutorial, or presentation)
Presentation followed by Q and A session
- Author of the submission
Avishek Basu Mallick
- E-mail address or username (if username, please confirm email address in Special:Preferences)
- State of your origin (Country, if you are not based in India)
West Bengal
- Affiliation, if any (organization, company etc.)
Indian Institute of Management, Ranchi
- Personal homepage or blog /
- Abstract (maximum 500 words)
Quizzing is the worship of knowledge and Wikipedia the temple of it. So I would not be exaggerating if I said that Wikipedia has significantly contributed to the growth of the quizzing culture in the last decade. Besides it has also created a platform for quizzing to reach the whole world by providing an online repository of knowledge for the phenomenon called online quizzing. I would like to highlight the same in a presentation and chalk out avenues where this association can be taken further. I feel this relationship is mutually symbiotic and benefits both sides. I am also open to a Q and A session so that a greater amount of public opinion pours in on the issue. Wikiquizzing is the way for the future and if channelized properly could prove beneficial for a lot of schools, colleges and other organizations to help increase their general awareness and knowledge. This would be in line with the principles of the Wikimedia Foundation and would help carry their policies forward.
- Track (Community/Knowledge/Outreach/Technology)
Community / Knowledge
- Will you attend Wikiconference if your submission is not accepted?
Yes. I would like to apply for a scholarship
- Slides or further information (optional)