WikiCite 2016
- For the parent page, see WikiCite. For related legacy proposals, see Wikicite (pre-Wikidata) and WikiScholar.

WikiCite 2016 was an event focused on designing data models and technology to improve the coverage, quality, standards-compliance and machine-readability of citations and source metadata in Wikipedia, Wikidata and other Wikimedia projects. Our goal in particular was to define a technical roadmap for building a repository of sources cited across Wikimedia projects in Wikidata.
- Skip to: proposals, report, news, mailing lists.
[edit]Building a central repository of citations in Wikidata
There is currently a lot of momentum around citations and bibliographic metadata at the Wikimedia Foundation, in the movement, and across a number of open science, library tech, and open access organizations. The idea of building a repository to store all citations and source metadata across Wikimedia projects has been proposed in different forms for the past 10 years. Wikipedia is currently one of the most popular entry points into the scientific literature and ranges among the top 5 referrers of scholarly citations. However, as of today, references and source metadata are still a second-class citizen in Wikimedia projects. References are the most fundamental building block of open knowledge, but:
- they are still served by fragile mechanisms such as citation templates;
- they are inconsistently represented across (and sometimes within) articles, languages and Wikimedia projects;
- the data they store is curated in multiple places and often ill-formed, incomplete and not machine-readable;
- references often fail to use identifiers such as DOIs, PubMed IDs, or ISBNs, even when such identifiers are available for the cited source.
Reusing sources across articles, languages or projects is still a complex task, and conducting research on the use of references and citations in Wikimedia projects requires sophisticated information extraction skills. In addition to that, an overwhelming number of statements in Wikidata are currently not sourced at all or generically sourced to a Wikimedia site rather than specific references.
Initiatives such as the Wikipedia Library have focused primarily on the outreach and programmatic angle, while efforts focused on infrastructure in Wikimedia projects (like WikiProject Source Metadata and WikiProject Open Access) have not been strategically aligned across all parties involved. We believe the time is ripe for aligning and innovating around the major efforts to build the necessary infrastructure, data models, automated tools and user interfaces to build a central repository of citations in Wikidata and support high quality sourcing of free knowledge.
[edit]A timeline of past efforts towards the design of a central repository of citations leveraging Wikidata
- 2017
- WikiCite 2017, Vienna, Austria, on May 22-25, 2017
- 2016
- WikiCite 2016, Berlin
- Property P2860 (cites) is created
- Wikimedia Developer Summit, San Francisco
- 2015
- Wikipedia as the front matter to all research on Meta – joint Crossref/Wikimedia presentation on citations and references in Wikimedia projects.
- Slides: Commons / Slideshare; Video: YouTube (start at 24:59)
- a WikiBase test instance called LibraryBase with a dedicated SPARQL endpoint is created on Wikimedia Labs.
- Hackathon at Wikimania 2015, Mexico City
- 2014
- Rich citations hackathon at the Public Library of Science, San Francisco
- a data model for scholarly article metadata is created
- Reform of citation structure for all Wikimedia projects at IdeaLab
- Citathon at Wikimania 2014, London
- 2012
- Pre-Wikidata efforts
- German Wikipedia starts using the BibISBN template to transclude bibliographic records in 2010. (example)
- 2011
- The concept of WikiCite is proposed at the Digital Public Library of America Plenary.
- The design for the WikiCite proposal was partially based on WikiPapers
- The phrase "wiki papers" was first used by Wolfgang Pauli on a private mailing list in 2007.
- See also Wikicite (pre-Wikidata)
- 2006
- LibraryThing introduces "Wikipedia for book cataloging."
- 2005
- Wikipedia proposal:
- WikiBib v0, WikiBib v1
- 2004
The event
The event will be focused on the short-term goal of defining a roadmap and the technical requirements for developing a central Wikidata repository for references and bibliographic metadata. This will facilitate research on references across Wikimedia projects and provide much needed tools to support the sourcing work of volunteers and movement affiliates contributing open content to Commons and Wikidata.
We will also discuss a long-term vision aiming to facilitate the integration of citation and bibliographic metadata with other scholarly and linked data repositories. You can learn more about these goals from a joint presentation we gave in December at WMF in partnership with Crossref.
WikiCite is hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation and is subject to our friendly space policy which we expect all participants to acknowledge.
[edit]We're inviting WikiCite attendees to submit a proposal ahead of the event. Let us know what you're planning to work on by noon Pacific Time on Friday May 20 and we'll make sure to cover your pitch in the intro session. You can browse a list of proposals for the event or submit a new one.
- Citations for oral sources
- WikiSource and Wikidata as a hub for collaborative annotation and reuse of Open Access literature
- Citations lead to libraries
- Using WorldCat to create citations using either an ISBN or an OCN (OCLC Control Number)
- Crossref DOI Resolution Log data
- Scientific data and bibliographic references
- Generation of referenced Wikidata statements with StrepHit – see Group 4
- Making Wikidata a central hub on data licensing – see Group 6
- Citing and annotating maps and images
- Retrieving Wikidata statements by source – see Group 5
- Citoid integration for Wikidata – see Group 8
- OABot: Associating repository versions with paywalled citations
- RefToolbar 2.0 w/ Autofill & Ref Name Unique Identifiers - Existing Wikipedia Cite Pathway into Wikidata – see Group 1 & Group 7
- Tracking usage of content in Wikidata
- Data models for sources
- Identify references with no identifier – see Group 2
- Reference Recommendation Platform for Wikipedia Editors
- Improving Citable Data via Citoid/Zotero – see Group 8
- Module:Cite – see Group 1 & Group 7
[edit]We are bringing together Wikidatans, Wikipedians, developers, data modelers, open access publishers, and information and library science experts from various organizations, as well as academic researchers from groups with experience working with Wikipedia's citations and bibliographic (linked open) data in general.
- Aix-Marseille Université
- Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
- Columbia University Libraries
- ContentMine
- Crossref
- Citation Style Language (CSL)
- Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (Technical University of Denmark)
- DataCite
- Die Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB) (Saxon State and University Library Dresden (SLUB))
- Dissemin
- École Normale Supérieure
- eLife Sciences
- Eurecat
- Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)
- Gene Wiki
- Imperial College London
- Jisc
- Knowledge Lab @ University of Chicago
- Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes (LSIS)
- Micelio
- National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
- OpenEdition Lab
- Open Journal
- Plazi Verein
- Public Library of Science (PLOS)
- RefMe
- rOpenSci
- ScienceOpen
- Springer Nature
- Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) (German National Library of Science and Technology)
- Università degli Studi di Trento (University of Trento)
- Universität Würzburg (University of Wurzburg)
- Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim (Mannheim University Library)
- University of Manchester
- University of Miami Libraries
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of Washington
- Wikidata
- Wikimedia DC
- Wikimedia Deutschland
- Wikimedia Foundation
- Wikimedia Italia
- Wikimedia New York City
- Wikimedia Research
- WikiProject X
- Zotero
Participant list
[edit]Please add your name here after filling out the EventBrite registration form (you'll receive a link from the organizers)
- Thomas Arrow (ContentMine)
- Adam Becker (Open Journal, Freelance Astrophysicist)
- Patrice Bellot (Aix-Marseille Université - CNRS - LSIS / OpenEdition Lab)
- Terry Catapano (Plazi Verein / Columbia University Libraries)
- Scott Chamberlain (rOpenSci)
- Cristian Consonni (Wikimedia Italia, Università degli Studi di Trento (University of Trento))
- Karen Coyle (
- Marin Dacos (CNRS - OpenEdition Lab)
- Antonin Delpeuch (Dissemin)
- Eamon Duede (Knowledge Lab @ University of Chicago)
- Jonathan Dugan (organizer)
- Katie Filbert (Wikimedia Deutschland, Wikidata)
- Konrad Förstner (Universität Würzburg (University of Wurzburg))
- Marco Fossati (Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK))
- Susanna Giaccai (Wikimedia Italia)
- Aaron Halfaker (Wikimedia Research)
- James Hare (WikiProject X, Wikimedia DC)
- Lambert Heller (Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) (German National Library of Science and Technology))
- Erika Herzog (Wikimedia New York City)
- Markus Kaindl (Springer Nature)
- Alex Kalderimis (RefMe)
- Sebastian Karcher (Qualitative Data Repository / Zotero, Citation Style Language (CSL))
- John Kaye (Jisc)
- Chris Keene (Jisc)
- Daniel Kinzler (Wikimedia Deutschland, Wikidata)
- Jonas Kress (Wikimedia Deutschland)
- Nettie Lagace (National Information Standards Organization (NISO))
- Rachael Lammey (Crossref)
- Mairelys Lemus-Rojas (University of Miami Libraries)
- Luca Martinelli (Wikimedia Italia)
- Daniel Mietchen (National Institutes of Health (NIH), organizer)
- Jens Nauber (Die Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB) (Saxon State and University Library Dresden (SLUB)))
- Finn Årup Nielsen (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (Technical University of Denmark))
- Jake Orlowitz (Ocaasi) (The Wikipedia Library)
- Lydia Pintscher (Wikimedia Deutschland, Wikidata, organizer)
- Merrilee Proffitt (OCLC Research)
- Laura Rueda (DataCite)
- Diego Sáez-Trumper (Eurecat)
- Sébastien Santoro
- Till Sauerwein (Universität Würzburg (University of Wurzburg))
- Tobias Schönberg (talk) (Wikidata)
- Elizabeth Seiver (Public Library of Science (PLOS))
- Adam Shorland (Wikimedia Deutschland, Wikidata)
- Mike Showalter (OCLC)
- Chiara Storti, (Wikimedia Italia, Rete bibliotecaria di Romagna e San Marino)
- Dario Taraborelli (Wikimedia Research, organizer)
- Jon Tennant (Imperial College London, ScienceOpen)
- Katherine Thornton (University of Washington)
- Marielle Volz (Wikimedia Foundation) (attending remotely)
- Andra Waagmeester (Micelio)
- Joe Wass (Crossref)
- Chris Wilkinson (eLife Sciences)
- Andrea Zanni (Wikisource) / Aubrey
- Jan Zerebecki (Wikimedia Deutschland)
- Philipp Zumstein (Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim (Mannheim University Library))
How to apply
[edit]Due to the capacity of the venue, attendance is limited to registered participants. Applications are now closed
- if you were pre-invited and have already filled in a form, you will receive a separate note with a registration link from the organizers
- if you have not been invited but you would like to participate, please submit an application to give us some information about you and your interest and expected contribution to the event. We'll send out notifications of acceptance by April 15.
Important dates
[edit]- March 29, 2016
- applications open
- April 11, 2016
- applications close
- April 15, 2016
- notifications of acceptance are issued (if you applied for a travel grant, we'll be able to confirm by this date if we can cover the costs of your trip)
- May 20, 2016
- submit your proposal for what to do precisely
- May 25-26, 2016
- event takes place
[edit]The focus of WikiCite will be on dialogue, not monologues, and on hands-on activities aimed at improving or establishing workflows or learning by doing. The preliminary agenda of the event is below. Breakfast and lunch will be served at the venue, while dinner will be hosted at a separate restaurant still to be announced. The venue will remain open late on Wednesday night to allow people to continue hacking.
Day 1[edit]Wednesday May 25, 2016
Day 2[edit]Thursday May 26, 2016
- WikiCite 2016 will be hosted at GLS Campus in the Prenzlauer Berg district in Berlin.
- GLS Campus Berlin
- address: Kastanienallee 82, 10435 Berlin Prenzlauer Berg (map)
- phone: +49 (030) 780 089 550
- email:
- Nearby hotels include:
- Die Schule – no single rooms available as of 27 April 2016
- Oderberger – email reservations only
- Kastanienhof
- Jurine Mitte
Organizing committee
[edit]- Dario Taraborelli
- Jonathan Dugan
- Lydia Pintscher
- Daniel Mietchen
- Cameron Neylon
You can contact the organizers via
Social media
[edit]- Hashtag: #WikiCite
- Twitter: @WikiCite16 - @WikiCite
Mailing lists
[edit]- wikicite-discuss @ Google Groups
- Wikidata Mailing List @ Wikimedia
Notes from the sessions
[edit]WikiCite is cohosted by the Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia Deutschland. It is generously supported by Crossref, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Funding to cover the cost of the event has been approved by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees.
[edit]We're drafting a complete report from the event. Meanwhile, you can browse the notes from each workgroup below.
Main workgroups
[edit]Group 1: Modeling bibliographic source metadata
Discuss and draft data models to represent different types of sources as Wikidata items
add here
Group 2: Reference extraction and metadata lookup tools
Design or improve tools to extract identifiers and bibliographic data from Wikipedia citation templates, look up and retrieve metadata
Group 3: Representing citations and citation events
Discuss how to express the citation of a source in a Wikimedia artifact (such as a Wikipedia article, a Wikidata statements etc.) and review alternative ways to represent them
Group 4: (Semi-)automated ways to add references to Wikidata statements
Improve tools for semi-automated statement and reference creation (StrepHit, ContentMine)
Group 5: Use cases for source-related queries
Identify use cases for SPARQL queries involving source metadata. Obtain a small open licensed bibliographic and citation graph dataset to build a proof-of-concept of the querying and visualization potential of source metadata in Wikidata. Includes work on Zika virus
Additional workgroups
[edit]Group 6: Wikidata as the central hub on license information on databases
Add license information to Wikidata to make Wikidata the central hub on license information on databases
Group 7: Using citations and bibliographic source metadata
Merge groups working on citation structure and source metadata models and integrate their recommendations
Group 8: Citoid-Wikidata integration
Extend Citoid to write source metadata into Wikidata
WikiCite 2016
swag -
WikiCite 2016
no pics -
WikiCite 2016
Stone Soup! -
WikiCite 2016
Day 1
morning break -
WikiCite 2016
Day 1
morning break -
WikiCite 2016
group shot -
Group 1 Breakout
Lounge -
Group 1 Breakout
Lounge -
Group 1 Breakout
Discussion during break -
WikiCite 2016
Reserved! -
WikiCite 2016
Lounge+ -
WikiCite 2016
WikiCite 2016
WikiCite 2016
WikiCite 2016
Related projects
[edit]- A modern, updated list is available at WikiCite/Projects
- DBpedia citations & reference challenge @ DBpedia
- MediaWiki MWCites @ Github
- MWCites 0.2.0 @ PyPI
- WikiCiteParser @ Github
- wikiciteparser 0.1.1 @ PyPI
- CitationExtractor @ Github
- Open Access Signalling
- Primary Sources Tool @ Wikidata
- codebase @ GitHub
- StrepHit natural language processing pipeline @ GitHub
- Scholia
- OAbot
- Wikidata <-> Zotero
- Citation.js
- Wikidata -> CSL-JSON @ GitHub
- Wikidata -> BibTeX and Wikidata -> Bib.TXT is possible too, with output styles
- Pywikibot client to load ISBN related data into Wikidata
See also
- WikiCite/Timeline
- Press: WikiCite/News
External links
[edit]- @WikiCite16 – WikiCite 2016 @ Twitter
- @WikiCite – WikiCite @ Twitter
- Interview with Lydia Pinscher and Dario Taraborelli published by the podcast "Open Science Radio" (Interview done by Konrad_Foerstner)