WikiCite/e-scholarship application form introbox
Creating your WikiCite e-scholarship application
This is an application form for a WikiCite e-scholarship to provide a living allowance grant for up to 5 people to stay at home and work on a project for up to 3 days, relating to the mission of WikiCite: to develop open citations and linked bibliographic data to serve free knowledge.
Application Deadline is 1 October 2020.
Read the grant eligibility criteria. Please contact if you have any questions. See also the Wikicite grants program.
The questions you are asked in the form below are:
Project name
What is a short name for the activity/project you are proposing?
Contact information
- your name and/or Wikimedia username
- your contact e-mail
Alternatively, confirm that you have "Allow other users to email me" enabled in your account preferences
- your nearest city and country
This is used to calculate the financial value of your e-scholarship, as described here
Details of team members (optional)
If this application is for a team project, each additional team member (up to 5 total) should have their name/username, project role, location, and contact details
The activity/project
Tell us about your proposed project. What will you get achieved with this time?
Describe why you think this project is important, and how the project is different from your normal volunteer contributions.
Your qualifications
Describe how you (and, if applicable, your team)are able to achieve this project. What skills, expertise, and motivation do you have which will enable you to succeed?
Proposed activity dates
When will you undertake this project? (This may be two, three or four days. Not necessarily consecutive). The latest allowable date is 1 May 2021.
Optional: Community members are encouraged to endorse your proposal and leave a rationale.
When you are finished
- change the word 'draft' to 'open' in the final section, with the code:
{{:WikiCite/e-scholarship draft}}
- press Publish page
- email lwyatt-ctr with a link to your published page.