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WikiArabia 2021/Submissions/gu

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This page is a translated version of the page WikiArabia 2021/Submissions and the translation is 4% complete.
WikiArabia 2021
                     Algeria , 15—17 October 2021

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WikiArabia Algeria 2021
WikiArabia/2021   Annoucements   Program   Participants   Challenge and Gifts   Team   Friendly Space Policy   FAQ

Challenges CLOSED ! You can See Results Bellow

We have 2 types of challenges for you this year.

Isa challenge

Add comments on photos in Wikimedia Commons.

How to participate?
If you are a beginner, Isa may be perfect for you, because it is very beginner friendly.
Isa can be used from a computer or a simple smartphone.
Use the link below to connect and identify yourself at: https://isa.toolforge.org/campaigns/169
Begin to write your impressions about each photo and do not forget to save the comments before moving to the next photo.
Add a comment on as many images as possible.
The five participants who have validated the most comments will be announced as winners during the closing ceremony.
A draw will be made in case of a tie.


The three (03) winners will each receive a three (03) months Babbel subscription to learn a foreign language of their choice.

Conference challenge

Attend as many conferences as possible to get the chance to win a gift.

How to participate ?
Attend a maximum number of conferences.
The five participants who have statistically accumulated the greatest number of attendance will be announced winners during the closing ceremony.
A draw will be held in the case of a tie.


The Seven (07) winners will each receive a three (03) months Babbel subscription to learn a language of their choice.


  1. The two challenges are open to any adult person having an account in one of the Wikimedia projects.
  2. Contestants in the two challenge games must be registered on the platform and must have an access code given by the organizers.
  3. The participants can only win once over the three days of the conference.
  4. The participants can only win one of the challenges.
  5. In the case of a tie, a draw will be carried out exclusively on the following site: http://my2lbox.com/en/draw-items-list-lottery



DaSupremo ( Email needed )
NANöR / نانور كره بيديان Nanour Garabedian

Conference challenge winners

DAY: 15/10/2021

  1. Florence Devouard
  2. Farah Mestaklem
  3. Mehdad Pourzaki
  4. Ravan J Al-Taie
  5. Houssem Eddine Boubakri
  6. Jamal Al- Taie
  7. Jack Rabah
  8. Layla Taha ( Email needed )
  9. Fatima Adli
  10. Mervat Salman

DAY : 16/10/2021

  1. Mizouni Guerrad ( Email needed )
  2. Asaolu Babatunde ( Email needed )
  3. Shahib F
  4. Yamen Bousrih
  5. Baghdadi Belhadj ( Email needed )
  6. يوسف مقران
  7. Nada Alfarra ( Email needed )
  8. عبّاد ديرانية

DAY : 17/10/2021

  1. Serine Benbrahim
  2. الحبيب مهنّي
  3. ندى البني
  4. علا عبدالله احمد
  5. Anass Sedrati
  6. Mounir Afifi
  7. Walaa Abdel Manaem
  8. رضا بن خضراء