WikiArabia 2019/Program/Ways of developing Arabic Wikiversity
- Submission no. 2
- Title of the submission عنوان المداخلة
Ways of developing Arabic Wikiversity
- Author(s) of the submission صاحبة المداخلة
Rahil Nasser
- Username اسم المستخدم
Rahil Nasser
- E-mail address البريد الإلكتروني
- Country of origin بلد الأصلي
- Type of session : Discussionنوع الجلسة
- Language of session لغة الجلسة
- Length of session مدة الجلسة
20-30 Min
- Theme of presentation موضوع الجلسة
Discuss how to improve the wikiversity with paying a special attention on the need of displaced learners and how heavily they rely on wikipedia as a source of inormation.
- Abstract : Many people nowadays depend on MOOCs and online courses to learn. This is specifically important for people who have been displaced or who have lost the chance to continue a formal type of education. Massive open online courses must be put on wikiarabia as part of its ongoing learning journey. These courses must be done in collaboration with universities and academic institues from the Arab world. This project enables learners of accessing such resource and outreaching some of the most prestigious recource.
- What will attendees take away from this session? ماذا سيستفيد الحضور من هذه الجلس
After the topic is introduced, attendees will have the chance to participate in an effective discussion of their suggestions of some possible ways to enrich the wikiversity project.
- Will you attend WikiArabia if your submission is not accepted? هل ستحضر لويكي عربية إذا لم يتم قبول مداخلتك؟
Depending on the scholarship
- Is this Submission a Draft or Final? هل هذا الطلب مسودة أم نهائي؟
Interested attendees مهتمون بالحضور
[edit]If you are interested in attending this session, please sign with your username below. This will help reviewers to decide which sessions are of high interest.
إذا كنت مهتمًا بحضور هذه الجلسة، فرجاءا قم بإضافة اسم المستخدم أدناه. سيساعد هذا المراجعين على تحديد ما هي الجلسات ذات الاهتمام الكبير
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