
Synopsis: In the same way as Wikipedia is the place where the knowledge is, in the future Wikiguard will be the place where ideas are.
Collective intelligence will be the greatest achievement in the XXI century. On this basis (collective intelligence) we will build management tools for the society of the future. This is our challenge nowadays: designing platforms that meet the citizens’ ideas/proposals and organize them for they can be easily understandable and fully searchable. Politicians will adopt their decisions after consulting these ideas/proposals: politicians will.
Who is able to create such platforms? Technology already exits, collaborative platforms have been made available for companies to manage projects. Most of versions include their own wiki for their users to generate, modify or propose issues. Now it is a matter of taking a further step, the challenge is creating the tool that will transform the way the citizens’ ideas are taken forward and implemented. Wikimedia Foundation is the most experienced organization at working with wikis, and it also owns the right philosophy which Wikiguard needs.
How does it work? I am a citizen. I am concerned about a social problem. I have got an idea to solve it. So I start a “tree” in Wikiguard and write the problem on the “trunk of the tree”. I create the first ” branch” and write my solution, this is the branch number 1. A new citizen is having a look and thinks my solution is not entirely right, so he/she opens the “sub-branch” 1.1 at the stage he/she considers. A third person thinks the solution 1.1 is right but not finished, and continues arguing it. Instead, a new citizen does not agree anything and starts a new branch, branch number 2. And so on…2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3.. Over time more and more people will write their opinions and one of the branches will be, finally, nearly irrefutable. The reached solution is the best the human race can find at that moment.
How does it look like? Visually we will see a tree. As tracing with the mouse over the tree we will realize that branches are the thoughts’ thread (a synopsis is mandatory), and hanging leaves contain the arguments. Branches are thoughts, leaves are arguments.If a solution is adopted by a government/organization, it will become a fruit, a bright colored fruit, also hanging from a branch. Citizens involved in that solution will remain registered and attached their names or pseudonyms in a collaborators’ register.

Further features:
-Wikiguard will be studied at the schools as a subject because our society will be based on it.
-Governments and International Organizations will use Wikiguard.
-All Citizens worldwide will pay a small tax in order to sustain Wikiguard.
Proposed by
[edit]Clara Mind