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Wiki99/world history

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This is the Wiki99 list about world history.



Wiki99 is the idea to have a list of about 99 Wikipedia articles which should be translated into as many languages as possible in order to establish common understanding in a field.

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Translations start with structured data translation in Wikidata, then proceed to translation of prose in Wikipedia.

Wiki99 list



Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1historypast events and their tracks or records148Q309161
2historianscholar who deals with the exploration and presentation of history78Q201788101
3historiographyumbrella term referring to a) any body of historical work and b) the study of the methods of historians in developing history77Q50675131
4cultural heritagephysical artifact or intangible attribute of a society inherited from past generations57Q210272101
5historical methodtechniques and guidelines by which historians use primary sources and other evidence to research and then to write histories in the form of accounts of the past32Q11965453
6historical revisionismreinterpretation of a historical account41Q8748033
7linguisticsscientific study of language128Q8162182
8cultural anthropologybranch of anthropology focused on the study of cultural variation among humans62Q2859881
9oral historyhistorical discipline of the collection and study of historical information about individuals, families, important events, or everyday life using audiotapes, videotapes, or transcriptions of planned interviews35Q55892961
10museuminstitution that holds artifacts and other objects of scientific, artistic, cultural, historical, or other importance110Q33506233
11archaeologystudy of the past via material culture121Q23498204
12biological anthropologybranch of anthropology that studies the physical development of the human species62Q2717251
Σautolist gallery12117351239218891028347122631178101111911121011312111212865955132312109610751241681021278424411352687613894887784569412663228124712321012335110498211110611410371012911412126611335171429112951avg.:  6 \ 79
(49 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1prehistoryspan of time before recorded history115Q11756102
2human evolutionevolutionary process leading up to the appearance of anatomically modern humans81Q8394491
3recent African origin of modern humansdominant model of the geographic origin and early migration of anatomically modern humans, according to which Homo sapiens developed in the Horn of Africa 300–200 kya and dispersed to the rest of the world in multiple events41Q747841951
4neolithic revolutiontransition from hunter gatherer to settled peoples69Q18054881
5Stone Age (–2000 BCE)broad prehistoric period during which stone was widely used to make implements112Q1175991
6Bronze Age (3300 BCE–1200 BCE)prehistoric period and age studied in archaeology, part of the Holocene Epoch108Q11761131
7Iron Age (1200 BCE–)archaeological and historical period105Q11764112
8ancient historyhuman history from the earliest records to the end of the classical periods91Q41493173
Σautolist gallery timeline8874584774877467837175568778781878658451487728738277818268318165673437748753714683877585886883421867725827486374781486681271715728722avg.:  4 \ 90
(55 %)

classical antiquity

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1classical antiquity (1199 BCE–)age of the ancient Greeks and Romans75Q486761141
2Four Great Inventionsinventions from ancient China32Q134921451
3Great Pyramid of Giza (2560 BCE–)View on mapsoldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis; one of the seven ancient wonders of the world100Q37200266
4Alexander the Great ♂ (356 BCE–323 BCE)king of Macedonia and conqueror of Achaemenid Persia (356–323 BC)130Q8409454
5Silk Roadtrade routes through Asia connecting China to the Mediterranean Sea105Q36288123
6Maurya empire (322 BCE–185 BCE)View on mapsancient Indian empire (322–184 BCE)77Q62943212
7Roman Empire (–395)View on mapsperiod of ancient Rome following the Republic126Q2277484
Σautolist map/gallery timeline775327462766674562626545716676627612754254441366626727214677461535714245233665654572566566632567673167233654512571747537135751377671156133737645avg.:  4 \ 92
(57 %)

Middle Ages

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Middle Ages (476–)period of European history from the 5th to the late 15th-century111Q12554172
2Sasanian Empire (224–651)View on mapslast pre-Islamic Iranian empire (224–651 AD)90Q83891283
3Umayyad Caliphate (661–750)second Islamic caliphate (661–750 CE)76Q8575586293
4Mali Empire (1235–1670)empire in West Africa from c.1230 to 167082Q184536194
5Viking Age (793–1066)the period of European history characterised by Viking raids and trading52Q21364981
6spice tradehistoric international commerce34Q177860471
7Mongol Empire (1206–1368)13th- and 14th-century empire originating in Mongolia100Q12557272
Σautolist map/gallery timeline7752476165777566241434666775717161722163315776256171466615317323521167367256125527651455461771371571661646136267417646114163157545avg.:  3 \ 78
(48 %)

Age of Discovery

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Age of Discoveryperiod of European global exploration from early 15th century to 17th century82Q13364182
2Columbian Exchangebiological exchange across Atlantic Ocean38Q76725331
3British Empire (1583–1997)View on mapsoverseas possessions of England and later the United Kingdom (1607–1997)114Q8680314
4Spanish Empire (1492–1899)View on mapscolonial empire governed by Spain between 1492 and 197685Q80702353
5Ming dynasty (1368–1644)View on mapsimperial dynasty of China from 1368 to 1644101Q9903305
6Ottoman Empire (1299–1922)View on mapsmultiethnic empire with the monarchs from the Ottoman dynasty (1299–1922)125Q12560465
Σautolist map/gallery timeline665336152535651446446455656656166162436431446653563614566355226123462135526555625563656255546166325355155263514546624655555132526545avg.:  3 \ 91
(56 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Renaissancecultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century118Q4692174
2Mughal Empire (1526–1857)great Turkic descent empire ruling India (1526–1857)98Q33296294
3Age of EnlightenmentEuropean cultural movement of the 17th and 18th centuries104Q1253910
4printing pressdevice for evenly printing ink onto a print medium70Q14433492
5Scientific Revolution (1543–1687)events that marked the emergence of modern science in the early modern period68Q21407872
6liberalismpolitical and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality119Q6216111
7Tokugawa shogunate (1603–1867)1603–1868 Japanese military government65Q205662253
8Russian Empire (1721–1917)View on mapsformer empire in Eurasia and North America (1721–1917)104Q34266525
Σautolist map/gallery timeline88745828186687258848847888888828173866384522428872866821668867624814337352874567571478485622188678388145735628857375483786387681685818746avg.:  5 \ 93
(57 %)

Industrial revolution

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Industrial Revolution (1760–1820)transition to new manufacturing processes in Europe and the United States, in the 18th-19th centuries112Q2269132
2French Revolution (1789–1799)revolution in France from 1789 to 1799117Q6534162
3petroleum industryactivities linked to handling oil products41Q86257191
4Scramble for Africa (1885–1914)1880s–1900s Western European colonisation of Africa71Q179848112
5Russian Revolution1917–23 transition from monarchy to USSR93Q8729132
6Haitian Revolution (1791–1804)1791 slave revolt in the French colony of Saint-Domingue49Q689128112
7Charles Darwin ♂ (1809–1882)English naturalist and biologist (1809–1882)132Q1035546
Σautolist gallery timeline77535736116567534734172566577574764746364432216753573735677455247234342227525634744573774111675671267143745447175631657241745712516436371615avg.:  4 \ 88
(54 %)

Atomic Age

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Atomic Age (1945–)period of history (1945–)22Q75766971
2Margaret Sanger ♀ (1879–1966)American birth control activist, educator and nurse (1879-1966)50Q285514262
3The Holocaust (1933–1945)genocide of European Jews by Nazi Germany, his allied countries and local collaborators during World War II121Q2763171
4World War II (1939–1945)1939–1945 global conflict141Q362296
5decolonizationundoing political, economic and cultural legacies of colonisation59Q23053362
6mutual assured destructiondoctrine of military strategy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender41Q63780241
7United Nations (1945–)global international and intergovernmental organization161Q1065629
Σautolist gallery timeline76433754215344152337314273567215675627271363535332342644255373235717351313372333331312654343343366364341223746733156224335345334612635424124713126445225243324271595avg.:  4 \ 85
(52 %)

History of the world

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1human historynarrative of humanity's past83Q200325122
2history of Chinaaccount of past events in the Chinese civilisation87Q8297282
3history of Indiahistory of the Indian subcontinent83Q13313681
4history of Tongaaspect of history16Q107500041
5history of AfghanistanAfghanistan history59Q18887261
6history of Thailandaspect of history46Q37939171
7history of South AfricaSouth African history50Q21718462
8history of Europehistory of Europe, including the continent and nearby islands73Q7787102
9history of Iranhistory of Iran from the beginning until now73Q289266
10history of Japanaccount of past events in the Japanese civilisation78Q130436132
11history of Ethiopiaaspect of history48Q27359551
12history of West Africaoccurrences and people in West Africa throughout history7Q58671972
13pre-Columbian era (–1492)historical era of the Americas before significant European contact58Q202390101
Σautolist gallery138612211198781042312811467111771261111111332814811111011199211031111282531131711161763394211413761797101227131216566911111810228131114112941151142813761avg.:  5 \ 59
(36 %)

history by topic

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1history of bankingaspect of history14Q16622441
2history of human rightsglobal narrative of civil rights11Q349294121
3history of feminismchronological narrative of the movements and ideologies aimed at equal rights for women32Q229755461
4history of religionsfield of history concerned with the development of religion41Q8467426
5history of educationaspect of history24Q10621944
6history of sciencestudy of the historical development of science and scientific knowledge70Q201486122
7history of arthistory of human creation of works for aesthetic, communicative, or expressive purposes57Q5064181
8history of literaturehistorical development of writings52Q64970445
9history of writinghistory of the human use and development of writing systems36Q13402673
10history of medicinestudy of the development of medicine over time45Q38027491
11history of technologyhistory of the invention of tools and techniques51Q46535292
12history of human sexualityaspect of history8Q1700313141
13legal historyinterdisciplinary science that is both connected to the science of law as well as the science of history34Q6800046
14history of slaveryhistorical aspect23Q129819735
15history of sportstudy of the development of sport over time14Q19366405
16genocides in historyWikimedia list article10Q55334685
17history of architecturefield of history focused on architecture40Q818098571
Σautolist gallery176316951161311115121181279142111310141181127961511414141312131121134121611211892167391591211645479122914311111441023213562avg.:  3 \ 33
(20 %)

history of religion

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1ancient Roman religionform of Indo-European polytheism practised in the Roman civilization53Q3375475
2Chinese folk religiontraditional Han Chinese religious belief systems47Q107427541
3history of Islamaspect of history59Q6423796
4history of Buddhismaspect of history41Q4642004
5history of Christianityhistorical development of Christianity51Q2353298
6history of Hinduismaspect of history35Q11929336
7traditional African religiondiverse beliefs that include various ethnic religions40Q38649892
8Native American religionsthe systems of faith and worship of the Native Americans11Q51623455
9Jewish historyhistory of the Jews, and their nation, religion and culture45Q96160381
Σautolist gallery962197422351181814613792887841575743713831111171313245235124283257371681133248162414181984711119382avg.:  2 \ 42
(26 %)

List by region

  1. history (Q309)
  2. historian (Q201788)
  3. historiography (Q50675)
  4. cultural heritage (Q210272)
  5. historical method (Q1196545)
  6. historical revisionism (Q874803)
  7. linguistics (Q8162)
  8. cultural anthropology (Q28598)
  9. oral history (Q558929)
  10. museum (Q33506)
  11. archaeology (Q23498)
  12. physical anthropology (Q27172)
  13. prehistory (Q11756)
  14. human evolution (Q83944)
  15. by topic history of banking (Q166224)
  16. history of human rights (Q3492941)
  17. history of feminism (Q2297554)
  18. history of religions (Q846742)
  19. history of education (Q1062194)
  20. history of science (Q201486)
  21. history of art (Q50641)
  22. history of literature (Q6497044)
  23. history of writing (Q1340267)
  24. history of medicine (Q380274)
  25. history of technology (Q465352)
  26. history of human sexuality (Q17003131)
  27. legal history (Q680004)
  28. history of slavery (Q12981973)
  29. history of sport (Q1936640)
  30. genocides in history (Q5533468)
  31. history of architecture (Q8180985)
    Mostly universal
  32. Stone Age (Q11759)
  33. Bronze Age (Q11761)
  34. Iron Age (Q11764)
  35. ancient history (Q41493)
  36. classical antiquity (Q486761)
  37. Middle Ages (Q12554)
  38. spice trade (Q1778604)
  39. Age of Discovery (Q133641)
  40. petroleum industry (Q862571)
  41. Atomic Age (Q757669)
  42. World War II (Q362)
  43. decolonization (Q230533)
  44. mutual assured destruction (Q637802)
  45. United Nations (Q1065)
  46. history of the world (Q200325)
  47. Recent African origin of modern humans (Q7478419)
  48. Mali Empire (Q184536)
  49. Scramble for Africa (Q179848)
  50. history of South Africa (Q217184)
  51. history of Ethiopia (Q273595)
  52. history of West Africa (Q5867197)
  53. Traditional African religion (Q386498)
    Middle East
  54. neolithic revolution (Q180548)
  55. Great Pyramid of Giza (Q37200)
  56. Sasanian Empire (Q83891)
  57. Umayyad Caliphate (Q8575586)
  58. history of Afghanistan (Q188872)
  59. history of Iran (Q28926)
  60. history of Islam (Q642379)
  61. Jewish history (Q961603)
    Central Asia
  62. Mongol Empire (Q12557)
  63. Russian Empire (Q34266)
  64. Ottoman Empire (Q12560)
  65. Russian Revolution (Q8729)
    East Asia
  66. Four Great Inventions (Q1349214)
  67. Silk Road (Q36288)
  68. Ming dynasty (Q9903)
  69. Tokugawa Shogunate (Q205662)
  70. history of China (Q82972)
  71. history of Thailand (Q379391)
  72. history of Japan (Q130436)
  73. history of Buddhism (Q464200)
  74. Chinese folk religion (Q1074275)
  75. Alexander the Great (Q8409)
  76. Roman Empire (Q2277)
  77. Viking Age (Q213649)
  78. British Empire (Q8680)
  79. Spanish Empire (Q80702)
  80. Renaissance (Q4692)
  81. Age of Enlightenment (Q12539)
  82. printing press (Q144334)
  83. scientific revolution (Q214078)
  84. liberalism (Q6216)
  85. First Industrial Revolution (Q2269)
  86. French Revolution (Q6534)
  87. Charles Darwin (Q1035)
  88. The Holocaust (Q2763)
  89. history of Europe (Q7787)
  90. religion religion in ancient Rome (Q337547)
  91. history of Christianity (Q235329)
    South Asia
  92. Maurya Empire (Q62943)
  93. Mughal Empire (Q33296)
  94. history of India (Q133136)
  95. history of Hinduism (Q1192933)
  96. Columbian Exchange (Q767253)
  97. Haitian Revolution (Q689128)
  98. Margaret Sanger (Q285514)
  99. pre-Columbian era (Q202390)
  100. Native American religion (Q5162345)
  101. history of Tonga (Q1075000)