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This is the Wiki99 list for important concepts and topics of interest in chemistry.



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Wiki99 list by topic


Orientation to chemistry

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1chemistrybranch of physical science concerned with the composition, structure and properties of matter141Q2329223
2laboratoryfacility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific or technological research, experiments, and measurement may be performed80Q48324272
3experimentscientific procedure carried out to support, refute, or validate a hypothesis79Q10196571
Σautolist gallery332113131333331113313133313333313311223231111113332321312233222123121331111133133213113313331212313333311132332133233321313311323311331113133300avg.:  2 \ 100
(61 %)

Basic concepts

Wikipedia articles
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1atomsmallest unit of a chemical element139Q9121145
2chemical elementspecies of atoms having the same number of protons in the atomic nucleus and the same chemical properties, but not necessarily the same mass, or the same stability (or half-lifetime if they are unstable)127Q11344193
3moleculesmallest possibile amount of a chemical substance123Q11369101
4electronsubatomic particle with negative charge119Q2225231
5protonsubatomic particle with positive charge117Q2294262
6acidchemical compound giving a proton or accepting an electron pair114Q11158101
7atomic numbernumber of protons found in the nucleus of an atom111Q23809102
8neutronnucleon (constituent of the nucleus of the atom) that has neutral electric charge (no charge); symbol n108Q2348343
9thermodynamicsbranch of physics concerned with heat, work, temperature, and thermal or internal energy101Q11473154
10basechemical substance that can react with an acid, accepting hydrogen ions (protons) or more generally, donating a pair of valence electrons101Q1119371
11chemical bondlasting attraction between atoms that enables the formation of chemical compounds94Q4442461
12chemical formulacompact notation for chemical compounds giving element symbols and counts, including empirical formulas, molecular formulas, and condensed formulas88Q8314761
13catalysisprocess of increasing the rate of a chemical reaction78Q82264111
14oxidation numbernumber that describes degree of oxidation of an atom in a chemical compound; the hypothetical charge that an atom would have if all bonds to atoms of different elements were fully ionic73Q48415271
15electron configurationmode of arrangement of electrons in different shells of an atom68Q5385951
16buffer solutionaqueous solution consisting of a mixture of a weak acid and its conjugate base, which resists (to a limited degree) pH change when a strong acid or base is added51Q20846551
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(62 %)

Less basic concepts

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1metalelement, compound, or alloy that is a good conductor of both electricity and heat119Q11426143
2chemical reactionprocess that results in the interconversion of chemical species104Q3653492
3radioactivityprocess by which an unstable atom emits radiation97Q1144893
4saltionic compound composed of cations and anions93Q1237081
5batteryassembly of one or more electrochemical cells, used to provide devices with stored electrical energy96Q267298164
6moleSI unit of amount of substance91Q41509111
7nonmetalchemical elements which tend to localize their valence electrons rather than forming a metallic material86Q1960051
8covalent bondchemical bond that involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms85Q12792041
9organic compoundchemical compound that contains carbon atoms (with a few exceptions traditionally classified as inorganic compounds)85Q1742116
10redoxchemical reaction involving reduction and oxidation of different species81Q8268292
11ionic bondchemical bond involving electron transfer77Q6250051
12Archimedes' principlelaw of physics fundamental to fluid mechanics74Q18140471
13enthalpymeasure of energy in a thermodynamic system; thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the total heat content of a system65Q161064132
14hydrogen bondform of association between an electronegative atom and a hydrogen atom attached to a second, relatively electronegative atom68Q16932431
15ideal gas lawequation of state of a hypothetical ideal gas64Q1917857
16chemical equilibriumstate in which both reactants and products are present in concentrations which have no further tendency to change with time.There are no net changes in the concentrations of the reactant(s) and product(s). Such a state is known as dynamic equilibrium63Q18952051
17History of atomic theoryhistory of scientific theory that views matter as made up of atoms of chemical elements58Q2105535
18exothermic reactionchemical reaction that releases energy by light or heat; opposite of an endothermic reaction56Q20594941
19acid–base reactionchemical reaction52Q3787515
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(49 %)

Tools and techniques

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1spectroscopymeasurement and interpretation of interactions between matter and electromagnetic radiation of varying frequencies76Q483666102
2mortar and pestleequipment consisting of a bowl in which substances are ground using a pestle69Q1834185082
3electrophoresisusing an electrical potential to move material through a defined matrix in order to separate it by its resistance to movement and its charge55Q18509862
4stoichiometrycalculation of relative quantities of reactants and products in chemical reactions56Q2131853
5fractional distillationprocess of separation of a mixture into its component parts by evaporation and recondensation at controlled temperature and pressure47Q84049231
6respiratordevice designed to protect the wearer from inhaling harmful dusts, fumes, vapors, or gases41Q27177961
7gas chromatographytype of chromatography to separate complex mixtures41Q67706531
8laboratory glasswarevariety of equipment, traditionally made of glass, used for scientific experiments and other work in science, especially in chemistry and biology laboratories27Q65770972
Σautolist gallery874813414535872248648766887611157625471287215384115425251728231282878117145273714242783341311718412avg.:  3 \ 52
(32 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1biochemistrystudy of chemical processes in living organisms106Q7094142
2organic chemistrysubdiscipline within chemistry involving the scientific study of carbon-based compounds, hydrocarbons, and their derivatives101Q11351132
3inorganic chemistrystudy of the synthesis and behavior of inorganic and organometallic compounds93Q1116591
4analytical chemistrystudy of the separation, identification, and quantification of the chemical components of materials90Q234683
5physical chemistrystudy of macroscopic, atomic, subatomic, and particulate phenomena in chemical systems in terms of laws and concepts of physics89Q11372102
6chemical engineeringbranch of science that applies physical sciences and life sciences together with applied mathematics and economics to produce, transform, transport, and properly use chemicals, materials and energy75Q83588132
7electrochemistrybranch of chemistry68Q787781
8medicinal chemistryscientific branch of pharmaceutical chemistry47Q24345571
Σautolist gallery887168487568817818747687787888582527513888177581467856724821574267756381678857585281885286868868581281784187781775188669avg.:  4 \ 84
(51 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1hydrogenchemical element with symbol H and atomic number 1137Q556354
2heliumchemical element with symbol He and atomic number 2; rare gas130Q560292
3lithiumchemical element with symbol Li and atomic number 3130Q568343
4berylliumchemical element with symbol Be and atomic number 4125Q569353
5boronchemical element with symbol B and atomic number 5121Q618263
6carbonchemical element with symbol C and atomic number 6; common element of all known life135Q623265
7nitrogenchemical element, symbol N and atomic number 7; most abundant element in Earth atmosphere132Q627233
8oxygenchemical element with symbol O and atomic number 8134Q629294
9fluorinechemical element with symbol F and atomic number 9125Q650313
10neonchemical element with symbol Ne and atomic number 10; rare gas127Q654263
11sodiumchemical element with symbol Na and atomic number 11125Q658283
12magnesiumchemical element, symbol Mg and atomic number 12124Q660283
13aluminummetallic chemical element of silvery appearance with symbol Al and atomic number 13133Q663383
14siliconchemical element with symbol Si and atomic number 14124Q670353
15phosphoruschemical element with symbol P and atomic number 15126Q674243
16sulfurchemical element with symbol S and atomic number 16130Q682233
17chlorinechemical element with symbol Cl and atomic number 17125Q688212
18argonchemical element with symbol Ar and atomic number 18; rare gas119Q696232
19potassiumchemical element with symbol K and atomic number 19124Q703283
20calciumchemical element with symbol Ca and atomic number 20129Q706262
21titaniumchemical element with symbol Ti and atomic number 22118Q716353
22chromiumchemical element with symbol Cr and atomic number 24118Q725353
23manganesechemical element, symbol Mn and atomic number 25119Q731363
24ironchemical element with symbol Fe and atomic number 26137Q677342
25cobaltchemical element with symbol Co and atomic number 27119Q740323
26nickelchemical element with symbol Ni and atomic number 28118Q744312
27copperchemical element with symbol Cu and atomic number 29133Q753372
28zincchemical element with symbol Zn and atomic number 30124Q758314
29arsenicchemical element with symbol As and atomic number 33117Q871352
30silverchemical element with symbol Ag and atomic number 47133Q1090333
31tinchemical element with symbol Sn and atomic number 50127Q1096292
32iodinechemical element with symbol I and atomic number 53118Q1103263
33xenonchemical element with atomic number of 54 and heaviest stable noble gas114Q1106243
34tungstenchemical element with symbol W and atomic number 74112Q743363
35iridiumchemical element with symbol Ir and atomic number 77113Q877203
36platinumchemical element with symbol Pt and atomic number 78114Q880213
37goldchemical element with symbol Au and atomic number 79144Q897394
38mercurychemical element with symbol Hg and atomic number 80126Q925426
39leadchemical element with symbol Pb and atomic number 82124Q708333
40radonchemical element with the atomic number of 86116Q1133214
41uraniumradioactive, metallic element with the atomic number 92123Q1098213
42plutoniumradioactive chemical element with the atomic number of 94 and symbol Pu115Q1102173
Σautolist gallery42424242424216423542354242424242424221424242424242421942424242421742421137422342424220144242242424242384242424264242424238423421642429354241424213421622424228424242424264242422842424224384242374242414242342421414130542294242184042423842424242424242424242424242422525424284242421642405,237avg.:  32 \ 125
(76 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1waterchemical compound whose molecules are formed by two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom154Q283547
2DNAmolecule that encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and many viruses120Q7430185
3carbon dioxidechemical compound112Q1997393
4amino acidorganic compound containing both amino and acidic functional groups, important in biology102Q8066111
5methanesimplest organic molecule with one carbon atom and four hydrogen97Q37129331
6ozonechemical compound95Q36933312
7glucosesimple sugar, or monosaccharide, with the chemical formula C6H12O6; also called dextrose, d-glucopyranose, cerelose, grape sugar, and corn sugar97Q37525111
8benzenehydrocarbon compound consisting of a 6-sided ring84Q2270462
9caffeinechemical compound84Q60235263
10ureathe diamide of carbonic acid79Q48318232
11methanolchemical compound77Q14982441
12sodium chloridechemical compound73Q2314301
13formaldehydechemical compound69Q161210341
14macromoleculemolecule of high relative molecular mass, the structure of which essentially comprises the multiple repetition of units derived, actually or conceptually, from molecules of low relative molecular mass70Q17859351
15monomermolecule that, as a unit, binds chemically or supramolecularly to other molecules to form a supramolecular polymer62Q17882781
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(56 %)



from antiquity

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1alchemyBranch of ancient protoscientific natural philosophy89Q39689143
2philosopher's stonelegendary alchemical substance64Q18205341
3four elementsgroup of four elements into which according to ancient notions any object may be analyzed57Q18852010
4elixir of lifemagical potion33Q9125026
Σautolist gallery4321142212231213213143133434444121314231341423442221241314212111324423241444222431423424431312143243avg.:  1 \ 61
(37 %)

starting after antiquity and before industrialization

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1traditional Chinese medicinealternative medical practice drawn from traditional medicine in China52Q200253122
2timeline of chemical elements discoveriestimeline detailing the discovery of each of the chemical elements27Q11953252
3history of the periodic tablehistory of the periodic table of the elements18Q149160304
4alchemy in the medieval Islamic world14Q41191471
5history of gunpowderaspect of history7Q31372973
6history of cosmeticschemicals on face in society5Q586758231
Σautolist gallery6125113312111231141411322241221112112122122433112131323512113123avg.:  1 \ 21
(13 %)

after industrialization

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1periodic table (1869–)table systematically placing elements based on atomic number and recurrent properties137Q10693245
2petroleumnaturally occurring flammable liquid114Q22656153
3Industrial Revolution (1760–1820)transition to new manufacturing processes in Europe and the United States, in the 18th-19th centuries112Q2269132
4nuclear weaponexplosive device that gets its destructive force from nuclear reactions107Q12802104
5dynamiteexplosive preparation of stabilized nitroglycerin80Q8072881
6Haber-Bosch processArtificial nitrogen fixation process which is the main industrial procedure for the production of ammonia nowadays55Q21366981
7Bessemer processsteel production method41Q33405561
8history of molecular biologyaspect of history12Q8669823
9history of aluminiumaspect of history11Q438844673
Σautolist gallery976349251645771558351835771669563873766374431327772674821657946626842554223554564463547676421167568368222174662257147475361391527667255415283669avg.:  4 \ 74
(46 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Marie Curie ♀ (1867–1934)Polish and French physicist and chemist (1867–1934)123Q7186607
2Louis Pasteur ♂ (1822–1895)French chemist and microbiologist (1822-1895)117Q529456
3Dmitri Mendeleev ♂ (1834–1907)Russian chemist (1834–1907)112Q9106466
4Antoine Lavoisier ♂ (1743–1794)French chemist94Q39607395
5Jabir ibn Hayyan ♂ (721–815)8th-century Islamic alchemist and author78Q167852211
Σautolist gallery timeline5553452425454545535534555554535512525453321335552552514455555145333354151555454452545254531145535455235355554545425454155553155135515524avg.:  3 \ 105
(64 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1pollutionintroduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change99Q58734164
2air pollutionpresence of dangerous substances in the atmosphere86Q131123153
3water pollutioncontamination of water bodies69Q183129112
4radiation syndromehealth problems caused by exposure to very high levels of ionizing radiation45Q27545941
5acid attackform of violent assault38Q154053441
6safety data sheetstandardized data sheet describing a substance or product's hazards and safe handling procedures37Q22206741
7hazardous substancessolids, liquids, or gases that can harm people, other living organisms, property, or the environment32Q75713881
Σautolist gallery7737432145617361357447447617155132732165173116712537321433424611163612133513715613315333367264151717337313111417406avg.:  2 \ 58
(36 %)

Applications and industry

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1fertilizermaterial of natural or synthetic origin (other than liming materials) applied to soils or to plants to supply essential nutrients93Q8332361
2pesticidesubstance used to destroy pests83Q131656111
3miningextraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth81Q44497142
4chemical industrya sector of the economy that manufactures, processes, and sells chemicals58Q20765281
5petroleum industryactivities linked to handling oil products41Q86257191
6pharmaceutical industrydevelops, produces, and markets drugs or pharmaceuticals licensed for use as medications38Q5074437
7food processingtransformation of raw ingredients into food, or of food into other forms35Q62737181
8dyeingprocess of adding color to textile products like fibers, yarns, and fabrics29Q116499191
9papermakingeconomic sector19Q33541591
Σautolist gallery973184425772381612654896697181441126852669213873341291432164153327745284345139367111734257363422528263671441791477avg.:  3 \ 53
(33 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1list of Nobel laureates in ChemistryWikimedia list article45Q75642014
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(28 %)