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Wiki-Green Conference 2023

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Wiki-Green Conference
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The Wiki-Green Conference is an annual event that provides a platform for discourse on the detrimental effects of Climate Change and pollution on the rights and freedoms of Ghanaians. Additionally, the conference explores the potential of utilizing open projects such as Wikimedia projects to raise awareness and identify potential solutions to these pressing issues. The conference serves as an important forum for academics, researchers, and practitioners to deliberate on these critical issues and share knowledge and insights.

This year's Wiki-Green Conference will focus on the theme "Involve to Evolve: The New Climate Paradigm". Building on discussions on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change in previous editions, the conference will now also address loss and damage resulting from inevitable or avoidable climate change impacts. The conference will be held in two locations, Accra for southern Ghana and Tamale for northern Ghana.

The two-day event in Accra will cover a range of topics related to the impact of climate Change. The first day will include discussion on Climate Change, its impact, and solutions. The second day will focus on a workshop with hands-on experience in editing and contributing to Wikimedia projects. Participants will also discuss strategies for promoting Wikimedia and engaging new contributors.

The event in Tamale will focus on the Loss and damage and how the Wikimedia project can be used to communicate about it. It will be followed by a tree planting exercise the next day.

The event is a valuable opportunity for anyone interested in the Climate and Wikimedia space to connect with others, learn new skills, and contribute to the platform's growth.

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Topics in focus:


When addressing the right to a healthy environment, the UN focuses on addressing the Triple Planetary Crises which includes:

  • The importance of environmental justice, climate justice, and human rights centered approaches to local, national, and international action on the climate crisis
  • Human wellbeing in the face of environmental damage caused by pollution, with a focus on the direct impact on other human rights (i.e. pollution and health, right to water, etc)
  • Biodiversity and human rights — understanding how human wellbeing is dependent on a biodiverse natural ecosystem

Partners and Supporting Organizations
