Whose Knowledge?/VisibleWikiWomen/WomenOfColors/de
#WomenOfColors: Celebrating the colors of #VisibleWikiWomen! |
Let’s center the faces and achievements of women of colors, especially black, brown and indigenous women!
This is a mini-campaign to celebrate and increase the images of influential black, brown and indigenous women that are being uploaded to Wikipedia as part of the #VisibleWikiWomen campaign.
Mach mit! du bist eingeladen zu:
- Participate by adding images of important women of colors from across the world within the broader VisibleWikiWomen category on Wikimedia Commons.
- Share your contributions using the hashtags #VisibleWikiWomen #WomenofColors and any others that make sense in your language and local contexts (#Latinxs #DalitWomen #BlackWomen #BrownWomen #Wikiseescolor etc.).
- Get counted! Add your username to our participant Dashboard to Let us know that you have joined the campaign!
If you're a super amigx partner, we invite to also:
- Campaign online, host events (if possible), ask for image donations and promote this effort in whatever ways make sense to you.
- Celebrate the women of colors you have already uploaded to the #VisibleWikiWomen campaign by sharing their image, a little of their story, and adding the hashtags #VisibleWikiWomen #WomenofColors and any others that make sense in your language and local contexts (#Latinxs #DalitWomen #BlackWomen #BrownWomen #Wikiseescolor etc.).
Resources kit
Bilder finden oder erstellen
Bilder hochladen
- Wie man Bilder auf Wikimedia Commons hochläd
- AfroCROWD video tutorial on how to upload images to Wikimedia Commons
- Denke daran, deine Bilder in die Kategorie VisibleWikiWomen_2019 zu kategorisieren, sodass wir sie später finden können!
- Hinzufügen von Bildern zu Wikimedia Commons und Wikipedia: Was man tun soll und was man nicht tun soll
- Giving consent for images on Wikipedia
Bilder, um sie auf sozialen Netzwerken zu benutzen
Remember to use the hashtags: #WomenofColors and #VisibleWikiWomen (adding others you wish).
This is a 10 day mini-campaign from April 22 to May 02.
- Wessen Wissen?
- Black Lunch Table
- Wikimedia Nigeria
- Afrikanische Frauen an Bord
To join our super amigxs and partners for this mini-campaign. Just contact us at visiblewikiwomen@whoseknowldge.org to let us know!
Um als Einzelperson teilzunehmen, kannst du dich hier anmelden, indem du # hinzufügst und klickst