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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Vandal and the translation is 43% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

A vandal is someone reducing the generally perceived quality of articles, usually for fun, or inserting outright nonsense into discussions, erasing articles wholesale, or otherwise disrespecting more effective contributors . This sparks the Wikipedia Vicious Cycle which drives those contributors out.

Başka sınıflandırlamar ile örtüşmek

Trolller vandal olarak nitelendirilip nitelendirilmeyebilirler. Bazı insanlar onların sosyal vandallar olduğunu düşünüyor. Bunlar genelde Wikipedia'nın bir bakım topluluk olduğuna inananlarla aynı insanlar oluyor.

Wiki Spammers are a type of vandal who add unwanted external links to wiki articles in order to promote their websites (or their customer's websites) in search engine rankings. MediaWiki has some Anti-spam Features. In particular, most new MediaWiki installations use the 'rel=nofollow' attribute on all external links, meaning that spamming those wikis is a completely pointless thing to do!

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